Chapter 304: Sooner or Later, You Have to Return the Favor (12)

Lin Mingyang had already said all the words to this point, Martha could not come up with any good countermeasures for a while, except for secretly criticizing Ecks for "not making careful friends" in her heart.

In Martha slightly frowned at the time, to the car pounced on the empty Ecks face depressed return. Masha gently tiptoe to his ear whispered a few words, Eckers face expression changed several times, and finally condensed into a helpless bitter smile, he knows that he is not only on Lin Mingyang's thief ship today, but also was even posed a side, but his wife is beside him, he can not be attacked.

Husband and wife on the other side of the ear whispering exchanges for a few moments, in Eckes arm was Martha hard twisted a number of hand, the two finally reached a consensus on the question of whether to go or not to go.

When Martha agreed to go to the new women's lingerie conference, Eckles was overjoyed, but immediately after Martha's request made him look like an eggplant in the frost, drooping face, carrying a bag snappily followed his wife, and didn't say anything when he walked in front of Lin Mingyang, but just glared at him fiercely.

"Felix, let's go!"

Masha smiled sweetly, her face did not show the slightest hint of the annoyance she felt just now, and looking at the "low brow" look of Ecks behind her, Lin Ming Yang only felt an absurd sense of humor rise in his heart. He took half a step forward, leaned his body towards Masha's side, and asked in a lowered voice: "How did you manage to make Ecks so obedient?"

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Martha's mouth, "You're dying to know?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded sincerely, "I'm going to apply your methods to the management of the company..."

When he thought of Ecks being directed around by his own calls and orders, and having to accompany a smile on his face, Lin Ming Yang's heart was in a dark mood.

Masha sighed in mock regret, "Unfortunately, you definitely won't be able to use this method!"

"How is that possible?" Her saying this made Lin Ming Yang a little anxious, "As long as it works, I can adopt any kind of method!"

Martha hooked her finger towards Lin Ming Yang, signaling him to lean his head over some more. Lin Ming Yang somewhat hesitantly glanced at Ecks behind her, the other party actually had a gloating expression on his face.

Lin Ming Yang was wondering how this jealous man, Ecks, had suddenly changed his temper, when a light reply from Martha floated into his ears, causing him to immediately have an urge to hit the wall.

"'s a secret!"


In the minds of many American soccer fans, the 1999 U.S. Super Bowl Pro was the most memorable. During the halftime of the game, a lingerie vendor webcast their minimally clothed models catwalking on the track, which ignited a webcasting disaster - 1.5 million people flocked to the Internet to catch a glimpse of the beautiful women, and conversely, the Internet provider that took on the live broadcast of the game didn't have enough capacity to handle the thousands of The live streaming of the Super Bowl was impacted by the lack of capacity of the network provider that hosted the game to handle the thousands of Internet users.

Who was it that was so charismatic as to influence the live streaming of the Super Bowl, America's number one sporting event? The lingerie company that pushed the boundaries is Victoria's Secret, the most famous lingerie and ready-to-wear brand in the United States. The previous Lin Ming Yang still somewhat refused to believe that the influence of Victoria's Secret was so great, but after witnessing the crowd outside the runway venue of Victoria's Secret's 09th Annual Fashion Lingerie Show, he had to admit that there was no upper limit to the attraction of beautiful women!

"Finding a model to act as a model, such a simple reasoning that I actually didn't see...I really don't know if this should be described as me being too stupid or you being too smart?" Ecks, who had been inseparable from his wife, suddenly appeared behind Lin Ming Yang and without warning opened his mouth to startle Lin Ming Yang.

"Where's Martha?" Lin Ming Yang smiled wistfully at Ecks, "Don't tell me you lost her!"

"This doesn't need you to worry about!" Ecks had an indifferent expression on his face, "She's in the car fixing her makeup, she'll be here soon."

"I actually tried to consider just sneaking over here without informing Martha, just the two of us... but considering your 'happiness', I ended up giving up on that wonderful idea!"

Lin Ming Yang this is which pot not to mention which pot, Ecks hated his teeth in his heart, but on the surface he had to pretend to be full of concern, he did not want Lin Ming Yang to look at his own jokes. If Lin Ming Yang knew that Masha didn't allow Ecks' eyes to stay on a model for more than 3 seconds in a normal runway show, this guy would definitely laugh his ass off.

"There are quite a few media present today, you'd better prepare how to deal with the reporters' questions later!" Ecks kindly advised.

Following Ecks' words, Lin Ming Yang raised his eyes and looked over, he roughly estimated that the number of media on the periphery of the venue alone was no less than the scene of the Oscars, if he was really discovered by the reporters, it was possible that what kind of lace news would be rumored in tomorrow's newspapers.

Although Lin Ming Yang had enough justifiable excuses, but this trip is the king of low profile, after careful observation he found that the situation on the scene is not as bad as he thought at the beginning, at least at this time most of the media reporter's attention is focused on interviews with today's models involved in the show, for the audience did not have too much attention to the audience.

Lin Mingyang, who was secretly happy, was about to sneak into the venue by sneaking through the crowd, but the well-dressed Martha appeared on the audience entrance channel on the arm of Eckles, which immediately attracted the attention of some sharp-eyed journalists. MGM's president with his wife appeared on the scene of the new lingerie show, a little bit of brains of the reporter are clear that the sensationality of this news is definitely more than the interview to a popular beauty angel.

As a reporter which is not the eyes and ears in all directions of the human elite, the audience entrance has a different movement, waiting in the model entrance channel door of the reporter immediately there are a lot of people to shift position. Grabbing the front of the reporter just handed the microphone to the front of the Eckles, has not had time to ask questions, Eckles immediately turned around from the back will be ready to escape Lin Mingyang pulled out.

This class of reporters were immediately dumbfounded, originally it was Eckles who appeared here and it was already considered a heavy entertainment news, I didn't expect that there was actually a big fish at the back, as soon as Lin Ming Yang showed up, all the reporters immediately turned their cameras and surrounded him.

Ecks took the opportunity to pull Martha and quickly squeeze into the flow of people entering, leaving Lin Ming Yang alone and dumbfounded surrounded by reporters in the center. He simply did not think that Eckles would pull him out as a shield, in the sad acceptance of reality at the same time, Lin Mingyang heart can not help but lament, this out of the mix, sooner or later is to return.

This account Lin Ming Yang is prepared to leave until later to calculate, right now he had to concentrate on dealing with the surrounding reporters. As the chairman of the board of directors of MGM Studios, Hollywood's well-known power figures, and is a highly sought-after popular movie star, in front of the public Lin Mingyang more or less to consider the personal image, very personalized refused to interviews, leaving with their hands on today's occasions is obviously not appropriate.

Lin Ming Yang pushed the reporter who was crowding beside him outward, and because of the noisy voice on the scene, he had to raise his voice and said loudly: "Don't crowd, I can accept your interviews today... well, now please step back a little bit, I don't want to be the first one to be suffocated by the reporter's surroundings! ...This gentleman, the lens of your camera is almost on my face, I don't have lipstick marks on my face, so please move back a little bit...And you, the microphone is so far forward, are you preparing to shove it into my mouth?"

He desperately wanted to stabilize the situation at the scene, but there were more and more reporters on the sidelines, everyone wanted to squeeze forward, the scene instead became more and more chaotic, knowing that the organizers had touched their bodyguards on hearing the news, only then did Lin Mingyang separate a certain amount of space from the surrounding reporters.

Tidying up the lapel of his shirt that was squeezed and messed up, the palpitating Lin Ming Yang was suddenly a little afraid of this crazy entertainment reporter in front of him, "The conference inside is going to start very soon, and I don't want to miss the wonderful opening ceremony, you all know my character's temperament, so please try to ask questions that I might answer, and don't expect that I'm going to waste my time to answer those stupid questions! "

As soon as he finished his words, a reporter from a local TV station in New York immediately passed the microphone in front of him, "Mr. Felix, you've specially traveled from Los Angeles to New York to participate in the new launch of the new product of Vermi, is this trip impromptu or is it for another purpose?"

"Thank goodness, you finally didn't ask me if I'm a loyal user of the Vermi brand!" Lin Ming Yang's joke drew a burst of laughter from the people around him, and in the midst of the laughter he continued, "You guys just saw Ecks, he's the one who's seriously accompanying his wife to watch the runway show, and I'm actually here to find someone!"

Lin Ming Yang spoke very subtly, but there were still some reporters who immediately reacted. The smart reporters immediately thought of the possibility that Lin Ming Yang was preparing a new movie that hadn't yet released any information at this time, and that he was here today to cast for the movie.

This speculation makes the surrounding reporters excited, and Lin Mingyang cooperation actress, regardless of body appearance will be acting reputation, none of the top of the existence of Hollywood, and over time we are accustomed to think, all with Lin Mingyang cooperation actress, even if there is no previous fame, but also to take the opportunity to cooperate with the rapid rise to fame.

Lin Mingyang appeared in the scene of the new launch of the Vimy already let the media daydreaming, and then he took the initiative to break such a heavy news, the media journalists in the heart of the gossip fire immediately burned up, we are very concerned about, in the end, who can become the lucky child today.

"I also very much hope that today's runway show can give me an unexpected surprise, so that I don't have to run to another place."

Lin Mingyang hastily ended this interview after uttering some vague conclusions. He had gotten it just right regarding the media's mentality, and anyway, the more mysterious his attitude was, the more curious everyone would be. Before the choice of the movie's female lead was decided, the fame had already been heated up by the media, and no matter who the final winner was, it would be a great benefit.