Chapter 305 The Angels (22)

The news of Lin Mingyang's appearance at the new lingerie show of Veep's summer season was quickly spread online, and in the backstage dressing room, a certain model who was surfing the internet on her cell phone was the first to discover the news. After her eyes hurriedly skimmed over the news headlines on her phone's screen, she held her breath, forced herself to look up, glanced towards the people around her, and then with a furtive expression quietly put away her phone, stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

After hiding inside and secretly watching the entire news, on the way back, this model had been secretly calculating in her mind how she should behave on stage later to catch Lin Ming Yang's attention. Unfortunately, when she walked into the dressing room, the thing that disappointed her greatly still happened, a model with big boobs actually announced the news in public after receiving a text message notification from her agent, and for a while the expressions of everyone in the dressing room became very strange.

Only a small number of people took out their cell phones as if they were waking up from a dream and impatiently went online to confirm the news, more people had indifference and sneers written all over their faces, obviously they had all received the news in advance, just that no one had singled out this matter.

There was never a lack of secret rivalries between models, and the first reaction of most of them after receiving the news was to hide it from the others, and fight themselves at the front desk to try to get someone to look at them in a different light. All the people who were informed of this news in advance hated that "talkative" model. The news that Lin Ming Yang was going to select actresses for the runway show was no longer a secret, and everyone was prepared for it, so the secret fight escalated into an open one.

All the models' make-up artists started to get busy again, as their employers either demanded higher make-up or were not satisfied with their existing hairstyles. Everyone likes to get a stunning or eye-catching look, and with the outfits fixed for just a few minutes on the runway, everyone has been trying to think of details outside of the outfits in order to get more attention.

In contrast, a few of the Victoria's Angels who are the face of the brand are not as eager as the average model. They, like Daniela Pastova, Leticia Casta, Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks, are supermodels who have been famous in the fashion industry for a long time, taking the highest salary in the modeling industry, enjoying treatment like stars in the outside world, and naturally are not as eager as their models for the opportunity to act in movie roles.

If it was a slightly more famous director who came to the scene to scout for actresses, I'm afraid it would be difficult for these high spirited angels to show enough interest, but with Lin Ming Yang himself, the situation became very different.

All the models who participated in this new lingerie show, including a few angels, knew very well that once Lin Mingyang was interested in them, as long as they could show their faces in the movie, basically the doors of the Hollywood film and television circle would be open to them; and as the female lead in the movie, it was almost the same as stepping halfway into the ranks of Hollywood's first-tier movie stars. In the fashion world, top models are not comparable to top actors in terms of income and status, so it is difficult for anyone to resist the temptation of fame.

From the high minded and proud Vermi Angels to the ordinary contracted models, all of them were confused by Lin Ming Yang's "unexpected" appearance, and many of them forgot the fundamental purpose of the show, and focused more on how to attract the attention of the big shot under the stage. Among all the models backstage who were ready to go on stage, only one of them was still in a state of ignorance about this matter.

As a Victoria's Secret supermodel, Rosie also has a separate dressing room, and this British model who grew up on a farm in the countryside had not received any notice until now, and was unaware that someone who could change her fate was sitting in the audience at the front stage.

The main reason for this result was that Rosie's agent was not at the conference site at the moment, and Rosie was oblivious to what was happening outside. At the moment, she was squinting her eyes and beaming, staring blankly into the mirror.

When she was a child, Rosie was not outstanding, not even close to sexy, her breasts were not big, but her lips were very thick, she was often teased at school, and was called "salmon mouth", very few boys wanted to go out with her, and because of the jealousy that was common in the campus, Rosie was once threatened by a group of girls, and her school life was just like the plot of the movie "Mean Girls" by Lindsay Lohan. Mean Girls movie, where there's always a group of girls who call her names in the restroom and say they'll punch her in the mouth.

Before she became famous, Rosie had a lot of these "grounded" moments in her life: as a child, her toys were bicycles and horses on a farm, and her first job was as a cleaning lady's maid, which isn't as sexy as it sounds today. She had to clean the house, do the dishes, take bread crumbs for lunch, and live like Cinderella.

From farm girl to fashion model, Rosie's life transformation was like a magnificent drama. She started modeling for Levi's at the age of 16, became a lingerie model for the famous Victoria's Secret at the age of 19, and then at the age of 21, she was glimpsed by one of the top ten fashion designers in the world, Christopher Bailey, and thus entered the fashion world and became a model for the luxury brand, Burberry, and her life started to have a halo: Model of the Year, luxury brands, magazine covers...the favorites just keep on coming.

Her youthful fame made Rosie realize at an early age that the hierarchies, strong terms, and inflated egos of the world ... did not affect this farm-raised girl's perception of herself, and that she knew where she had come from and where she was going.

After half a day of gawking at herself in the mirror, Roxie touched a lady's cigarette from her bag, and after lighting it, she only choked on it after a few puffs, so she had to hold it in her hand. Modeling this industry on the surface of the scenery unlimited, but behind the pressure is not the average person can withstand, so smoking to relieve pressure is no longer the patent of men.

Roxie carry handbag has been often prepared with a box of cigarettes, but she herself has never really learned to smoke, looking at the burning smoke rising, but also in the dressing room she often used to kill the boredom of a way of time.

When the cigarettes in her hand were half burned out, the backstage staff notified Roxie through the door that after ten minutes it would be her solo show, and she could prepare for her appearance at this time.

Screwing out the half-burnt cigarette in her hand into a used-up makeup case, Roxie stood up and let out a long, deep breath at her slender, sexy figure in the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Draped on the body of the bathrobe from the shoulders slowly slipped to the ground, black underwear, long legs and breasts, hidden perfect lines, hot to let people blood curved devil body, as well as slightly lazy and cold as ice frost eyes and face in the mirror one by one, reflecting each other to outline a nearly perfect absolute special thing.

Spreading her arms in a circle, Roxie nodded at the mirror to her own satisfaction, which was her habit before every runway show. After looking into the mirror again to confirm that there was nothing wrong, Roxie pushed open the door as usual and walked out of the dressing room with confidence.


After being "pestered" by reporters at the door for a while, when Lin Mingyang walked into the launch site, the front and back of both sides of the catwalk were basically full, and his appearance immediately caused a small commotion in the audience.

Raising his eyes, Lin Mingyang did not immediately find his seat, standing in the doorway surrounded by the crowd, which more or less let Lin Mingyang some slight embarrassment. Fortunately, this situation did not last too long, the front row on the left side of the catwalk suddenly had a person stand up and waved straight at him.

Even though he couldn't see his face, the tall and thin figure of that guy definitely didn't belong to Ecks, and after a little hesitation, Lin Ming Yang decided to walk over to see what the situation was like.

Lin Ming Yang couldn't see the man's face, but Ecks, who was sitting nearby, could see it clearly. He was sure that he was right, stood up and waved to Lin Mingyang is clearly in Hollywood known as "explosion maniac" director Michael Bay. Seeing this guy also come to join in the fun, Eckles did not feel a little stunned.

At the time when Eckles was slightly stunned, Lin Ming Yang has already quickly walked to the front, actually encountered an old acquaintance here, Lin Ming Yang also feel a little incredible.

First shook hands, followed by a bear hug, after all this, Lin Mingyang sat down in the empty seat next to Michael Bay, those who followed him closely to the attention of the eyes at this time finally reluctantly withdrew.

Taking advantage of the fact that the conference had not yet begun, Lin Mingyang and Michael Bay chatted in a whisper.

"I really didn't expect to be able to meet you here!"

Lin Mingyang's slightly flirtatious words carried an undisguised surprise.

Michael Bay laughed heartily, "It seems like I should be the one to say that...besides movies, I also take on some commercials, and the advertisement cooperation between me and 'Victoria's Secret' has been going on for many years, don't tell me you're hearing about this for the first time?"

"No wonder your heroines in every movie are all hot and sexy beauties, so that's where you got the inspiration from!"

Lin Mingyang nodded his head in realization, he so wasn't joking about the other party. Many people only know that Michael Bay's movies are best at stimulating people's senses with all the explosion scenes and dazzling sparks. He loves to shoot from a low angle, using the panicked but still handsome and beautiful faces to tell everyone how thrilling and unbelievable the scene in front of them is.

Unbeknownst to him, the "powerful director" who loves explosions and manly scenes is actually a good eye for hot girls, and there is no shortage of hot biker girls in his movies that make people's noses bleed.

Whether it's the "Transformers girl" Megan Fox, the sexy Scarlett Johansson in "Escape from Clone Island", Liv Tyler, the embodiment of elfin goodness in "The Greatest Hijacking", or Tia Leoni and the Black Pearl Gabrielle Union in the early films of the "Jedi" series.... Even Isabel Lucas, the unknown "snake droid" in Transformers 2, has a sexy capital that makes her stand out.

Sexy hot body, agile and athletic hands, cold face or vicious heart, all of these are enough to make the audience for Michael Bay's movie beauty hot girl unforgettable... Until today Lin Mingyang suddenly understand, the original Michael Bay's "fiery eyes" is so practiced.