Chapter 307 - Earned a Kiss (12)

"Hey, miss, are you okay?"

Lin Mingyang held onto Roxie's fragrant shoulder and gently shook it, seeing that the other party didn't half react, his head became not normally big. If it was a normal day, he definitely wouldn't have refused this fragrant experience of embracing a beautiful person, but with thousands of eyes staring straight at him at the scene, the feeling was simply like an awn on his back.

Even Lin Mingyang felt uncomfortable, and the situation of Luo Xi lying in his arms was naturally no better.

For a model, breaking your foot and falling down during a runway show is definitely the worst experience. The moment she fell off the stage, Rosie's tears of despair had even begun to swirl in her eyes, not only did she mess up her own runway show, but she might also be subjected to some people's cynicism when she returned to the backstage. But when Roxie opened her eyes again, she realized that she was actually lying in the arms of the famous Felix Lin in Hollywood... From hell to heaven, Roxie suddenly developed a kind of unrealistic dreamy feeling.

She stared blankly at Lin Mingyang's handsome face as an anxious expression flashed across it, but Rosie didn't listen to a single word of what he said to her. The only question that came to her mind was, how did Lin Ming Yang appear here?

A flash of blinding light on the stage caused Roxie to snap out of it, and she immediately realized a serious problem. Lin Ming Yang had one hand on her slender waist and one hand on her arched buttocks, such a posture seemed too ambiguous in any way. Rao Xi was used to seeing all kinds of scenes on the runway, but at this moment, her cheeks could not help but fly up with two blushes.

At the time of giving a helping hand, Lin Mingyang absolutely did not think to stand Luo Xi's cheap, when he caught Luo Xi's body is now this action, in full view of the public, his hand simply did not move.

Seeing that Luo Xi's complexion regained its clarity, Lin Ming Yang let out a long sigh of relief in his heart, and said stiffly, "That... I'll help you stand up!"

After a moment of blushing, Luo Xi finally managed to nod her head. Lin Mingyang carefully helped her stand up, making sure that her foot wasn't sprained before he let go of her hand fondly. It was only at this time that he finally had the heart to reminisce about the erotic episode in the rescue just now, and he couldn't help but feel some small regret in his heart.

After all, it is a famous model with many years of runway experience, Rosy only used a deep breath of time to adjust her emotions.The accompanying music on the runway has not yet ended, and she does not intend to directly return to the backstage. From where she fell down, from where she stood up, this is a necessary quality of a model, but Rosy wants to continue to walk the show at the moment, the biggest problem in front of her in what way to return to the T stage.

Half a meter high stage in normal times is nothing, but at this time for the body only wearing underwear for the Luo Xi is really an insurmountable height, if she climbed up in a mess, then the show is a complete failure. After the matter spreads out, it will surely become the laughing stock of the whole fashion world.

In a moment of desperation, Roxie thought of Lin Mingyang, who had just helped her once, and a bold idea suddenly popped up in her heart. Gritting her teeth, Luo Xi finally decided to take a gamble, she turned around with a smile and walked to Lin Ming Yang who had just sat down. At this moment, she was like a weak and helpless little girl, blinking pitifully at Lin Ming Yang, her pretty face full of shyness made people feel pity.

In the face of other people's envy is not enough to come to the blessing, Lin Ming Yang only feel a burst of scalp numb, he hesitated for a moment, but finally threw the other party a solicitous look.

Roxie frowned, and with a face full of embarrassment, she pointed to the half-meter high catwalk behind her. Lin Ming Yang's smile immediately froze on his face, Luo Xi's request gave him a headache, to help or not to help, this question in his mind began a fierce heavenly battle.

At the moment of beauty, Lin Mingyang finally lost to himself, the moment he stood up again, he obviously felt all the eyes on the scene brushed and re-collected on himself again. At this point he had already regretted the choice and could only walk forward with a hard head.

Michael Bay looked at Lin Ming Yang who got up and went away with a stunned look, his eyes were full of doubts, not only him, all the people at the scene were guessing at this time, what exactly did Lin Ming Yang want to do?

In the next second, Lin Ming Yang did something that left everyone dumbfounded, he actually picked up Rosie!

In the audience, those who were holding their glasses were holding their glasses, those who were rubbing their eyes were rubbing their eyes, just about no one was willing to believe that this was real, yet this scene was incredibly real and played out in front of everyone's eyes, stabbing everyone's eyes blind. The scene was cold and silent, even the singer in the center of the stage who was singing enthusiastically forgot to keep up with the beat of the accompaniment because he was too surprised.

Time seemed to have come to a complete standstill at this moment, everyone around them was motionless, and even their expressions began to stiffen, except for Lin Ming Yang, who picked up Roxie without any interruption and gently sent the other party onto the stage.

Roxie's heartbeat at this moment was much faster than her first time walking on stage, her cheeks were slightly burning, and she just felt her entire body gently floating, but unfortunately this floating feeling didn't last too long, her feet soon hit solid ground, and along with it, her fluttering mind was also pulled back to reality.

The audience who reacted quickly could already see that Lin Ming Yang was being a very gentlemanly helper, someone led the applause, and the people around them reacted, followed by the clamor of "Kiss!" and "Give him a kiss!" The voices were rising and falling, Lin Ming Yang did not expect to be able to get a honey kiss in the kudos, he let go of Roxie was about to draw back, but he did not expect the bold Roxie to agree to the request of the audience at the scene.

In the case of Lin Ming Yang unprepared, crouched down Rosie sexy red lips have been reflected in his cheeks, this kiss like a dragonfly skimming, Lin Ming Yang has not yet reacted, Rosie has already in the audience's screams stood up, at this moment, she has re-transformed back into that confident supermodel, head held high with a graceful stride toward the front.

The singer at the center of the stage regained the beat, and the whole show returned to normal. But after that wonderful episode just now, although the models who came out later were all shiny and sexy, the audience's reaction was not as enthusiastic as before.

From Rosie's fall to her return to the runway, this unexpected episode took less than two minutes, but all the witnesses felt as if two hours had passed. Lin Ming Yang returned to his seat with the bright red lipstick on his face with some tears and laughter, the eyes of the surrounding men looking at him had turned into reverence, what Lin Ming Yang had done today had subverted everyone's imagination.

The reporters at the scene had already blatantly aimed their camera lenses at Lin Ming Yang, but at this time Lin Ming Yang had no time to pay attention to this group of guys who were stealing the photos, he used his finger to gently scratch on his cheek, the bright red lipstick on his fingertip made him embarrassed.

Not being able to enjoy the other sexy models that were out, Lin Ming Yang flew into the restroom, and with a lot of effort in the mirror, he was able to wash the lipstick off his face.

For Lin Ming Yang, this was not the first time he was attacked by a beautiful woman, but Rosie's sexiness was different, with a lolicon appearance, but with the teasing and desire of a royalty.

"Very elastic, nice touch!"

This was the conclusion Lin Ming Yang finally came to, and at this moment, he had already classified Roxie into the shortlist for the female lead in Fatal Curve, Alisa.

And at this time, Roxie didn't realize that Lady Luck had already descended on her, and the fact that she didn't sprain her foot from the fall had already made her feel lucky. When she returned to the backstage at the end of the show, Roxie obviously felt that the other models were looking at her with strange eyes, and some of them even had a hidden hostility in their eyes. However, Rosy didn't care about this, after the show she immediately locked herself in the dressing room, and was secretly happy by herself.

Everything that happened on the runway today was like a dream, and Roxie, who was so happy in the mirror, patted her face vigorously to make sure that it was all true. Recalling the feeling of being held in Lin Mingyang's arms twice, Luo Xi only felt a burst of heat in her chest and her heartbeat began to accelerate.

A familiar knock on the door interrupted her mind full of reverie, not waiting for Roxie to respond, the door of the dressing room was gently pushed open, Roxie's best friend's Tia closed the door quickly as soon as she entered.

Tia is a model from Scotland, one year older than Rosie, as one of the few close friends in the circle, and the same is the contracted model under the banner of Vimy, the two have always been very close, but the interaction with each other is limited to private life. This is the first time that Tia ran over during working hours to "visit the door", Rosie who is full of doubts has not yet opened her mouth, and Tia, who is the anti-client, asked first:

"Rosie, your performance today is really great! Quickly tell me, how did you come up with this idea?"

"Just this?" Rosie was slightly stunned, she interpreted Tia's question as how she had come up with the idea of asking Lin Mingyang for help at that moment, and didn't hide it too much at that moment.

"Because I didn't know anyone around me at the time, and Mr. Felix just happened to help me once, so..." said Roxie, suddenly squirming a little in embarrassment, "Do you think I'm a very frivolous woman? "

"Flirty?" Tia's face was full of incredulity, her eyes wide, "You know what an amazing thing you've done... Honestly I really admire your courage... How did you think Felix Lin would catch you so promptly when you pretended to fall?"

"Faked a fall?" Rosie's head buzzed and her whole body was confused.

Seeing that there was something wrong with Rosie's reaction, Tia's expression suddenly became odd.

"Could it be that the accident on the catwalk just now wasn't something you intentionally arranged?"