Chapter 308: Collecting Some Interest (22)

"It's not like I'm crazy, why would I intentionally fall down and make a fool of myself?" Rosie was thoroughly confused by Bethea this time.

"Felix Lin ah!" Tia was starting to get a little anxious, and even though Rosie's expression made her wonder a little about her earlier judgment, she couldn't believe how this was an accident that hadn't been rehearsed.

"Didn't you do that to get Felix Lin's attention?"

"Tia!" Rosie's glanced at her in mortification, "Am I really that frivolous and unpleasant in your eyes?"

Rosie's fierce reaction caused Tia to start muttering in her heart, "Could this really be an accident...but it's too much of a coincidence, isn't it?"

"Believe it or not, it's up to you!" Rosie twisted her head away, not bothering to explain any further.

Seeing Roxie start to get upset, Tia's side immediately softened her attitude, "Alright, was an accident, I believe what you said, alright!"

"No matter what you think, what I said is the truth." Rosie's attitude remained strong, and Tia then realized that she had made a serious mistake in handling this matter.

With such an outcome, Tia was also a bit caught off guard, and she hurriedly explained, "I'm not doubting you, it's just that a lot of people outside are talking about this matter..."

"They all think I'm deliberately seducing Felix Lin?" Roxie hummed contemptuously, "There's a lot of gossiping going on in the circle, could it be that you believe their bullshit so easily?"

Tia wanted to say that it wasn't her hearsay that led her to this conclusion, she had clearly seen everything that had happened at the front desk, and to be honest, she herself was inclined to think that it was one of Rosie's premeditated "accidents". But looking at Rosie's uncertain face, she finally chose to speak in her mouth.

Rosie's good mood Bettia so disturbed, suddenly a little disappointed, she does not care about other people's malicious injuries, but even their best friends are so questioning their own, which makes her feel very sad.

"Tia, if you don't have anything else, I want to be alone!"

Roxie politely gave her expulsion order, Tia couldn't say anything more, she walked out of Roxie's dressing room with a depressed face, in her heart she couldn't figure out how she had obviously come to congratulate Roxie, how did it turn out to be like this?

Tia can not understand things, Rosie is also in the room agonizing. Rosy knows that Tia this time over the "visit" should not have any malicious intent, but why should she be so suspicious of herself, is it really doing something wrong?

Associated with his return to the backstage when the other models on the face of the strange expression, Rosy always feel that he seems to be missing something very important, but the brain is a mess of hemp, how can not sort out a clue.


When he came back from the restroom, Lin Ming Yang could no longer find any trace of the bright red lipstick on his face. The reporter who had just snapped a picture of his face with the lipstick was overjoyed, and this picture was definitely a sensational piece of entertainment news, while those reporters who were slow to act had their feet hanging down and their intestines were green with remorse.

When he came back, Lin Mingyang as if nothing had happened, his attention was quickly attracted by the brilliant modeling performance on the stage, while Michael Bay sitting next to him was not so relaxed. His legs began to frequently change sitting positions, and his buttocks constantly moved position, and although his expression didn't change, a closer look could still see the agitation in his eyes.

Seeing an opportunity when the reporters' cameras were all pointed towards the catwalk, Michael Bay tilted his head over and asked in a low voice in Lin Ming Yang's ear, "Do you know what the probability is for a model to fall on the catwalk?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head with a slight curiosity in his tone, "There are still people who specialize in statistics on this?"

"Of course!" Michael Bay nodded without hesitation, "Generally speaking, a professionally trained model will only make a mistake roughly once in a thousand catwalks, and the chances of those more famous models making a mistake are even lower!"

Lin Ming Yang smiled as if mocking himself, "So I'm not too lucky?"

The hidden subtext in his words was revealed by Lin Ming Yang, and Michael Bay didn't see an embarrassed expression on his face, "Lingerie models all have a high mental quality, so it's reasonable to say that the possibility of making a mistake is the lowest... To make them make a mistake on the runway, you're probably the only one who has that kind of charisma!"

Michael Bay heatedly laughed dryly and stopped talking. Although he couldn't figure out whether the last sentence in his words was considered a compliment or sarcasm, these words were also considered a not-so-small reminder to Lin Ming Yang that the purpose of his trip, I'm afraid, had already leaked out.


Just as Lin Mingyang and Michael Bay were "whispering", Rosie in the backstage dressing room was still obsessing about Tia and other people's unusual behavior. At this time, the cell phone in her bag suddenly rang.

Once she looked at the number, the expression on Roxie's face became more and more puzzled. The phone call was from her agent, according to the time difference conversion, this time in the UK should be exactly in the early hours of the morning, the other party called herself in the middle of the night without sleeping, the situation became a little weird.

After holding the cell phone and playing with it for a moment, Roxie finally pressed the answer button.

"Rosie, is that you?"

Roxie's brows knitted lightly, her current mood was terrible, and even the tone of her voice when she spoke to her agent took on some emotion.

"What's so important about calling so late?"

"I have something very urgent to inform you, hopefully it's not too late..." the agent's voice broke on the phone, Roxie even heard the "clicking" sound of him hitting the keyboard and clicking the mouse.

"Don't ask anything right now, and when it's your turn to go out on stage make sure you're in top could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you!"

Rosie bit her lip, "But I just got off the front stage..."

"What?" The agent exclaimed over the phone, "Your show is already over...crap, I got the time wrong!"

Rosie was confused by his flurry of actions, "What exactly do you want to talk to me about?"

"It's Felix Lim, he's sitting on stage today!" The agent explained with some exasperation.

"I know this!" Roxie hesitated for a moment, but in the end, she didn't immediately tell her agent about that accident that happened on the runway, "He was sitting in the first row, and I..."

"So did he stare at you in particular?" Without waiting for Roxie to finish her sentence, the agent interrupted her in a hurry, compared to Roxie's performance on the runway, he was now more concerned about Lin Ming Yang's reaction at that time.

Luo Xi blushed, "Why are you asking this?"

"According to reliable sources, Felix Lin didn't come to see a beautiful woman this time, he's looking for a female lead for his new movie!"

The agent's words flashed through Rosie's ears like thunder, and she froze at once. Tia's suspicions, all the strange expressions of the other models...all the doubts all found their answers in a blink of an eye. Other people had gone to great lengths to get Lin Mingyang's attention, but they had crossed paths with him in a way that could only be explained by coincidence. In the eyes of others, this so-called accident had also become a carefully planned throw-in by Roxie.

Later, the agent said something on the phone, Luo Xi did not listen to a word, although she found the crux of the problem, but her mind is still messy, she is not even clear whether this encounter is good or bad for herself.

The call had ended a long time ago, but Rosie was still holding the phone frozen, at this point she really needed someone to help her sort through the whole thing, flipping through the phone's business card holder, her eyes eventually landed on the string of numbers below Tia's avatar.

A few minutes later, Tia walked into Rosie's dressing room once more, and her mouth dropped open in surprise when she heard Rosie's entire account. If it wasn't for Rosie's personal admission, she would never have believed that there could actually be such a coincidental accident in the world.

"Tia, with so many reporters at the scene, this matter will definitely spread...what do you think I should do?" Rosie was completely out of ideas in her head at this point, and could only turn to her best friend for help.

"If you don't want to just be a model for the rest of your life, then this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Enviously, Tia began to portray to Roxie extremely well what she imagined the possible outcome would be.

"It's hard to say that by this time Felix Lin has already started inquiring for your phone number, and within a few days you'll be notified that an actor is vacant for such-and-such a role, and you'll be told to go over and audition right away, and the doors of Hollywood will be open to you from now on!"

"But I don't have any acting experience...will he really pick me?" As soon as Rosie began to seriously consider Tia's offer, the farm girl's origins immediately became a bit of a problem.

Tia didn't have a clue either, she had started out purely following along, and now that Rosie was looking at her with bated breath, she had lost her mind instead.

Rosie put her hands together against her eyebrows, her expression looked incredibly tangled, "What exactly should I do?"

"There is actually another possibility!" Tia had a bright idea, "Today on the runway, so many reporters on the scene witnessed Felix Lin holding you in his arms twice, it's certain that tomorrow your name will definitely appear in the newspaper, and in the capacity of Felix Lin's rumored girlfriend!"

Roxie said bitterly, "This is my biggest worry, we don't even have that relationship between us, how am I going to explain it to others at that time?"

"Why should I explain?" Tia began to give Rosie ideas at this time, "You don't need to explain anything at all, when there are media inquiries, you can neither admit nor deny it, have an ambiguous attitude and let those reporters go ahead and make blind guesses to their heart's content...when things come to a head, you can then come out and explain, and the whole thing will be OK! "

Roxie was still a little worried, "Isn't it a little bit not so good to use gossip to hype in this way?"

"Which star nowadays doesn't rely on gossip to hype up their fame?" Tia waved her hand uncaringly, "Felix Lin acted so ambiguously with you in front of so many people today, that guy is a famous playboy in Hollywood, the cheapness can't be taken up by him for nothing, this time, it's just as if it's a bit of interest!"