Chapter 309 - Strange Emails

The official high-definition video recorded by "Victoria's Secret" cut out the wonderful episode where Lin Mingyang hugged supermodel Rosie twice, but the cut video was uploaded to YouTube, and the number of hits on the same day exceeded more than two million. With the media's overwhelming coverage, Lin Mingyang and Luo Xi's relationship escalated all the way from the initial speculation of "love at first sight" to the rumor of "first love couple", and finally the "underground lover" story spread like wildfire. The rumor of "underground lover" has been circulating for a long time.

Unfortunately, the two protagonists of this "embrace door" scandal, Lin Mingyang media pressure on the interview, Luo Xi is frequently appear, but every time a reporter mentioned the relevant issues, her answer is always ambiguous.

The media this time is trying hard to Lin Mingyang's private life "coffin", a time of all kinds of gossip endless, but the public has long been accustomed to this kind of news, no one really cares about Rosie is not Lin Mingyang's real girlfriend, on the contrary, her sexy supermodel body and youthful and beautiful appearance caused many people's attention. The public has long been accustomed to this kind of news.

During this period of time, Hollywood film producers have started to contact Rosie's agent, trying to persuade her to play a certain role in some small-budget movies, and even the producer of a hit TV series has also called Rosie, inviting her to play a heavy supporting role in the drama.

The roles in those previous movies were too low for Roxie, who was eager to get more development in Hollywood, so she might as well stay in the fashion industry and continue her glamorous career as a famous model instead of acting in those roles and struggling at the bottom of the Hollywood ladder. However, the supporting actress of this hit TV series has made Roxie somewhat slightly moved.

To know that the Vimy Angel Heidi Klum is because of the hit American drama "Sex and the City" to achieve from the runway supermodel to film and television star of the magnificent transformation, the success of this road has been proved by the former, Rosie as long as follow go on, to achieve such as Heidi Klum that kind of results is not difficult.

Her agent has begun to contact with the producers of the show, but Rosie herself has not been loose lips, because of a delay in seeing movement of the guy, she deep inside the end of some unwillingness.

Seeing that the impact of the "hug door" scandal is slowly fading away, Lin Mingyang's side did not have the slightest movement, Rosie's hope is slowly beginning to sink to the bottom.

Not only Rosie began to despair, even the media that had been tracking the interview began to doubt whether Lin Mingyang's new movie really existed, and everyone's patience was dwindling a little bit.

Just as movie fans were speculating about the reason for Lin Ming Yang's "skipping" this time, a piece of news published in a tabloid suddenly attracted people's attention.

Wentworth Miller, who became famous worldwide with the popularity of Prison Break, had just cleared the relationship with the female lead in a scandal some time ago, and then it was revealed that a friend of his had revealed an inside story to the people around him after a drunken night out at a nightclub. Miller will recently star in a new movie directed by a big name in Hollywood.

The man drunkenly blundered, the words did not reveal more inside information, but some people will be interested in this matter and Lin Mingyang's mysterious new movie together, the two comparisons, actually found a lot of clues from it. For a while, the storm clouds rose again, about 'Miller is undergoing mysterious training, and will soon star in Lin Ming Yang's new movie' was very popular.

Forced by the pressure of the media, Miller had to respond positively to this matter, and the veil of mystery about Lin Ming Yang's new movie was finally lifted.

A movie about car racing, the male lead is a popular handsome boy, all the signs indicate that the film obviously stored and the "Fast and Furious" series of "board" in mind, but MGM president Eckles in a subsequent interview with reporters denied this statement.

"Please do not simply take a film and Felix's work to compare, until the last moment, you will never know how wonderful this film will be... Felix this guy is probably the most 'lazy' of all the people who have won the Oscar for Best Director. He seemed to have forgotten that he was still a director a while ago, and of course there was the scheduling factor. But now it's good that he's finally pumped up and ready to make a serious movie, I think this is definitely good news for the many fans who love his movies...Felix is able to bring surprises to the audience with every movie, and he certainly won't let everyone down this time either!"

On the TV screen, Ecks proudly gestured a steering wheel turning pose to the camera.

"This movie will definitely bring people more thrilling and exciting experiences, and here I'm referring to more than just speed... 'Simply for the sense of speed, you can play Need for Speed on your computer', these are Felix's original words ...and yes, you can see more than a few novelties in this racing movie!"

The half-hour long TV interview, Ecks seemed to say a lot of content, but always gently skirted around some key issues, the host of the live interview was helpless, and Rosie who was watching the broadcast was even more anxious, she was gripping the remote control tightly with one hand, and was tense to the extreme.

The whole program could be said to be boring, just to answer the first question, Ecks took nearly 25 minutes of rambling. It was only towards the end of the interview that the host barely managed to ask the second question.

"You appeared with Mr. Felix at the 'Victoria's Secret' 09 annual lingerie show, was this trip related to the casting of the film's leading lady?"

When the interview program played up to this point, Rosie's entire heart was in her throat, and at this moment, she even heard her thumping heartbeat.

On the TV screen, Ecks smiled noncommittally, "Felix is indeed preparing to use a new face to fill the female lead role of the movie this time, as for whether it has anything to do with that event...well, the answer is only clear to Felix himself."

Faced with Ecks' "rogue" answer, the hostess was also slightly annoyed. In her heart, she was secretly criticizing Eckles, how can you say such irresponsible words when you are also the president of MGM?

It is estimated that when Eckles saw the other party's expression, he also felt a little bit too much, and hastily added: "Miller's role in the male lead has already been determined when the script of the movie was not yet written, and to be honest, I haven't seen Felix at all during this period of time... Precisely I don't know which corner of the earth he is in right now, and I haven't received any news... I don't know which corner of the earth he is in right now. haven't received any news...who exactly is the heroine? That's a question I'd actually like to know!"

Looking at the TV screen with Ecks' sincere expression, Rosie's heart was flooded with a gush of helplessness. the encounter on the runway could really make that person look at herself differently, and for a while, her heart was suddenly bottomless.

Roxie turned off the TV in distraction, flipped open her laptop, leaned back on the sofa, and began to access the Internet wirelessly. After booting up the computer, she realistically and habitually logged into the several fashion websites, browsed some of the latest developments in the industry, and then she clicked on her personal page on Facebook.

After logging into the website, there was a small envelope logo flashing at the top of the page, followed by a beat of bright red numbers, which showed that there were more than 600 messages from strangers on Rosie's homepage during this period of time.

The "embrace door" incident that happened in the Vivienne lingerie show made Rosy burst into the major media networks in the United States overnight, followed by a sudden surge in the number of visits to her home page on Facebook, so many messages Rosy naturally will not reply to each and every one of them, and she didn't even have the idea of opening it to check it out.

Hastily browsed through some of the dynamic information shared by her friends, just as Roxie was about to close the webpage, a webpage reminder box suddenly popped up. The above prompted Roxie that she had just received a message from the system administrator.

Driven by curiosity, Roxie clicked the 'View Now' import icon, and to her surprise, a strange letter from the administrator popped up immediately after.

Roxie almost had a feeling of almost choking at this moment, as she saw that the so-called system administrator's name was not a unified code name, but was clearly labeled with the words Felix Lin.

If the name alone didn't support her judgment, the sender's avatar displayed at the top of the message was clearly the photo of Lin Mingyang himself. This made Roxie suddenly remember that at the Facebook landing page, there was a line of handwritten personalized message next to the huge logo:

"This is the Facebook founded by Mark and Felix, we will connect you to the world!"

As one of the founders of Facebook, although Lin Mingyang had transferred all the equity in his hands, he still had a special account equivalent to the administrator status of this website.

This account allowed him to access other people's private information without any hindrance without the other party realizing it, but of course since it was information that people were willing to post online, privacy was actually all relative, so the argument of violating other people's privacy couldn't be fully justified.

In the entire Facebook system, only founders like Lin Mingyang and Mark could have such special privileges, compared to sending an email to someone as a system administrator could only be considered a piece of cake.

Rosie had completely believed in the authenticity of this email at this moment, and holding back the excitement in her heart, she began to carefully read the text message on it:

"Dear Ms. Rosy, perhaps you will be surprised to get in touch with you in such a way, but I definitely don't have any jokes or unofficial ideas... For the 'accident' that happened at the Veep lingerie show that caused all kinds of comments in the outside world, if it has caused trouble to your life, I would like you to apologize, if it was any other man, maybe there wouldn't be so much trouble...Well, it seems a bit narcissistic to say that, so let's get back to the point...I'm now happily sending you an invitation as a director, if you're interested in appearing in the movie, you can come to the the theater set to audition."