Chapter 310 Maui Island (12)

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like... The only thing I can guarantee is that the process will be fair, but whether or not you can become the heroine in the limelight may only depend on your personal attitude and effort!"

Lin Mingyang's last paragraph in the email seemed to carry some kind of magic that was hard to resist, prompting Roxie to pack her bags and fly to the movie's audition location, Maui, Hawaii, the day after she received the email.

As the second largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, and the second most popular tourist destination after Oahu, Maui is visited by about 25 million tourists every year. Although there is an airport on the island, it is limited to inter-island flights and there is no direct air access to the outside world. Although there are a dozen flights a day between Honolulu and Maui, traffic remains heavy.

Rosie came to take the 250-passenger class Boeing 767 seats all full, the entire flight time is only thirty minutes, plus the time before and after taxiing is only forty minutes, Hawaiian Airlines flights in addition to the weather will always be on time in, which is true to its name.

The largest airport on Maui is actually quite pocket-sized, with a total of only five baggage conveyor belts, and because of the large number of people, the luggage is taken down by the staff and placed on the side. Rosie only brought a very small travel bag with a few changes of clothes. I don't know whether it was the crowd or the negligence of the airport staff, but in any case, Rosie's luggage was lost.

Seeing the time passing by, Roxie anxiously stood in the waiting hall of the airport, waiting for the results of the airport. Her luggage has not been able to find, Rosie angry and the airport staff had a big fight, not waiting for the other side to make the relevant compensation, twisted his head "thump" stepped on high heels out of the airport.

Out of the airport hall the moment Luo Xi began to regret, she now only has a cell phone, suitcase clothes lost does not matter, but the key is her money clip is also in it, penniless how she went to the crew premises have become a big problem.

At the time when Roxie was secretly chagrined, the cell phone which was tightly dragged in her hand suddenly rang.

It was a stranger's number, and after a moment's hesitation, Roxie still pressed the answer button. Having just lost her luggage, Roxie naturally did not expect herself to be in a good mood at this time, and this emotion of hers was clearly expressed in the tone of the phone call.

"Excuse me, is this Ms. Rosie?" The other party on the other end of the phone asked politely.

Roxie frowned slightly and complained softly, "Say what you have to say quickly, I'm in a terrible mood right now!"

Such a punchy tone obviously scared the other party, and it was only after a long time that the person said warily, "I just want to know...if you are Ms. Roxie, because..."

"You haven't even figured out who I am, so what's the point of calling?" Roxie was in a bad mood and hung up the phone with a huff.

Stomping her foot angrily, Roxie just took the call seriously, she was pondering whether to call her manager first, or just ask Lin Ming Yang for help, when her cell phone rang once again, displaying the same number as the guy from earlier.

"What exactly do you want to say?" This time when Roxie answered the phone she had become very impatient, "I've made it very clear to you, I'm in a terrible mood right now, I don't have time to chat with you, do you understand?"

In the face of Rosie's terrible attitude, the other party's reply seemed patient and polite, "I can be sure that I haven't dialed the wrong number, it's Mr. Felix who arranged for me to wait here for a young lady named Rosie..."

"Please wait, who did you say sent you here...Mr. Felix Lin from Hollywood?" Upon hearing Lin Ming Yang's name, Roxie's attitude immediately took a 180 degree turn, "Hello, I'm Roxie, I'm sorry for treating you like that just now, because I lost my luggage, so..."

"I sympathize with what you're going through, the truth is that those idiots at the airline are literally good for nothing except making sure the flight doesn't run late. I reckon your luggage may not be recovered for a while, if there's nothing particularly important in it, I suggest you go to the hotel where the crew is staying and then take your time waiting for news."

After thinking about it, Roxie finally took the other party's advice, and after leaving her contact information with the airport's customer service department, she decisively left the airport, and in the parking lot, she met the person she had just spoken to on the phone.

"My name is Ruy..." in the face of such a big beauty as Roxie, this black guy with a mouthful of white teeth and a slightly shorter figure looked a little nervous, he took off the cheap sunglasses that he used to play it cool in a panic, and shook hands with Roxie in a messy manner.

Roxie didn't expect Lin Ming Yang to arrange for such a seemingly unreliable guy to pick himself up, and the other party was also a black man.

"Are you a crew member in the theater?"

"I used to be a taxi driver on the island, but now I work for Mr. Felix!" Ruy, who was originally a bit inferior in front of Roxie, suddenly puffed up his chest, which made Roxie not help but be a bit curious.

"You only met Mr. Felix recently, right?"

Now it was Ruy's turn to feel curious, "How did you know?"

Roxie beamed triumphantly, "A busy man like Mr. Felix only stays somewhere for long periods of time when he's making a movie. He should have been staying over here all the time recently so that you guys could have met!"

Rui's face suddenly showed a look of realization as he heatedly laughed, "You're right, Mr. Felix rode in my cab once some time ago and then we got to know each other, and he thought that I had a talent for acting so he decided to give me a role to try out in a I quit my old job! "

"So it's an actor in your theater group!"

Roxie realized that she had underestimated the other party from the start, but she only thought that Ruyi had a minor role in the play at best at this point, so she didn't care that much. If she knew what Lin Ming Yang had really arranged, she would probably be surprised beyond words, the fact was that this Ruy was in a character that Lin Ming Yang had discovered by chance and was going to be of great use in the movie.

Ruy was a little embarrassed by Rosie's surprised look, he scratched his head, "Mr. Felix said I can do it, but I don't really have any acting experience, hopefully I won't let him down!"

Roxie laughed, but in her heart she was a little secretly envious of the other party, at least he was lucky enough to be spotted by Lin Ming Yang at a glance, while she was only here for the audition, it was unknown if she would get what she wanted.

She prayed silently in her heart, and Ruyi didn't speak anymore after starting the car, about half an hour's drive, they arrived at a hotel hidden in the palm bushes.

The hotel was located in the middle of a small harbor sheltered from the wind, all the rooms facing the sea built on the mountain, not far away is a silver-white sandy beach. Unlike other beaches on Maui that are crowded with tourists, this place shows a rare tranquility, together with the blue sea and sky in the distance, the beauty of the silver waves rolling, a refreshing natural atmosphere comes to the surface.

Attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of her, Rosie's entire body and mind are unconsciously immersed in it, for a time she herself has become suddenly trance, if the crew works in such an environment, whether it is considered a tour or a vacation?

"The scenery here is not bad, right?"

Ruy got out of the car and opened the trunk out of habit, seeing that it was empty, he then reacted to the fact that Rosie's luggage had been lost back on the plane. When he folded it back, he was just in time to see Rosie's mesmerized expression.

Rosie nodded her head after returning to her senses, "The scenery is indeed beautiful, but it doesn't feel as lively as other places."

Rui smiled and explained, "Because Mr. Felix paid for the entire hotel, and this beach is part of the hotel, there are no other people."

This time of the year was during the peak tourist season in Hawaii, the general hotel rooms had long been booked out, wanting to charter a hotel, relying on money alone was far from enough, the reason why Lin Ming Yang was able to do all of this was mainly because of his promise to insert one or two shots into the movie to advertise this hotel for free, and all of that was taken care of with ease.

Although she had already been psychologically prepared, Lin Mingyang's "extravagant" spending still made Luo Xi secretly smack her lips, and at the same time, there was a voice in her heart constantly encouraging herself to pass the audition and then stay!

"Shall I take you to your room first, or directly to Mr. Felix?" Before entering the hotel, Ruyi began to ask for Rosie's opinion.

"Go to the audition first!"

Rosie had already made up her mind, and she had talked to her agent on the phone on the way here. Once she failed the audition, she would return directly to New York and wouldn't stay here for a moment longer.

"The crew is off today, everyone is having a beach volleyball game on the beach right now, Mr. Felix must be there, I'll take you there now!" Ruy inclined his head in the direction of the beach and turned to lead the way.

Rosie followed him unhurriedly, honestly it wasn't easy to walk on the beach in high heels, her shoes would always sink deeper and deeper into the sand, within a few steps, Rosie simply took off her shoes and walked barefoot on the sand.

The empty beach is really in a unique volleyball game, both sides of the court surrounded by spectators, and the right side of the crowd stood a row of umbrellas, below the food and drinks, that is, to open the party is also such a formation.

At this time everyone's attention is focused on the game, and did not notice the side of two more people, Rui left Rosie, all the way to a small run under the umbrellas, to some guy is enjoying the sunbathing report half a day, and then pointed in the direction of the direction of Rosie stood.