Chapter 311 - Can You Walk? (22)

Lin Ming Yang took off his sunglasses and looked in the direction of Ruyi's finger, only to see Roxie wearing a tight black backless leather dress, standing playfully in the distance, with the distant mountains behind her still the blue sea and blue sky, with a tall figure she exuded an indescribable sexy flavor.

As a supermodel, Rosie dress taste is of course impeccable, although the luggage was lost on the plane, but this set of clothes on her body is carefully selected. The design of the belt is very good to outline her beautiful figure, the special design of the hanging neck, but also able to show her wonderful neck line. It could be said that the first time he saw Rosie, Lin Ming Yang already had a decision in his mind.

Luo Xi also knew that Lin Ming Yang was staring at himself for a moment, she did not avoid the other party's wantonly measuring gaze, intentionally stood up to lift the buttocks and chest, will be the most sexy and wonderful posture to show out.

Soon Lin Ming Yang stood out from under the sun umbrella and waved at her.

This distance of less than 20 meters, Roxie is completely in accordance with the standard posture on the runway to control their own pace posture, although there is no high-heeled shoes under the feet of the help, the soft sandy beach also for the elegant walking increased the difficulty, but all the way along the way, Roxie is still so sexy and feminine, shapely.

Walked close to the time, Rosie's blonde hair was still being blown by the sea breeze most of the cross over the cheeks, she stood still when she gently ran her hand, raised her chin a very natural inclination of the head, flying hair all was gathered to the right shoulder, a hint of languid charm, from her plump red lips and mesmerizing eyes to escape.

Standing on the side of the Ruyi was Rosie's appearance of charm deterred, very indisputable gulp.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa!" Three crisp claps with a certain strange rhythm, rawly called Ruy back from the sluggishness of seeing a beautiful woman.

The one who applauded was naturally Lin Ming Yang, even though he was used to seeing all kinds of beautiful women, there was also a very brief moment in which he was slightly distracted by Roxie's display. Lin Mingyang did not say anything, but from the corner of his mouth, if not a smile, Roxie knew that she had made the right bet this time!

Pointing to another chair under the parasol, Lin Mingyang once again put on his sunglasses and basked in the sun. After Luo Xi Ying sat down, she had been trying to figure out Lin Ming Yang's thoughts, but after the other party showed a slight expression of appreciation just now, he resumed his previous inscrutability.

Rosie cupped her hands and hesitated for a moment before finally gathering the courage to ask, "Mr. Felix, when do we start the audition?"

"You're in a hurry to leave?" Lin Ming Yang didn't turn his head and asked lazily as he reclined in his chair.

"No no... "Roxie shook her head hastily, "I mean, auditions always need a specific schedule, right?"

"Actually, just based on your performance just now, I can already cast you as the female lead in the movie, but before that I have to make sure of one more thing..." instead of saying when the audition would be held or what he had to do during the audition, Lin Ming Yang came up with a very abrupt question: "Can you walk?"

Roxie looked at him very puzzled, thinking what the hell kind of question is this, of course she can walk. And just now she had already walked once in front of Lin Ming Yang, his question was clearly knowing plus inexplicable!

Although her heart was filled with all sorts of questions, but Luo Xi would never say that in front of Lin Ming Yang's face, she was not annoyed, and revealed a bright and sweet smile between her bright eyes and white teeth.

"You're very humorous!"

"No no, I don't mean to joke with you!" Lin Mingyang's expression looked serious, "Are you sure you can really walk?"

Roxie was sort of completely confused, "Of course I can walk!"

"OK!"Lin Ming Yang nodded his head, two fingers between his lips, and blew a loud whistle. Immediately, a tall man wearing a baseball cap extruded from the crowd that was gathering around to watch the game over there, and walked quickly to him.

"Joey, put your guy on, I need to do a little quiz!"

The man named Joey looked at Rosie, who was sitting next to Lin Ming Yang, with a look of understanding on his face.

"Come with me!"

Joey made a deflecting motion in front of Rosie in the direction of the hotel, and Rosie followed him back to the hotel with a puzzled look on her face. Joey had the staff put Rosie into a car, and he himself and Lin Mingyang got into another car.

The two cars flew out of the hotel, and the whole way Rosie wondered if this would be a joke. Soon they arrived at another beach, the car stopped in in the hinterland of the beach, Lin Ming Yang sat in the car and didn't move, Joey came down with a camera on his shoulder.

Rosie finally understood at this time why Lin Ming Yang wasn't in the same car as herself, after that male driver closed the door and got out of the car, the female staff member she was sitting with took out the outfit she needed for her audition, a three-point bikini bathing suit, a very large, black shawl that floated around, and a pair of ten centimeter high heels.

For Roxie, such an outfit wasn't exactly revealing, what puzzled her was what exactly Lin Ming Yang wanted to do. After changing out of her costume she stepped out of the car and Lin Ming Yang stuck his head out of the other car and briefly introduced her to the audition:

"Alright, as soon as we yell ACTION, you start walking! Walk all the way to Joey's camera and it's ok!" .

After putting on her heels, Rosie found it much more difficult to walk on the beach than barefoot, and as she visually surveyed where Joey the cameraman was, it was a very difficult ten-minute walk. And it wasn't exactly all that pristine soft sand underfoot, there was also a section full of gravel that was scorched by a burst of the midday sun, and Rosie felt like she was walking on fire as she passed by.

Despite the difficulty, Roxie finally walked through, she came back with a depressed expression on her face, she stared at Lin Ming Yang, then Lin Ming Yang shrugged with a relaxed face, "Now I know you can walk."

Roxie cocked her mouth, after being tossed around like this by Lin Ming Yang, she felt as if her body was falling apart, "So I passed?"

"You did indeed do better than the other candidates, and in light of such, I'm happy to inform you...Ms. Roxie, welcome to join us!" Lin Ming Yang's originally expressionless face suddenly bloomed into a sunny smile.

It dawned on Roxie that Lin Ming Yang had been pretending to be serious before, and even she had been fooled by this guy. However, she didn't care because she had already gotten what she wanted as she wished, and at this moment, all that was left in her heart was just elation.

"Thank goodness, after passing the test, I can finally go back to the hotel and have a good rest!"

Lin Ming Yang snapped his fingers, and the staff member beside him immediately took out a bank card from his bag and handed it over.

"I heard that your luggage was lost on the airplane, the penny on this bank card, as long as you don't buy any luxuries, it should be able to fulfill your life on Maui Island during this time."

Rosie pointed at herself, "For me?"

"Of course, but the money inside will be deducted directly from your movie pay." Lin Ming Yang clasped his hands and explained, "The filming may be hard, but there's quite a bit of free time... Maui Island is a great place to travel and vacation, you can totally treat this filming as a trip!"

Being able to obtain the female lead role, Roxie's heart was already satisfied, how much the paycheck was she didn't particularly care, but she was curious. In her previous knowledge, most movie actors would complain about how hard the filming process was, but hearing Lin Ming Yang describe it like this, it seemed like it wasn't what she thought it was at all.

"Could it be that making a movie is all as easy as you say?"

The moment she said this question, everyone around her laughed.

Lin Ming Yang didn't know how he should answer, in the end he shrugged his shoulders, "Every movie director has their own style, if I have to define a style for me... then this is my style!"

Roxie's mouth grew in surprise, "This counts?"

"Who says it isn't?" Lin Ming Yang smiled and turned around, raising his hands above his head and clapping twice, "Guys, call it a day!"


The film's leading lady was thus determined, and Lin Ming Yang also knew that this audition had tossed Roxie around enough, and his heart was a little slightly overjoyed, and for this reason he had found himself a good excuse to invite the beautiful woman to dinner.

Like the other islands of Hawaii, there is basically no public transportation on the island of Maui, slightly larger towns can come across taxis, but more people choose to rent a car to travel. When Lin Mingyang and Rosie, who had just woken up, came out, they drove a car rented from the island.

Maui Island used to be the capital of the historical Hawaiian Kingdom, and because the harbor was not as deep as Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island, it later became a purely tourist resort in the Hawaiian Islands as the international shipping industry developed with the establishment of the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor. From a high altitude overlooking the island, Maui Island is like a woman's side of the upper half of the portrait, Rosie lost luggage international airport is located in the back of the portrait of the neck above, and at this moment Lin Mingyang and her destination is the "mouth" near the town of Lahaina.

Along the way, the scenery is very charming, the afterglow of the setting sun scattered on the sea, shining the earth warm, on the one hand, there is a wide lawn and trees, on the other side of the azure boundless vastness of the sea, so that people are completely in a green grass and trees and the surrounding blue sea, as if in the place in the world of nature's relaxation.