Chapter 315: Competition Leads to Cooperation

From the preparation of the movie's camera selection in Maui, Hawaii, to the setup of each shooting site, from the installation and debugging of the racing cars, to the coordination and determination of the shooting locations, it took almost more than a month. The film "Deadly Curve" of this stage of the filming of the location is mainly concentrated in the Hana Highway. It can be said that the secrecy of the entire shooting was done very well, the cast and crew members lied to the public that they were on a collective vacation, which greatly confused the Hollywood media sight.

Until the crew blocked the highway to shoot photos were taken by tourists posted online, the Hollywood media only suddenly realized, to the Maui Island traffic increased dramatically, Hawaii flight company had to increase a number of flights, which sent all the journalists flocking to the island.

Unfortunately, at this time the crew's hotel has been empty, the reporters are not willing to think Lin Mingyang and they play "hide and seek" game, they mobilized manpower on the island of Maui to launch a carpet search, jumping up and down for half a day of busy, but even the shadow of the crew have not touched.

Lin Mingyang and his crew just disappeared into thin air?

Just as this question grimly interrogated the Hollywood media's self-proclaimed pervasive news penetration, another witness spotted the cast and crew in the deserts of New Mexico. Reporters were out in force this time, but unfortunately Lin Ming Yang was still blundering around, and the crew's filming on the Capulin Volcano Highway in New Mexico was just a glimpse. The media didn't even get a shadow, and the crew once again disappeared from the public eye like a mirage.

The two setbacks made the Hollywood media learn from their mistakes, and they accurately analyzed from the locations where the crew stayed twice to shoot that the filming locations chosen for Lin Mingyang's new film might be some rugged mountain roads and curves. Along this line of thought, several major Hollywood news media miraculously united together, they began to cast nets all over the place, waiting for rabbits, and dared to Lin Mingyang's new movie roots to "pull" out.

This move really worked, responsible for squatting in Italy, the reporter "accidentally" in the airport bumped into the "fatal bend" actor Miller, the other tracked all the way, and finally in Italy, Lombardy, the Stelvio Pass found the crew's traces.

The Stelvio Pass is so vast that it's almost impossible to completely block it off, and in the past few days more and more journalists have been hearing about it, most of them being blocked at the entrance to the mountain road. But there are still a group of bold and presumptuous guys sneak in from other places, they can not get close to the shooting site, can only be far from the ambush on the hill, with the help of the hand of the ultra-long focal length of the camera equipment to secretly shoot the crew dynamics.

At first the crew did not notice, so that this group of journalists eventually exposed or their hands lens, in the sunlight, these lenses in varying degrees of some reflections. Once in a while it didn't cause any alarm, but in the end there was always a bright light shaking on that hill, Lin Mingyang sent someone over to check it out, which drove away that group of hateful sneak peekers.

As one of the most thrilling shoots in the movie, the complex road conditions and one hundred and eighty-degree turns on the steep slopes of the Stelvio Pass caused a lot of trouble for the crew. Drifting and tailgating is an accident-prone maneuver in vehicle driving. The effect Lin Mingyang needed to show in the movie was even more exaggerated, and it can be said that in reality it is simply impossible to accomplish.

Although the most dangerous actions are relying on post-production computer special effects, the two stuntmen, Kuniaki Takahashi and Hideki Tanabe, are still under great pressure. A few days ago Tanabe Hidetoshi also had an accident during a test drive, the car rolled around on a hillside and stopped in the most dangerous place, Tanabe Hidetoshi sitting in the driver's seat was unharmed, but the people around him were scared out of a cold sweat.

In order to ensure the safety of the participants, Lin Mingyang suspended the filming of the movie, he let the film's special assistant Keiichi Tsuchiya and the two stunt drivers to discuss a practical shooting plan, and then the filming of the film will continue to follow.

Keiichi Tsuchiya took Kuniaki Takahashi and Hideki Tanabe to experiment on the roads for a few days with unsatisfactory results, and in the end, they didn't come up with a plan that satisfied Lin Ming Yang, so in the next discussion of the plot's progression, he stayed quiet and silently suffered from other people's criticisms until he finally stood up to defend himself.

"This time, the road conditions are the worst I've ever seen, the slightest inattention could kill our riders, this is a situation we've never encountered before... I'm not shirking my responsibility when I say this, but the reality is this!"

"Is this the Japanese spirit of brazen samurai?" A sneering voice rang out from the side, and Keiichi Tsuchiya's face suddenly turned red as he held his tongue.

On the set, Lin Mingyang's attention to these few Japanese had long made the staff in charge of the movie's special effects production indignant, and the one who led the charge against Keiichi Tsuchiya was Charlotte, the special effects production director from Industrial Light and Magic.

This guy's personality and temperament is not pleasant, but the key is that he is capable of outstanding, which is in the Industrial Light and Magic Lucas can tolerate his impudent temper, and in the "fatal bend" of the crew, Lin Mingyang also turned a blind eye to his excessive behavior. An available person is not afraid of your shortcomings, but afraid of your lack of strengths.

Seeing Lin Ming Yang sitting there and not saying anything, Charter's bottom line followed suit, he stood up somewhat aggressively and glanced coldly at Keiichi Tsuchiya, "If you guys can't drive well in reality, just leave these things to us to do a good job of it, we're the ones who produce the most dangerous footage anyway, my team and I don't really mind adding on to that with some workload."

The other party's provocation made Tsuchiya Keiichi's heart fester, and just as he was about to snap, Lin Mingyang suddenly spoke up.

"Mr. Tsuchiya, do you have any good solutions for this problem?"

His words made Keiichi Tsuchiya completely calm down, at this time it wasn't a matter of arguing to be able to solve the problem, lashing out was just the behavior of the weak, if you couldn't show admirable strength yourself, what reason would you have for others to respect you?

After thinking about this, Tsuchiya Keiichi finally stabilized himself, he knew that Lin Mingyang's trust in himself had not been completely lost, and this was his chance to turn the tide.

"In order to accomplish these extremely difficult scenes, my suggestion is to make another modification to the current vehicle... the shock absorbing device, the limited slip differential, the gears inside the front and rear bearings, even the bumpers have to be replaced over again!"

Keiichi Tsuchiya stated his answer in a deep voice, and Charter gave a cold grunt, and a sneering sneer floated up from the corners of his mouth. This time he didn't open his mouth, instead it was the assistant director in charge of the crew's financial expenditures, Marton, who was sitting on the side, who stood up with a difficult expression on his face.

In the crew Marton was known as Mr. Nice Guy, usually in this kind of serious disagreement, he would not risk this head, but now he had to stand out, and it was against Tsuchiya Keiichi.

"Mr. Tsuchiya, I wonder how much money is needed to refit these vehicles?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Keiichi Tsuchiya felt a little bad, he hesitated for half a day before finally gritting his teeth, "One million dollars, no less!"

Marton's face showed a rare expression of gravity, "Last time you modified the vehicles you already spent 1 million dollars, now you want to re-modify them again, so the money we talked about in front of us is all for naught?"

"This..." said Keiichi Tsuchiya, momentarily stumped for words, not knowing how to respond to the other party's questioning.

"Can Mr. Tsuchiya guarantee that the modified car will be able to complete the filming?"

Lin Mingyang's questioning had once again become the key to finalizing the situation, and once he thought of Charter's expression just now, Keiichi Tsuchiya crossed his heart, "This time, I'll personally go on the set, and I'll definitely be able to meet your requirements! If I fail to do so, I will..."

"Stop!" Seeing the determined expression on Tsuchiya Keiichi's face, Lin Mingyang hurriedly made a stop gesture, and secretly grumbled in his heart, what's wrong with this little Japan, ready to commit harakiri at the drop of a hat, do you really think of me as your emperor?

He waved his hand, "Mr. Tsuchiya doesn't need to be so tense, even if the vehicle doesn't help the filming in any way after the modifications, I won't do anything to you... all I need is for you to do your best, do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Ming Yang was originally consoling the other party, but the words became a disguised challenge in the ears of Keiichi Tsuchiya, he jerked his body straight and bowed towards Lin Ming Yang, "Keiichi Tsuchiya will definitely live up to your high expectations!"

Marton opened his mouth and was about to voice his opinion, but seeing that Lin Mingyang's attitude was determined, he also chose to remain silent. And Charte unabashedly wrote his dissatisfaction on his face.

Lin Mingyang, who was well versed in the way of balance, naturally could not favor one over the other, and with a wave of his hand, the additional 3 million dollars in production costs that Charter had requested was cashed in on the spot. Chalet immediately smiled, while Marton, whose money bag had deflated, had a sad look on his face.

Marton's real identity was the temporary butler that Eckles had found for Lin Ming Yang, and his only job was to keep an eye on Lin Ming Yang, or else he would spend money lavishly during filming. Marton, who was good at cost control, originally thought that this was a very easy job, but when he arrived at the set he realized that Lin Ming Yang was able to find a justifiable reason for every dollar he spent, while Marton's job was completely reduced from financial management to a simple cashier.

Nominally, Marton was directly responsible to Eckles, but Lin Mingyang was his boss's boss, and there was no upper limit to the budget of the movie he wanted to make, so it was no wonder that Eckles had always complained about this guy's "loser" in private, and this period of time had made Marton finally become a man of understanding.

The movie cost 4 million dollars, Lin Mingyang did not hurt, but Marton was a little hurt, after the meeting was adjourned, he dilly-dallying to stay until the end of the meeting.

"Sir, those Japanese guys might really need a million dollars to modify the car, but you shouldn't just simply agree to Chalet's request...this guy is obviously deliberately making things difficult for Keiichi Tsuchiya today, with the aim of actually getting more production funds from us."

Lin Ming Yang smiled and patted Marton's shoulder, for the first time he realized that this assistant director had a hint of cuteness besides being reliable. "You don't have to worry about this, this amount of money that Charter is asking for is a little bit more, but as long as he can produce the effects I want, I'm willing to give him more money, after all, good special effects come out of money, and we are unnecessarily saving anything in this regard."

Marton nodded on the surface, but in his heart he muttered in a low voice, it seemed like he had never seen Lin Ming Yang save any money at any time. Thinking about it, he had a deeper concern in his heart.

"Today you stimulated Tsuchiya Keiichi and Charter like this, aren't you afraid that these two will really go against each other?"

"I'd only be happy if they really went at it!" Lin Ming Yang smiled faintly, "Too much rapport in the crew isn't necessarily an absolutely good thing, there's competition before there's cooperation, are you still worried that I won't be able to suppress these two guys?"


May all lovers in the world be united in love, and I wish you all a happy Tanabata!

Well, all the children's shoes and pots and pans who can't live this festival like frogs go to the side and draw circles together.

Back to the main topic, the plot in the next chapter will turn to new content, the frog thought of not writing the piece is not much, which means that August should be the book's last days with you, although think about very sad, but this book is like a frog's girlfriend, we must be sure to be responsible for such as not to be responsible for the Secretary!