Chapter 316- The Aesthetics of Five Hundred Years Ago

With Lin Mingyang's tacit approval, the "conflict" between the special effects team and the stunt team had changed from a private rivalry to an open competition. Both sides were not convinced, and both wanted to beat each other in the overlapping areas of work.

Keiichi Tsuchiya dives headfirst into the tuning room with a sleeping bag on his back, while Charter stays up all night in his own studio to catch up on the progress... The one who started all this, Lin Mingyang, is now lying peacefully on the beach in Sicily.

Marton stood next to the sun umbrella and hesitated for half a day, he raised his head to look at someone standing not far away who was already a little impatient to wait, and finally called out gently with a stiff upper lip.

"Mr. Felix..."

Seeing that there was no response from inside, Marton only had to increase his tone and call out again, and this time there was finally movement.

Lin Mingyang let out a long yawn, then pressed his sunglasses downwards, and after seeing the visitor standing outside the umbrella, he asked with some confusion, "Marton... is this dinner time?"

Marton's expression froze and he replied nastily, "Sir, it's still over three hours before dinner time."

Lin Ming Yang let out an "Oh", and then asked, "Is there something going on with the crew?"

"Yesterday, two reporters sneaked into the hotel where the crew was staying, they posed as waiters and knocked on Mr. Miller's room door, and were finally kicked out by the hotel's security guards..." Lin Ming Yang interrupted him impatiently before Marton Flowers could finish his sentence.

"Do you think it's necessary to tell me this kind of thing?"

Lin Ming Yang's tone carried a faint dissatisfaction, but his gaze was soon attracted by the two trembling meatballs on the chest of a certain beautiful woman not far away, and Marton soon realized that he had been hung out to dry.

"I just got a call, there's a Russian director who wants to see you, he's in at this very moment..."

"Marton, what do you think of the body of that pretty girl in the pink bikini?" Lin Mingyang pointed his finger at the beach not far away, his interruption caused Marton to faintly freeze, he realized that Lin Mingyang wasn't even listening to him just now.

"Well, I think it's not bad..."

"Not a bad eye, Italy is worthy of being the birthplace of the Renaissance, beautiful women are just plentiful!"

Lin Ming Yang tsked and praised, but Marton stood by the side but was confused, as a personal butler, he followed Lin Ming Yang to many places in the past few days, like in Rome, Milan, Florence, Venice, Bologna, no matter if it's on the road, in the shopping malls, inside the exhibition halls, in the hotels or in the airports or the stations, many beauties were swaying in front of his eyes, so that people couldn't help but to have a look at them a few more times.

These Italian beauty brother tall, slim, small head, high nose, deep-set turquoise eyes, white and delicate skin, make-up elegant, fashionable clothing, but also inherited the classical, very rhythmic beauty, the body reveals a holy and elegant temperament, there is no thugs that kind of vulgarity and the evil spirit of showing off, when looking at them, produce both pleasing to the eye, but also incomparable admiration of the aesthetic feeling! ...Italy is full of beautiful women, but what does it have to do with the Renaissance?

Seeing the doubt in Marton's eyes, Lin Mingyang enlightened, "Don't you think Italian women always give people a sense of déjà vu?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was really such a thing, and Marton looked at Lin Mingyang with some uncertainty, the expression of curiosity in his eyes becoming more and more intense. Being interrupted by Lin Ming Yang, he himself forgot about the main event.

"It's simple, because these faces can often be seen in the world's famous painting albums, the outstanding paintings of the Renaissance period, like Venus, Athena, Madonna, St.-Anna, Leda, the Three Beauties, and so on ... can be found in today's Italy's beauties. It is important to realize that the models for the goddess figures in the paintings and sculptures of Italian artists of five or six hundred years ago were all local beauties of the time."

Lin Mingyang shrugged his shoulders and continued, "Human aesthetics from ancient times to the present day is actually constantly changing, just like the thin-waisted beauties that were once popular in the European continent, as well as the Chinese Tang Dynasty's fatness as beauty, these aesthetic orientations are difficult to comprehend in the eyes of the modern people, but the Italians are very fortunate to have a large number of world-class artists, and more than 500 years ago the Italians' s aesthetics were thus precipitated in those heirloom masterpieces, constantly influencing those who came after them, so nowadays everyone thinks that Italian women are beautiful, not necessarily that they are really in line with modern people's aesthetics, but merely that there is a preconceived notion that guides us."

This was the first time Marton had heard of such a viewpoint, and just as he was carefully reminiscing about it, Lin Mingyang's mind had already quickly jumped elsewhere, and he vaguely remembered at this time that Marton seemed to be preparing to say something to him.

"Just now you seemed to say that someone was looking for me?"

Marton's phrase "Shit!" Out of his mouth, he slapped his forehead, and then hurriedly turned his head towards the beach behind him to see that the man was still waiting anxiously, and only then did his suddenly lifted heart gently fall to the ground.

"It's the Russian director, Mr. Bekmambetov, who learned from Mr. Eccles that you were vacationing in Sicily, and then approached directly."

Lin Mingyang stood up violently and asked hurriedly, "Where is he?"

Marten swallowed and grated for half a day before he squeezed a sentence out of his mouth.

"You can see it if you turn your head now."


Two glasses of bubbling cold beer were placed between Lin Ming Yang and Beckmambetov, the two of them were lying side by side under the sun umbrella, the only thing that was a little bit regrettable was that the group of hot swimsuit beauties from before had already gotten tired of playing by this time, and they all dispersed individually at this time, so Lin Ming Yang was finally able to listen to Beckmambetov's description of his new plan without any distractions.

Early in the film "Wanted" after the release of the great success, Beckman Bertov has been looking forward to the film's sequel to the filming, but Universal Pictures believes that the market for this type of film has been saturated in a short period of time, so the shooting of the sequel did not immediately put the company's agenda.

Universal executives were not wrong in their initial considerations, but they did not realize that Lin Mingyang's status in Hollywood had skyrocketed like a rocket, and by the time they were ready to reboot the sequel to Wanted, Lin Mingyang was no longer a man who could be hired with money alone. Another important role in the film played by Angelina Jolie also in an interview with the media frankly admitted that no longer return to the "Wanted 2", the reason is that she believes that the dead characters should not be resurrected.

Jolie's statement made Universal's initial promise to fans that "the heroine may be resurrected" a joke, and the breakdown of negotiations between the producers and the original Wanted comic book company for a sequel adaptation was the final straw that broke the camel's back.

Just as fans were despairing over the fate of the Wanted sequel, MGM Studios stepped forward to announce that they would be taking over the film's sequel, a Hollywood-style dramatic ending that gave people renewed hope.

The most important reason why Eckles was willing to use more favorable terms to reach a cooperation agreement with the original "Wanted" comic book company is that MGM Studios is holding the ace in the hole, Lin Mingyang.

After learning that the investor of the movie had changed hands, Bekmambetov was overjoyed, and he brought his carefully compiled script to Eckles. Originally thought that after reading the script, Eckles would immediately make a decision, but I did not expect that the other party let him bring the script to Italy to find Lin Mingyang interview.

Bekmambetov rushed over in a hurry, after getting off the plane he did not have a moment's rest and directly got in touch with Marton, sitting in front of Lin Mingyang, his face are still a dusty look.

"I heard that you are directing a new film in Italy, I was originally going to put this off for a while, but Mr. Eckes insisted that I come over right now..." after spending almost three years in Hollywood, the Russian director's English had already had a qualitative improvement.

"You must be thinking at this point that there's probably no other director in the world who is as laid back as I am while filming a movie... The fact that I showed up here was a complete accident, because the crew had nothing to do except for a little situation that the men were working out and had nothing to do, so I came out to take a break."

Lin Ming Yang found a grand excuse for his "laziness", but then he complained, "Hey, it's true that Ecks is a good helper, but this guy just can't allow me to have a moment of leisure, and he always tries to sabotage my vacations by all means!"

Bekmambetov rubbed his hands together, Lin Mingyang's words made him a little restless.

"Actually, you may have misunderstood Mr. Ecks, on the way here he sai gave me this..."

Looking at the black leather book in Bekmambetov's hand, Lin Mingyang only felt a pang of familiarity.

"This... is the script for this movie I'm making?"

Bekmambetov nodded, "I read the script you wrote on the plane, and that's when I understood Mr. Eckles' true intentions...I saw that the end of your script left a big cliffhanger, so it's very presumptuous of me to ask, when do you plan to release a sequel to this story?"

Although he didn't know exactly what drugs he was selling in his gourd, Lin Ming Yang still answered frankly, "I haven't written the back story at all, and it'll probably be a few years from now if I want to make a sequel!"

"That's right!" Bekmambetov slapped his thigh in excitement, "The script I brought for Wanted 2 will most likely intersect with your sequel to this film in some way in terms of story content, and Mr. Eckes' intention should be that you hope that you will be able to merge these two stories together after reading the script that I brought to make a new film that encapsulates the strengths of each! "