Chapter 321: Beauty is like Jade (12)

George Clooney found himself coming back from a phone call when Elisabetta was sitting alone on the couch in a daze, he walked up and took his girlfriend's shoulder affectionately.

"Did you run into something upsetting, darling?"

"I was wondering who exactly you went to talk to on the phone just now... "Elisabetta's delicate eyelashes slightly rolled upwards, the hint of panic in her eyes was naturally covered up by her.

"Could it be that you still don't believe me even now...that phone call just now was from the brokerage company, if you don't believe me, you can call back and see!" George Clooney immediately pulled out his cell phone and handed it to Elisabetta. He was eager to prove his innocence, but he had vaguely overlooked a very important issue.

Elisabetta "full of suspicion" looking at the half squatting in front of his Clooney's face, suddenly puffed and laughed. She intimately wrapped her arms around Clooney's neck and said as if she was pampered, "Honey, I was just joking with won't be angry with me, right?"

Clooney and Elisabetta were dating at a fresh moment, where did the disgust come from. He tenderly embraced Elisabetta's white and tender body in his arms, and said repeatedly, "Baby, I love you more than I can say, how could I be angry with you."

Elisabetta half-pushed and half-accepted to press her entire body into Clooney's chest, while her mind was racing with calculations. She estimated that Lin Mingyang had gone to the garden to get some air and would definitely not be able to return for a while, so she simply gave up the idea of continuing to wait here.

"Honey, let's go dancing."

Elisabetta made such a request, and Clooney categorically had no reason to refuse. The two sat up from the sofa and embraced each other as they walked towards the dance floor.

Along the way, Clooney enjoyed the envious looks that the men around him threw at him, and did not notice the wandering gaze in his girlfriend's eyes. At the edge of the dance floor, Clooney half bowed and did a very standard gentleman's invitation etiquette. In the past, Elisabetta was definitely very receptive to this set of his, but at this moment she felt that Clooney was deliberately showing off.

But all women, deep down, have more or less utilitarian views of men, and women who choose to enter the entertainment industry even more direct this view. Elisabetta admitted that having a boyfriend like Clooney did bring her a lot of benefits, but compared to the dazzling back that stood in the clouds for people to look up to, Clooney's performance today was really poor.

Wrapping his arms around the smiling and blossoming beauty into the dance floor, Clooney didn't even realize how complex the thoughts hidden behind this face near his eyes, he is still immersed in the illusion of self-indulgence, completely unaware that his girlfriend's heart is a little bit far away from him.

After less than ten minutes of dancing, Clooney had not yet enjoyed himself, but Elisabetta wanted to rest on the grounds that her body was tired. As a boyfriend, Clooney should be accompanied by her side and leave the dance floor together, but the always sticky Elisabetta actually did not ask Clooney to stay with him at all times, but encouraged him to invite other ladies to dance together.

Clooney excitedly thought that this was his girlfriend's understanding of the performance, but did not know that this is just Elisabetta want to support him a clever test. With the title of Old Handsome Man, Clooney was a fish out of water around the dance floor, and just as he parted ways with Elisabetta, a beautiful woman came forward to talk to him.

After a "pick and choose", Clooney finally took a look at a rich body, head only slightly shorter than Elisabetta's young woman, after three words of exchange, Clooney was full of pleasure pulling the other side of the small hand into the dance floor.

Elisabetta, who was hiding in the crowd, saw Clooney's performance in her eyes, and the disappointment in her heart increased. After observing for a few minutes, thoroughly disappointed, she twisted her body to blend into the bustling crowd in the hall.

All the way through, Elisabetta's eyes have been constantly searching for someone's silhouette, but as the famous Apennine Peninsula's delicate beauty, the banquet is too many people who know her, Elisabetta from time to time have to stop and a big shot to talk and laugh for a few words, in this way, in the thousands of guests in the hall to find a person is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but even if this is the case, Elisabetta's heart is still a sliver of hope! But even so, Elisabetta still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, and she never gave up.

Turned around in the hall, even as tough as Elisabetta also do not feel a little discouraged, she was thinking that the man is probably already left, unintentionally glanced sideways, the familiar figure is like a ball of leaping flames, once again jumped into her eyes.

After discovering Lin Ming Yang, Elisabetta didn't immediately go up to talk to him, but turned her back and quickly turned behind a pillar in the corner of the hall, took out the make-up box in her handbag, and started to make up her make-up seriously and meticulously.

When she reappeared, Elisabetta's bright makeup and the charm flowing from the corners of her eyes were enough to make the men around her collectively swallow their saliva, but unfortunately, at this time she only had one man in her eyes, and those men who were ready to offer their love became clowns instead.

Slowly approaching the position where Lin Ming Yang was standing, Elisabetta only felt her heartbeat slightly accelerating, and her pace also became cautious. When she was about to come closer, she suddenly had a strong illusion that after going to the garden to get some fresh air, Lin Ming Yang's temperament was like a different person from before. The man who was warm and gentle, with a hint of laziness in his handsome smile had disappeared, and was replaced by a sharp and eye-catching king who looked out of the corner of the eye in his mannerisms, words and deeds.

Only the real hand full of power and wealth of wine, can have such a temperament, the presence of thousands of guests, almost half of Europe's elites, but the body has this temperament of only a few people. At this moment, Lin Mingyang is like a sun, without going near him, people can feel his dazzling light.

To look at and Lin Ming Yang a few steps away, Elisabetta did not need to cover her breasts to feel the pounding heart in her body, not because of nervousness, but because of excitement. Men conquer women by conquering the world, women conquer the world by conquering men, at this moment Elisabetta was convinced that there was probably nothing in this world that could fascinate her more than the man in front of her.

Elisabetta is full of thinking about how to turn this arranged encounter into an accidental encounter, but a sudden change, the next moment in front of her eyes the scene makes Elisabetta like petrified frozen on the spot.

Lin Ming Yang had been standing still, that was because his entire gaze had been locked on a certain tall and beautiful figure not far away.

Elisabetta instantly recognized the woman who had made Lin Mingyang "lose his mind", but actually Monica Bellucci, whom she had mentioned to Lin Mingyang on her own initiative earlier. The bright expression on her face suddenly dimmed, and her heart was full of mixed feelings. Her own stupid guidance had actually pushed Lin Ming Yang into someone else's arms. That taste of loss mixed with envy and jealousy made Elisabetta's entire body have a feeling of being limp and weak.

Her heart was unwilling, but Elisabetta didn't have the courage to take another step, looking at Lin Ming Yang's obsessed expression at the moment, she would only be making a fool of herself if she went up at this time, so she might as well stay and wait and see what happens.

Elisabetta stopped in place, but Lin Mingyang did not have the patience to continue to wait, the goddess of his dreams in his past life, at this moment is close at hand, if he misses it for nothing, Lin Mingyang estimates that he will spend his life in regret.

Hooked his hand at the deceased not far away, took a cup of red wine from the tray, and gently took a sip, Lin Mingyang took a step towards where Monica Bellucci was.

Someone once said that Monica was the most beautiful work of art that Italy had ever offered to the world, and it was only with a close-up appreciation that Lin Mingyang realized that this woman possessed more than just beauty, I'm afraid.

A simple plain fine silk dress, bare shoulders covered with nothing, towering peaks in the light leaving a deep cleavage, tender white skin is through a marble-like delicate luster. The dinner party Monica Bellucci just with a glance and a smile, can let the surrounding men lose their souls. Seemingly like a spring breeze behind the smile is the eyes of the frivolous but proud, that kind of emanates a mature atmosphere of sex has reached the extreme, so let people think that is the most pure goddess.

As the distance kept getting closer, the joy in Lin Ming Yang's heart was piling up at a rapid pace, while Elisabetta, who was standing in the distance gazing at all this, was in a mood that was constantly hitting rock bottom, she could only watch but was powerless to stop it.

When he was about to walk in front of Monica Bellucci, Lin Ming Yang slightly slowed down his pace and observed the situation around him, and there were a few men who had the same purpose of wanting to get close to this Italian number one beauty. Good to be able to participate in this dinner are the elite of the upper echelons of European society, even in front of Monica Bellucci this kind of stunning beauty, these are still maintaining enough self-possession, really in Monica to talk to only one person, other people are looking at the gathering around, very tacit understanding of waiting.

Of course, this is only the surface of the calm, these people rely on their status, usually are high above the top of the guy, on the surface looks and gas, in fact, the heart are all drowning in front of the crowd to win the favor of the beauty, as a way to greatly satisfy their own vanity.

Just like a group of lions dominating their own territory, Lin Mingyang's proximity attracted the attention of many people, and after seeing the identity of the newcomer, the hearts of all the people present coincided with an unspeakable bitterness, and some people had even begun to beat the drum in their hearts.

To be able to obtain the position they had today, these people were not only arrogant, but they were also self-aware. Regardless of whether Lin Mingyang's intentions were friendly or not, just by looking at the faint smile at the corner of his mouth, it was enough to make these men around Monica completely die.

Young but rich, handsome and talented, coupled with his outstanding position in Hollywood, Lin Mingyang's appearance was the same as closing the door of hope in front of the others.

Seeing Lin Mingyang walk towards this side with a firm pace after a slight pause, the men gathered around Monica Bellucci suddenly reduced by a circle, and those who insisted on losing face only insisted for a little while, then found various reasons to withdraw.

The number of people who stayed around Monica Bellucci became fewer and fewer, and at the back there was only Lin Mingyang left alone.