Chapter 322Dancing Together (22)

In the crowded hall, the sudden appearance of such a surprisingly quiet corner would naturally seem particularly abrupt.

Monica, who was talking to someone, felt this change early on, but the middle-aged man who stood in front of her and spoke eloquently with a slightly bald head and a short and fat figure but wore an elaborate tuxedo would not be the slightest bit aware of the surrounding situation.

Of course, this can not be completely blamed on this guy negligence, at this time he was full of thoughts in thinking how to pile up gorgeous rhetoric to praise Monica's beauty, there is no time to pay attention to the side of the changes can only mean that Monica's charm is difficult to resist.

This person has been pestering Monica for quite a while, if it wasn't for the fact that he is a member of the royal family of a certain country and the title of a duke, Monica would have already written her impatience on her face. Distracted looking around while talking with someone is a very rude behavior in this kind of celebrity party, at this time Monica wants to figure out the situation around, the only way is to end this conversation as soon as possible. But the more times she hinted at it, the more that Mr. Duke was not the least bit interested, and instead bragged even more vigorously about his heroic experience of hunting a bear in the forest on a certain occasion.

That damned dinner party etiquette has long been Monica in her heart cursed many times, her heart is angry, but her face still have to bring a smile, patiently listening to the other side to say. It was not easy to wait until the other party's mouth was dry, and when there was a slight pause, Monica was finally able to speak.

"Sir William, this hunting experience of yours sounds really thrilling...if I were to face a bear alone in the forest, I guess I would have already become food in its mouth."

Monica's praise flattered the middle-aged man, and he waved his hand in mock modesty, "If any ungrateful beast dares to offend the beautiful Miss Monica, I will definitely guard your safety like a knight guards his honor!"

Hearing these words Monica's heart was as hard as if she had swallowed a fly, just when she didn't even know what she should say, someone beside her suddenly let out a slight snort.

Curious Monica followed the source of the sound and raised her eyes to look, not far away a handsome young man was covering his mouth with his fist and pretending to cough, but the corner of his mouth with an evil smile that hadn't dispersed yet downright betrayed him.

The other party raised his head, his gaze full of sneers just happened to collide with Monica, Monica's heart trembled, it was actually him!

Hearing someone laughing around him, that Duke William's face immediately became a bit untenable, because of the shame and irritation, his whole face turned into a sauce purple color, if it wasn't for the fear of leaving a furious effect in front of the beauty, he would have long turned back to reprimand that ungrateful guy.

In order to show that he was very cultured, and at the same time express his disdain for the snickering person, he said condescendingly without even looking back, ''It seems that I need to go and remind Mr. Berlusconi that in the future, when organizing such a party, he needs to think carefully about what people he invites to attend... Those vulgar guys shouldn't receive an invitation at all, and this is simply a kind of invitation to us, these people with status are simply an insult!"

The more he said, the more angry he became, and he even raised his tone on purpose, as if he was afraid that the people around him wouldn't hear him. This Duke William thought that if he raised his arm, everyone around him would nod in agreement and then stand in his camp to condemn that rude guy.

Thinking that he would be able to humiliate the other party severely without even looking at him, Duke William couldn't help but reveal a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

The surrounding guests were first dumbfounded, followed by an expression of mockery meaning contentment on each face, some even clasped their hands and watched the fun from the sidelines. Duke William soon could not laugh out, because he found that these originally should be cast in a certain direction behind the sneering expression, but at the moment all focused on his own body.

Monica still had a gentle smile on her face, but Duke William saw the shadow of another man in her black eyes. He suddenly had a very bad feeling, and this bad feeling became a reality the moment he turned around.

As the instigator of all of this, Lin Ming Yang just stood there with a lighthearted demeanor, and as he saw Duke William's face rapidly darken, he actually smiled politely at the other party.

"This gentleman, I'm sorry I don't know your name, but your proposal just now was good, when I see Mr. Berlusconi, I'll convey your thoughts on your behalf, it's true that someone like me isn't quite suitable for such a 'high-class' gathering."

Lin Mingyang spoke these words without any fireworks, but even a fool could hear the irony in them. Because of his humiliation, that Duke William's entire face had already turned into a pig's liver color at this time, but unfortunately, Lin Ming Yang was never a master to give up, so this was just the beginning.

"Please forgive me for taking the liberty of interrupting your conversation with this beautiful lady just now, but perhaps you yourself don't realize how talented you are. Although I've fought all kinds of criminals in my movies, saved the Earth, and even bred aliens, those things I've done are unimaginative when compared to your heroic deeds of fighting bears in the forest... Honestly speaking, it's really a pity that you didn't become a screenwriter!"

What with the royalty and ducal titles, these might be status symbols in the eyes of others, but they were no big deal in Lin Ming Yang's eyes. The fact that he didn't tear his face off in person was all still due to the fact that Monica had been secretly shaking her head at him and didn't want him to make a big deal out of it.

Under the gaze of Monica's clear and pleading eyes, Lin Ming Yang eventually softened his heart and stopped talking with his mouth open. The two of them looked at each other as if no one else was there directly leaving Duke William, the person in question, aside. Even though there was a great deal of resentment in his heart, the duke who had lost face could only keep his dissatisfaction in his heart and whisked his sleeve away with a cold face.

Without that obstructive light bulb, Lin Ming Yang finally stood in front of the goddess that had haunted him as he wished.

"Ms. Monica, may I ask you to dance?"

In full view of everyone, this man had exasperated a member of a country's royal family to the point of indignation with a few glib words, and then subsequently extended an invitation to herself as if she were in a state of calmness, Monica realized that the condescension that she had worked so hard to build up had all but collapsed at this moment, and she subconsciously nodded, a hint of ecstatic panic actually projecting from her eyes that she couldn't cover up.

Under the dazzling lights, Lin Ming Yang held Monica's hand, and the people around them consciously gave them a path to the dance floor. No one felt that this was abrupt, everything seemed so natural.

Lightly wrapped around Monica's slender waist, through the clothes Lin Ming Yang can feel wrapped in which the body has how rich elasticity. Although that is not a sensitive part, but Monica still feel a burst of heat in the ears, in front of this young man, any one of the unintentional action seems to be able to provoke her heart of the soft string.

Lin Ming Yang stared at the delicate woman in front of him, his heart couldn't help but be moved, what a natural beauty, a pair of eyes as deep and fascinating as black as ink, a pair of eyebrows that curved like a crescent moon, and a set of red-hot lips overflowing with smiles, all so impeccable.

Monica's arms were bare - naked, her milky white skin glowing tantalizingly under the light, her towering breast peaks rising and falling slightly along with the music, and a gush of light perfume assaulted Lin Ming Yang. Lin Ming Yang praised from the bottom of his heart, "You're so beautiful!"

Monica pursed her lips and delicately said, "Oh? Where is it beautiful?"

Like a tease, but also like in a very serious question, Monica on their own style of driving has reached the common people can not reach the point, this kind of off from the female mature beauty of sexy, so that she knitted brows smile for men have fatal attraction.

"Your eyes are like new stars in the sky that dazzle the mind, your hair is like white clouds in the sky that sway softly and beautifully, your red lips are like beautiful flowers that spit out their fragrance, your..."

Monica smiled and interrupted his praise, glancing at him piteously and said:

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect Mr. Felix to be so adept at rhetoric as well, it seems that Hollywood's evaluation of you isn't exaggerated, just ask how many women are able to resist such gentle and romantic sweet words from you?"

Lin Ming Yang felt that there was no intention of rejection in her words, and followed up with a bold flirtation, "So what about you?"

"Me?" Monica giggled with her head slightly bowed, "That depends on what Mr. Felix is here for?"

"If I may, I really want to say that I came for you!" Lin Ming Yang sighed with some regret, "Unfortunately, before today, I didn't know that you were back to attend Mr. Berlusconi's birthday dinner as well, our encounter definitely counts as a romantic chance meeting."

"Just said an honest word and immediately ran out of proper behavior!" Monica quenched softly, but her complexion was not seen to be annoyed.

Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "I'm just being honest."

Monica couldn't do anything about him, so she had to change the topic.

"Last month the head of Playboy magazine approached me, they were willing to buy my nude-photoshoot for 4.2 million euros...this matter shouldn't be authorized by you, right?"

With Playboy's vision, of course it wouldn't let go of Monica Bellucci, it wasn't strange to offer such a price, what really made Lin Mingyang's mind pause briefly was Monica's expression of demeanor when she was talking about this matter, from Elisabetta to Monica, the degree of openness of the Italian women was far beyond his imagination.

After coming back to his senses from his surprise, Lin Ming Yang helplessly beeped and replied with an innocent face, "This matter really wasn't arranged by me... You know that although I am the owner of the Playboy Group, that magazine is still temporarily in charge of Hugh Hefner, and I won't ask about general business matters. "

"Then do you think I should say yes or no?" Monica gave Lin Ming Yang a difficult problem.

Lin Ming Yang answered unusually dryly, "Of course I should say yes, why should I refuse?"

Monica frowned gently, "Just because you're the owner of Playboy, so you think I should say yes?"

"Actually you're only half right!" Lin Ming Yang winked at her, "Precisely because I'm the owner of Playboy, only one copy of that issue will be released in the whole world, and then it will go into my private collection!"