Chapter 323- The Dilemma of Red and Black

But Lin Ming Yang looked at it for half a day and wasn't satisfied, Monica feigned anger and glared at him, asking as if she was pouting, " Mr. Felix since he has such a hobby...I wonder if I'm considered to be your number one collection?"

Quite frankly withdrawing his direct gaze, Lin Ming Yang shrugged, "I never like to put similar collections together, so I'll build a museum just for you, where everything in it belongs only to you!"

"So if I tell you it's just a joke, will you get angry?"

"Of course, I'm a very vindictive you have to make it up to me!" Lin Ming Yang said as he moved his hand on Monica's waist down a few points, his arse was in sight, and through the thin silk skirt, that plump elasticity became more and more amazing.

"Mr. Felix!" Monica was sensitive enough to pull her body back, her eyes full of wariness, "I thought you were different from other men!"

Lin Ming Yang didn't argue, he just took advantage of a shift in a rotating dance position, and with a slight force from his right hand, he directly swept Monica into his arms from behind. To others, this was just a normal dance move, but Monica herself could clearly feel how hard Lin Ming Yang was holding her tightly.

Just when Monica was at a loss for words, she suddenly felt a tingling airflow gently gushing from the back of her ear, and Lin Ming Yang brought his head to her ear and softly said, "As long as it's in front of you, all the men in the world are the same!"

"You... "Monica was so exasperated for a moment that she was a little speechless, the time before and after the two of their bodies were pressed together was less than two seconds, but she felt like it was as long as a century.

After changing back to the original position, Lin Ming Yang's hand was placed back in its original position, which made Monica finally put her heart down a little, but in the next time, she deliberately turned her head towards the side and didn't pay much attention to Lin Ming Yang.

At the end of the dance, Monica lightly apologized and left the dance floor with a cold expression.

Looking at her back, Lin Ming Yang secretly shook his head with a bitter smile in his heart, based on his past experience, this time is considered to have fallen a not so small heel.

"Do you need my help?"

Just as Lin Ming Yang froze out of his mind, someone beside him suddenly opened his mouth and asked.

"Help?" Smelling that familiar perfume odor, Lin Ming Yang frowned slightly, he turned his head very nonchalantly and gave Elisabetta a look without a good mood, he was in a really depressed mood at this time, so naturally he wouldn't be able to have a good look at this shady woman.

Elisabetta nuzzled her mouth and said with regret, "If you just stand here foolishly, you'll never be able to get Monica!"

Lin Ming Yang's eyes suddenly became stern, Elisabetta only felt a piercing coldness rise from her heart, at this moment she almost wanted to give up her plan, but in the end she gritted her teeth and persisted.

"Your mind was seen through by me, so you're annoyed?"

Elisabetta giggled, although a few nervous trills were evident in her laughter.

Humming coldly through his nostrils, Lin Mingyang asked in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

"You're one of the biggest names in Hollywood, even Clooney doesn't put it in his eyes, and I'm nothing but a you think I can do anything to you?"

Elisabetta met Lin Ming Yang's biting gaze with great reluctance, the determination in her demeanor rather made Lin Ming Yang feel a little surprised.

Lin Ming Yang shook his head, "I don't think there's a free lunch in this world, and you can't give me what I want!"

Elisabetta didn't try to convince Lin Ming Yang anymore, she took out a piece of paper from her own handbag and handed it over, "If you really want Monica, come to this place tonight and find me, believe it or not!"

Looking at Elisabetta's back as she twisted away, Lin Ming Yang hesitated for a moment, but finally put the note into his pocket.


The rest of the banquet became tasteless in Lin Ming Yang's eyes as he found Berlusconi's butler and directly requested a meeting with his master. It didn't take long for Berlusconi to let the butler invite him to the study on the second floor, and to Lin Mingyang's surprise, Berlusconi's daughter Barbara was actually here.

Probably knowing that Lin Ming Yang was waiting anxiously, Berlusconi didn't exchange much pleasantries and said:

"Mr. Felix probably guessed it, in fact, this time I invited you to a banquet not entirely to celebrate my fact recently I have encountered a very tricky trouble, my family business, Fenning West, has been involved in a difficult lawsuit, and it is likely that it will lose the case, and the worst result is that the company will be faced with a a huge payout, and if it can't afford to pay it will have to go bankrupt."

Lin Mingyang calmly thought for a while and slowly responded, "In fact I am only interested in the media related industries in your hands, if you really need a lot of money urgently, I can consider funding the mergers and acquisitions of these enterprises!"

Berlusconi shook his head decisively, "As a politician, I need to hold a reliable public opinion position in my hands, these enterprises cannot be sold!"

Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders, "Then I'll just have to pray that you can successfully win that lawsuit!"

"Actually, I still have one more thing in my hand, maybe Mr. Felix will be interested!" Berlusconi deliberately lowered his voice and made a very mysterious gesture.

Not being able to see any cracks on his face, Lin Ming Yang had to use his afterglow to glance at Barbara who had been standing next to him very quietly, and he realized that Barbara was wringing her hands, hanging her head and lowering her eyebrows in a preoccupied manner.

"Do you usually like soccer?"

"America is a desert for soccer, even Beckham playing in America can't change that fact!"

Berlusconi said without any worries, "Then have you ever thought of owning a European team all the time...just like Murdoch bought Manchester United back then?"

"So you are prepared to sell AC Milan?"

As soon as Berlusconi mentioned soccer, Lin Mingyang had already guessed the result, and this time it was just a matter of confirming it again.

"I was in great pain when I made this decision...AC Milan had experienced the team's most glorious period in my hands, and although the team's form has slipped over the past few years, the team has always maintained a high level of play in the Champions League and Serie A. If it wasn't for the difficulties in the family business, I wouldn't have had to make such a decision! If it were not for the difficulties in the family business, I would not have made such a decision!"

Berlusconi covered his face in agony, the politician's superior performance skills were in full play on him. Lin Mingyang simply clasped his hands and didn't say anything, watching with interest as he continued to perform.

"Earlier there was a bid from a Russian resource tycoon to me, but I never agreed... look at Chelsea, I know how crude the Russians' understanding of soccer is, I don't want AC Milan to turn into Europe's second Chelsea after the group!"

Berlusconi spoke painfully, but his words didn't resonate half as much with Lin Mingyang.

AC Milan once and brilliant and now the loss and Berlusconi have a direct relationship. After the team's splendor, Berlusconi contentedly transferred his energy to his own business empire, transferred to his career, he handed over the AC Milan team to his deputy Galliani, and the natural situation appeared: AC Milan's performance slipped.

In the club vice-president Gagliani's "thrifty" team, the team has been due to the aging of the personnel structure, and a serious lack of strong reserves, in the major fronts of the fixed 11 people, once could not support, this situation has continued to the present. If Lin Mingyang buys AC Milan, he will definitely have to spend money to replace the team with fresh blood.

To say that making a movie is a matter of burning money, then running a soccer club is simply burying money in a pit. In Lin Mingyang's opinion, running a soccer club is not a big business at all, maybe it's not even a business. A soccer club is more like a charity organization that aims to please the fans. It only makes money so that it can spend more money to win championships.

To really make up his mind to run a soccer club, the "world's worst business", Lin Mingyang still needs more time to think about it.

"Dad, do you really think he'll buy the club?"

After sending Lin Mingyang away, only Berlusconi and his daughter Barbara remained in the room.

"My child, this is why I want to let you enter the club's management so quickly, losing the controlling stake doesn't mean losing the right to speak, I need you to quickly gain a firm foothold in the team...maybe one day, you'll inherit my career and become the president of this team!" Berlusconi said in a serious tone.

Barbara asked in great confusion, "But the team will soon be sold to someone else, so how can I become the team's chairman?"

Berlusconi laughed, "Don't forget, there is still our entire Bei family behind you...If it is Felix Lin who eventually buys the team, he will definitely not personally serve as the club's chairman, and at that time, he will definitely need a spokesperson who is in line with the team's local interests...It won't take long for He will definitely push you into that position."