Chapter 324 - Who Played Who? (12)

"I thought you wouldn't come today?"

Elisabetta's body was half leaning against the doorway of the room, her red lips flirtatious and delicate. It wasn't until this time that Lin Mingyang realized that this woman's dress today was just too hot. Her upper body was wearing a cream-colored single-line roll-necked tunic, thinly wrapped around her curvy torso, outlining the curves of those shrugging breasts to the fullest. As for her lower body, it was an ultra-short skirt of the same color, with seductive stockings straining her thighs, straight and slender, and a pair of exquisite high-heeled shoes underneath her feet, which were enough to detonate a man's eyeballs with every knit of her brows.

"Are you alone in the room?"

Lin Mingyang's eyes roamed around Elisabetta's body, then he smiled lightly and asked.

"What do you think?" Elisabetta leaned her body towards the room, making way.

Lin Mingyang didn't move towards the inside, the charm in Elisabetta's eyes increased, she covered her mouth and giggled, "What, Mr. Felix, the famous playboy of Hollywood, is he still afraid of being eaten by me?"

"I just don't like to put myself in an uncontrolled environment..." shrugged Lin Ming Yang noncommittally, looking at Elisabetta with a burning gaze, adding, "Especially staying with a beautiful yet dangerous woman like you! "

The smile on Elisabetta's face grew more and more unbridled, her water snake-like waist trembled slightly, and her towering breasts were almost about to break out of her clothes, as she took a step forward, and half of her foot had already stepped on the expensive red carpet of the building.

"Don't worry, Clooney has just returned to the United States with the overnight, tonight here is only me and you!"

"I like honest women, so don't play your smart ass in front of me!"

Lin Ming Yang nodded lightly, his eyes showing some recognition, "I've booked a presidential suite in this hotel, pack up your things and go up with me."

Elisabetta froze slightly, a hint of sulkiness even flashed in her eyes, "Are you still worried that I've tampered with the room?"

"You're a woman with enough brains, so I've never worried about you doing something stupid like that!" Lin Ming Yang shook his head with an arrogant expression, "When I go out to a room with a woman, I've always preferred to pay for the room has nothing to do with trust, it's just a habit."

Lin Ming Yang made his words so direct, Elisabetta in turn had no more comments, she turned around, and in a short while she walked out of the room carrying an LV handbag, and knowingly followed behind Lin Ming Yang, and walked into the luxurious presidential suite upstairs.

The two sat down face to face on the cozy and fluffy sofa, but the conversation didn't officially start.

If you don't say Lin Mingyang can see at a glance that Elisabetta is a "slutty fox" with insufficient desire.

Undoubtedly, to be able to be popular all over the Apennine Peninsula, Elisabetta is absolutely can be described as a woman of great splendor, in the face of her serious under-skirt scenery, any man will look straight. But Lin Mingyang after all is not the first in this area, has seen a variety of beautiful women, he has enough stamina to resist the woman's "meat jacket shells" offensive.

"Why are you so interested in Monica Bellucci?" Elisabetta reached out and pulled out a delicate lighter from her purse, lit the cigarette on her fingertips, and casually put it in her mouth to take a puff, while saying, "Of course, don't get me wrong, the reason why I'm asking this question is just out of personal curiosity."

"Curiosity is something that harms people!" To a woman smoking, Lin Ming Yang didn't care, he smiled and said, "Whether it's in a movie or in reality, I don't know how many people have inexplicably lost their lives, and the only reason for that is their equally inexplicable curiosity."

Elisabetta smiled lightly without any interruption, as she gently curled up her right leg, before completely exposing the touch of charming scenery under her skirt. "You speak like a gangster godfather in a movie."

Lin Mingyang made a gesture to stop this boring discussion, "Let's get down to business!"

"But you haven't answered my question yet? So impatient, Monica isn't so easy for you to chase after." Elisabetta lowered her head and extremely narcissistically slid her fingers gently upward along her white and slender right leg.

"We have a whole night ahead of us, is there really something else Mr. Felix doesn't want to do before we discuss that?"

"Well, that's a good idea of yours," reaching out and grabbing Elisabetta's right leg by the ankle, Lin Ming Yang sneered, "Never show your little wits in front of me, that's what I've just said, have you forgotten all about it?"

Feeling as if her foot was clamped in an iron vice, Elisabetta forced herself to endure the pain, not daring to possess a semblance of resistance, and simply gritted her teeth and nodded her head. Thinking back to when she used the same trick on George Clooney, the other party willingly became her own skirt in less than three minutes, Elisabetta couldn't help but greatly admire the man in front of her for his determination.

At the same time, she also felt more confident in her previous choice. If a man wants to make a real difference, then he must be able to control his own desire, if he is mesmerized by a woman's teasing, then even if he makes a difference, I'm afraid it won't be that great.

Elisabetta is an ambitious woman, she needs not as Lin Ming Yang's girlfriend that kind of showy scenery opportunity, but really outstanding fame opportunity, and in this kind of mind under the domination, she naturally hope that their own attached to the man more powerful, because only then, she may get more opportunities.

Seeing that she was honest, Lin Ming Yang then hummed in satisfaction as he held Elisabetta's rounded ankles and sat up, before stroking on her smooth, fleshy legs.

Elisabetta let out a tantalizing gasp in her throat, and as soon as Lin Ming Yang let go of her leg, she immediately retracted her leg, then stood up and walked over to sit down obediently next to Lin Ming Yang.

"Monica is a woman with a very 'conservative' private life, don't look at the fact that she's often photographed on a large scale in movies, but in Italy, there aren't many scandals about her... but recently she's in the middle of a messy divorce with her ex-husband, and the reason for that is said to be because she was seventeen years old when she had sex with her First love boyfriend had sex, and the other party is just a truck driver, recently that guy took the initiative to reveal to the media about his relationship with Monica, straight talk about under the bed, the language is very revealing, this thing makes Monica very embarrassed, and her husband also filed for divorce, and want to split most of her property!"

Lin Ming Yang had one hand gently caressing the inside of Elisabetta's soft thighs, while the other hand was playing with the goblet filled with red wine.

"Your realization is that I can start with this matter, get close to Monica, and then win her favor?"

"To properly resolve this matter, you need to start on many levels, I know a lot of powerful people in Italy, if you need, I can..."

"I can arrange everything for you in secret, then Monica will be grateful to you and will naturally..."

"It's enough for you to send this message, the rest doesn't need your concern!" Lin Ming Yang's heart, however, suddenly thought of Berlusconi's request, as long as he opened his mouth, with the influence of the Bei family in Italy, he should be able to take care of this matter without much effort.