Chapter 326 - Successful Role Model

The other party stated his intention, and the expression on Cassa's face followed suit as he switched hands and clamped the microphone on his other shoulder, then took out a pen and paper from his desk and began to carefully record the information from this call.

"Mr. Bekmambetov, I'm sorry your name is a bit awkward, I don't think I'm pronouncing it correctly, am I?"


"Here's the situation, I have a few questions about your invitation...first is the nature of the investment in this movie you mentioned, is it an independent production or a direct investment by the studio?"

Over the phone, Bekmambetov gave a brief overview of the movie:

"This movie is directly financed by the famous Hollywood film company MGM be precise this is a sequel movie, its predecessor was Wanted co-starring Felix Lin and Angelina Jolie, and at the same time that was my first directorial work in Hollywood."

Casa listened as he scribbled "Felix Lim" on a piece of paper with a pen, then gently pushed it in front of Monica, his finger heavily tapping on the name.

After Monica read it, she eagerly wanted to speak, but Kassa hastily pointed towards the microphone in her hand and made a silent gesture towards her.

"I see...what you mean is that this movie is actually a commercial movie attributed to the Hollywood name, so if Monica accepts the offer, what kind of role will she get?"

"I wonder how much you know about the movie 'Wanted'?"

Bekmambetov asked directly on the phone, and Casa answered dryly:

"I saw that film in its entirety in the theater."

"That's good...Let me put it to you this way, what we want to invite Ms. Monica to star in is the female lead in the film, a role that is basically equivalent to Angelina Jolie in the last film."

Casa asked curiously, "Angelina Jolie is not acting?"

"Her character died in the last installment of the show, and the heroine who appears in the sequel will be a completely new cast of characters."

"That's right..." nodded Cassa, "I've basically clarified the situation, I'll discuss this matter with Monica immediately, and I'll get back to you as soon as I have any news."

Before he could place the microphone in his hand, Monica couldn't wait to ask:

"The call was from Felix Lin?"

Casa first shook his head and nodded again, causing Monica to be confused, she tightened her brows and an anxious look flashed frequently in her guiding eyes.

Seeing this, Casa hurriedly explained, ''The call wasn't from Felix Lin himself, but the other party definitely received some kind of authorization from Felix Lin. After receiving this call, I'm basically certain that the person who stayed hidden behind the scenes but was able to ask Berlusconi to help you with your troubles is Felix Lin... The only thing I can't figure out is whether he did this for the sake of making a good movie or to use this as an opportunity to get close to you?"

Monica smiled, deep down, she was inclined to seize this opportunity, but when she thought of Lin Ming Yang's "frivolous" behavior at the banquet, she was a bit hesitant.

Although Monica's impression of Lin Mingyang was far from annoying, but Lin Mingyang's bold and direct expression of his "covetousness" for Monica made Monica hesitate. As long as the shadow of Lin Mingyang appeared in her mind, the deep and boundless eyes of the other party's face, the corners of his mouth that wipe the evil and handsome smile is like a brand that lingers on, especially by Lin Mingyang tightly embraced in the arms of that kind of electrifying sensation, all so that it is difficult for Monica to hold on to herself.

A contact can let Monica to Lin Mingyang born a kind of love difficult to own feeling, if really in the movie acting rivalry, Monica very doubtful that she will really indulge in it, in front of the man completely sunk ...

In Casa's eyes, Monica is an independent and opinionated person, from the time she gave up her university studies to work as a professional model, to later change her profession to enter the movie industry...all these major decisions have always come from Monica's own idea. As Monica's agent for such a long time, it was the first time Casa saw such a difficult expression on her face.

"What do you think I should do?"

"Actually, you already have your own idea, it's just that you're not sure if it's worth it or not."

Kassa shrugged, with his knowledge of Monica, saying such a spot-on thing didn't surprise Monica.

Seeing Monica frown in silence, he continued, "If you look at Hollywood as a hierarchical movie kingdom, then Felix Lim is one of the few people sitting at the top of the pyramid of power in this kingdom, and cooperating with him is a knock on the door that opens a door to the upper class movie and television circle in Hollywood...I know that there must be some sort of price to pay, but it's not a price. must come at some sort of cost, but not everyone gets that chance."

Monica knew Casa would talk herself into this, and it provided just the right amount of justification for the stupid longing that was building inside her.

Monica had to admit that the man struck her as something very special; he was like a magnet that radiated an irresistible attraction to the aliens around him.

The moment at the dinner party when Lin Mingyang hugged her tightly, she didn't decisively try to reject it, but willingly got into it, then in the future, she would be even more unable to refuse ... the wheels of desire once they started, no matter if it was paradise or hell in front of her, she could only face it alone, unable to stop it, unable to escape it either.


In the crowded Bernabeu Stadium, Lin Mingyang and Eckers stood side by side on the stands of the stadium, the two stood around a circle of grim black-clothed bodyguards, which can be separated from those crazy fans in the periphery.

"I think it was a grave mistake for you to choose the location of the conversation here!" The crowd around them was so loud that Ecks had to speak loudly at the top of his voice.

Lin Ming Yang shook his head as he clasped his hands, "You can't feel this soccer atmosphere in the VIP box."

Ecks grunted in displeasure, "The atmosphere of a soccer match here is there, but my mood for conversation is gone!"

Lin Ming Yang shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, "If one were to identify a soccer club only by the match conditions, then Real Madrid is definitely not the leader. If you just look at the club's history, then Real Madrid is definitely not the best model either. Until the year 2000, the club, which was established more than 100 years ago, had been suffering from huge losses. But in just a few years, Real Madrid has become the most successful soccer club in the world. I didn't ask you to come here to chat, but to observe the success of the other side is the main thing."

As long as he wanted to go against Lin Ming Yang, Ecks was always able to find a rebuttal, "Then you should go directly to Florentino Perez, standing here you'll always see only what's on the surface."

While Lin Mingyang was only talking about the surface of the situation, Eckers was hitting the nail on the head. Because the real focal point of the change in Real Madrid is the new president, Florentino Perez, who was elected as the new president with a high approval rating of 55 percent in the club's presidential race. This natural-born construction businessman has brought about sweeping changes to the club. His idea is simple, invite more and more influential players, with more famous players, naturally more fans, higher ratings, naturally higher revenues, and more money to continue the cycle of buying stars.

"As a future rival, do you still expect Perez to enthusiastically introduce me to the success of Real Madrid and then watch AC Milan become the second Real Madrid?"

Lin Mingyang's rhetorical question caused Ecks to briefly fall silent for a moment, but he soon picked up some flavor from the words:

"Why do I feel that you're saying this with a bit of an unkind feeling... Everyone knows that Florentino Perez built Real Madrid into an unrivaled galactic fleet by smashing money and digging in. Could it be that now you're ready to hit Real Madrid with your idea?"

Having his mind demolished by Ecks to his face, Lin Ming Yang just laughed heatedly and then winded up coming up with a sentiment:

"The Bernabeu Stadium is so nice!"

If it was someone else, it is estimated that this time is still immersed in the question just now, but Eckers has long been accustomed to this kind of jumping way of thinking of Lin Mingyang, and was able to quickly capture the main points from it, which is probably what Lin Mingyang often said the tacit understanding.

Lin Mingyang mentioned Real Madrid's home stadium, Eckers immediately associated with AC Milan's home stadium San Siro, the same world-class famous stadium, but the Bernabeu's hardware facilities are obviously better than the San Siro on a level.

At the same time as the home of AC Milan and Inter Milan, the quality of the turf at the San Siro has been damaged by the frequent participation of the two teams, and the potholes in the pitch and the destruction of the turf are thought to have a serious impact on the performance of the two skillful teams.

As the San Siro is owned by the city of Milan, the two teams are not eligible to remodel the stadium or open services around it. Both AC Milan and Inter Milan's annual box office revenues are greatly reduced. Lin Mingyang to take over AC Milan in the eyes of people in the know has become a certainty, although not yet officially announced each other, but he picked up this topic at this time is by no means empty wind.

"You're going to build a new stadium for AC Milan?"

Lin Mingyang patted Ecks' shoulder hard, "It's a real pleasure to talk to a smart person like you!"

This rare compliment didn't make Ecks appreciate it, unlike Lin Ming Yang's pie-in-the-sky conceptions, Ecks was thinking about very practical issues.

"Do you know how much it costs to build a stadium like this?"

Lin Ming Yang nodded "heartlessly":

"I know that the Bird's Nest Stadium for the BJ Olympics cost 3.1 billion RMB, which when converted into dollars is probably close to 500 million... that's the cost of a movie, so it's actually not particularly expensive!"

Ecks was completely speechless, his eyes widened as he rushed at Lin Ming Yang and roared with exhaustion, "Aside from you and James Cameron, who else in the world could spend half a billion dollars on a single movie!"

"Well, I admit that I'm a crazy guy...of course the biggest difference between me and those who live in mental hospitals is that I'll make the world go crazy with me!"