Chapter 327 - The Art of Prying (12)

During lunch, Lin Mingyang and Ecks came to the very famous Bodine Restaurant in Madrid.

This restaurant founded in 1725 was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest restaurant in the world. It is said that the famous Spanish painter Goya used to wash dishes in Bodine Restaurant before he became famous, and Hemingway even called this restaurant the best restaurant in Madrid during his years of living in Spain.

Now this restaurant is still a gourmet guests enjoy the meeting place, a meal time seat is very tight, Lin Mingyang hard to book a as, but Eckles sitting in this imitation of medieval castle restaurant, facing the table signature specialties roast lamb and roast suckling pig, but can not raise too much appetite.

"Are you sure those big name players of Real Madrid will dine here?" Looking around at the seats that were almost full, Ecks couldn't help but be skeptical of Lin Mingyang's intentions for this trip.

Lin Mingyang passed a wink in the direction of his left side, and Ecks followed his gaze to see that, sure enough, there was still an empty seat in the corner by the window over there.

Ecks leaned his body forward and deliberately lowered his voice to ask, "Who exactly are you waiting for?"

Lin Mingyang, who was feasting on a table of food, wiped the grease stains around his lips with a napkin and skimmed his lips as he dropped a sentence:

"This roasted suckling pig tastes good, why don't you try it too?"

Ecks rolled his eyes, he knew that Lin Ming Yang was intentionally selling out, and he didn't bother to continue to pursue the question, he just kept his gaze firmly fixed on that corner. As soon as the other party showed up, the answer would naturally be revealed.

It didn't take long for the restaurant waiter to lead an unimpressive middle-aged man in. The reason why Real Madrid is called the "Galactic Battleship" in the soccer world is that here, in addition to the world's highest price of Crow, you can also see even the "pseudo-fans" can name the stars - Kaká, Torres, Aaron Rodríguez, Kara, Kara, Aaron Rodríguez, Aaron Rodríguez, Aaron Rodríguez and others. -Kaka, Torres, Alonso, Iguaín, Guti, Raúl, and so on. Axe doesn't know much about soccer, but he's absolutely sure that this guy isn't any of these stars.

"Are you mistaken?" Ecks gently bumped Lin Mingyang's calf with his foot under the dining table, "Is this guy the 'big fish' you're talking about?"

Lin Mingyang raised his head and glanced that way, then asked rhetorically:

"Do you think he doesn't look like it?"

Ecks shook his head firmly, "I don't think he's a soccer player at all!"

Lin Ming Yang was very direct this time and showed his cards, "You're right, that person isn't a Real Madrid player at all. It's probably just Real Madrid's fans, very few people know this guy's name, but he's a key figure in Real Madrid's successful operations over the years... To re-introduce you to him, that gentleman's name is Ivan Brave, and his current position is the Director of Marketing Planning for Real Madrid FC."

Ecks had long anticipated that Lin Mingyang would hit Real Madrid with the idea of poaching, but how could he not have expected that this guy would actually pry the corner so deep that he would have to poach someone from Real Madrid's management as soon as he struck.

If it is a so-and-so big-name players, Eckers may be on the surface will pay attention to a little, but inwardly is likely to not take each other seriously at all, but Lin Mingyang said that the identity of the person, Eckers' expression also followed became gloomy.

"Are you sure you can convince him?"

"There are a few points of certainty, but the prerequisite is that he has to be ambitious enough!"

What was revealed in Lin Ming Yang's faint smile was an absolute confidence, he brought over a napkin from the table and wrote on it in English, "Do you want to come to AC Milan to do great things?" .

After doing so, Lin Mingyang put the re-stacked napkin with a 100 euro tip into the tray in the hands of the waiter who had been summoned.

"The euros go into your own pocket, and this goes to the gentleman at table B11."

A tip of 100 euros was a generous offer, and that waiter didn't even think twice about what exactly Lin Mingyang was doing by going through so much trouble to deliver a napkin to that table, and busied himself by delivering the item.

Not long after, the napkin was sent back by the waiter, Lin Mingyang spread the napkin out in front of Eckles, on which was clearly written "Yes".

Eckers glanced at his mouth, this scene always makes him feel a little familiar, when Real Madrid's chairman Perez is the same way from Juventus hands to poach the French star Zidane. If Perez knew that Lin Mingyang repeated the same trick and used the same means to poach his favorite player, he did not know how he would feel in his heart.

Eckers didn't have much time to worry about what Perez would think afterward, because he saw Ivan Bravo getting up to pay the bill without even touching the food on the table, and Lin Mingyang also wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Before Lin Ming Yang called the waiter to settle the bill, Ecks hurriedly stuffed a few pieces of roasted lamb into his mouth and then wolfed down the food on his plate, he didn't want to follow Lin Ming Yang to negotiate with others on a hungry stomach.


The two specialties of Bodine Restaurant were known far and wide, but very few people knew that Ivan Bravely liked to eat the restaurant's paella. Ivan's hobby has lasted for many years, and even Perez, who knows him the best in the club, doesn't know this "secret".

The professional habit of careful observation developed over the years allowed Ivan to see at a glance that there was something strange on that ordinary napkin, and he was surprised that someone in Madrid would actually give him such a gift in such a familiar and almost arrogant way, even if it was a joke, he was curious to know what kind of talent would have such a genius "idea! He wondered what kind of person could have come up with such a genius "idea".

Unfortunately, in the Bodine restaurant, the man who passed the napkin had been wearing sunglasses and couldn't see his face, the middle-aged man sitting opposite that person did give Ivan a friendly smile, but unfortunately Ivan couldn't recall where he had seen this face.

Ivan wandered in front of the Bodine restaurant for a moment, those two people really followed as he expected, Ivan greeted the front, I did not expect that the guy wearing sunglasses but very bullishly waved his hand at him, and came to a sentence:

"This is not the place to talk!"

In this way, Ivan face full of depression followed the two mysterious identity of the guy sat into the roadside in a modest sedan, such as rolling up the window, Ivan finally saw the true face of the man.

"It's actually him!"

While secretly smacking his lips in his heart, Ivan did not show any strong emotional changes on the surface, which made Lin Mingyang very satisfied.

When it came to introductions, Lin Mingyang directly omitted himself and pointed at Ecks, saying:

"This is my partner, the president of MGM Studios, Mr. Eckles!"

Ivan hastily passed his hand over, Eckles special identity so that Ivan undoubtedly chose to get along with Lin Ming Yang's side of the "big housekeeper" at the first time.

Ecks and he simply exchanged a few pleasantries, and Lin Ming Yang quickly brought the conversation to the point.

"Next year I will officially take over AC Milan FC, by then I hope Mr. Ivan can come to Milan to help me!"

Ivan didn't move on the surface, but his heart had already set off shock waves, recently he had more or less heard some rumors about AC Milan Club's upcoming change of ownership, but after all, this news was only a small range of rumors and hadn't been confirmed in any way... Now that Lin Ming Yang had personally confirmed the authenticity of this matter, this brought more than just a shock to Ivan.

Facing Lin Mingyang's burning gaze, Ivan laughed bitterly in his heart, when he had signed his consent on the napkin on a whim, he had forced himself into a situation where he could not back out.

"How does Mr. Felix expect me to help you?"

Lin Mingyang smiled slightly, "After determining to buy AC Milan, Ecks and I have been discussing how exactly to run a soccer club. Real Madrid's success has obviously set an example for us, and according to my understanding, the most important reason why Real Madrid has been able to achieve the success it has today is that it operates internally like a modern enterprise, and players become true 'commodities' in the hands of the club. Starting with Figo, Zinedine Zidane opened the way, followed by Ronaldo, Beckham, Kaka and then the sky-high signing of Cairo, all of these stars have brought a powerful star effect to Real Madrid."

Lin Mingyang just said what interested him, and a more substantial business analysis fell to Ecks to add next.

"In the past, the soccer clubs that made the most money were only the broadcasting rights of the matches and the ticket revenues of the matches, but Real Madrid's profitability obviously didn't just rely on these two aspects, I studied your profitability model, and in the end, I found out that Real Madrid's huge profit relied on a large degree of similarity to the operation of Disneyland."

"Disney sells more than just the park, we can see that there is a huge industrial chain behind it, Disney has toys, badges, clothing, and film and television rights... So Real Madrid has its own badges, restaurants, stadiums, sponsors, partners, and collaborative media outlets, and all of this is supposed to be looking to Disney to learning."

"Mr. Ivan, should I be right about all of this?"

Ecks suddenly asked, Ivan then snapped out of the daze he had just been in, he smiled with an embarrassed face, "Your analysis is thorough enough, the truth is that I can't give a better answer right now."

Lin Mingyang waited for half a day to want is not this kind of meaningless evaluation, analyze the success of others is very simple, he really want to know is, Real Madrid's this model copied to AC Milan, the possibility of success in the end how big.

Obviously Ivan's answer is not otherwise he is satisfied, Lin Mingyang gently frowned, the atmosphere in the car suddenly became tense, doubly pressured Ivan clenched his teeth: "If all the club's commercial activities to me to operate, at least fifty percent of the grasp!"

Lin Mingyang finally nodded with satisfaction, "If you really do this, the position of AC Milan club vice chairman will be yours."