Chapter 328 - Crazy that has nothing to do with the movie box office (22)

Lin Mingyang looked at this mesmerizing siren opposite him and shook his head hopelessly, "I bought 61% of the shares of AC Milan Club, and yesterday Berlusconi just signed the equity transfer contract, but the news is currently being withheld from the public for the time being."

Elisabetta rolled her eyes, she keenly smelled the news value behind this matter, she owed her body, lying on the back of the chair Lin Mingyang was leaning on, of the table, said with a smile, "My dear, after this news is announced, can I arrange for an exclusive interview with you on the program?"

Lin Ming Yang shook his head decisively, which made Elisabetta somewhat slightly disappointed.

Looking at the tantalizing expression of the woman in front of her as she pursed her lips and frowned, Lin Ming Yang gestured for her to sit beside him.

He reached out and cupped half of Elisabetta's pretty face, "When the time comes, I'll arrange someone for you, interviewing him can be much more interesting than interviewing me!"

Elisabetta instantly smiled, and in return, Lin Ming Yang rightfully received a fiery kiss.


After having lunch in the hotel room, Elisabetta turned on the TV and lethargically leaned in Lin Mingyang's arms to watch today's news.

The host of the program was in Italian, so Lin Ming Yang, who couldn't understand what was being said in it, flipped through the English newspaper in the living room, and just as he finished reading an edition and was about to turn the page, a few words he was familiar with suddenly came out of the TV.

Putting down the newspaper and raising his eyes, it turned out that the TV screen was showing a piece of entertainment news relayed from the American media, with the original English soundtrack, only with Italian subtitles underneath.

The exaggerated awe-inspiring tone of the program host reporting the news caught Lin Mingyang's attention, while Elisabetta beside him was also paying close attention to the news.

"It collected $35 million at the box office on its opening day, broke the North American single-day box office record with $60 million on the following day, and at the end of its first week in theaters, the box office broke through to reach $270 million US dollars, a full $90 million higher than the previous single-week box office record of $160 million set by 'Transformers 2'! This pace can only be described as 'godlike' and the name of 'god' is "Avatar."

"On the occasion of Easter 2009, James Cameron, who has been silent for ten years, has once again shocked people's eyeballs, and this cross-generation movie work of Avatar has once again succeeded in rewriting the record of Hollywood movies, and then completely subverted people's conception of the movie, and the frenzied phenomenon caused by it has already exceeded the level of the movie, and for the whole Hollywood movie industry has all put a strong blue stain on it."

With this opening statement full of astonishment, a horrifying scene appeared on the news screen: in the weather of minus ten degrees Celsius, just after a heavy snowfall, nearly two thousand people on the streets of New York waited in a long queue that snaked for several hundred meters to buy a movie ticket for a movie theater that claimed to have the largest IMAX screen on the East Coast of the United States, riot police struggled to keep order, and the electronic screen in front of the movie theater broadcasted again and again: "Please, everybody, please, please, please, please, please, please! broadcast: "Please don't be in a hurry, the movie 'Avatar' will be shown until Easter."

Immediately after the screen turned, the blonde beauty reporter holding a microphone began to introduce the recent situation of Cameron's new film in North America: "It's no exaggeration to say that the appearance of Avatar has brought the Christmas hustle and bustle to an early start. It's no exaggeration to say that Avatar has brought the Christmas hustle and bustle early, with people from all walks of life missing work and school to go see Avatar in the U.S. It's become the norm in the U.S., and the trend is spreading as the movie hits theaters in other countries around the globe."


"In Chicago, getting up at 2 a.m. to stand in line to buy tickets is nothing new; a video of a Salt Lake City mother wrapped in a quilt standing in line all night for her son has been circulating on YouTube; and the latest news is that a Los Angeles theater with an IMAX projection facility sold all of its Avatar tickets for the coming month in one day, a total of 18,000 tickets. "


"Avatar" has made going to the movies more urgent than Christmas, and has directly contributed to 'ticket speculation,' which is extremely rare in the U.S. Tickets for IMAX movies that cost around $50 can sell for up to $800 in some areas, and some people have even gone to the movies at 2 a.m. to queue to buy tickets, after six hours of queuing, bought the maximum limit of four tickets that each person can buy, and then later turned around and sold them on the Internet, despite all the bad locations, they still sold at a high price, and made more than $600 for the four tickets."

The four-minute-long news clip was almost all about the sensation the movie Avatar had caused across North America, none of this was out of Lin Mingyang's expectations, but Elisabetta watched in awe.

"Oh my god, it's just a movie, just how much charm does it have to have to make Americans become so crazy?"

Lin Ming Yang bristled at the sight, "You have to know that Cameron prepared for nearly 10 years before and after to make this movie in the first place, and the movie spent nearly half a billion dollars on filming and production alone...on that basis you won't be surprised anymore if you look at these news reports!"

Elisabetta gently patted her chest, "But I still think this is a bit exaggerated."

Lin Ming Yang meaningfully put down the newspaper in his hand and said, "When the movie is released in Italy, you'll know that the reaction of the Americans is actually not particularly out of the ordinary, perhaps the reaction of the Europeans will be even more intense... Avatar is not only a movie, it's also a revolution in cinematic vision! "

Hearing Lin Ming Yang speak so solemnly, Elisabetta also got pumped up, she leaned her body towards Lin Ming Yang's side, the plumpness of her chest pressed tightly against the man's arm, winks in her eyes.

"Honey, are you that optimistic about this movie?"

Lin Ming Yang reached out and patted Elisabetta's delicate face, "I've only invested 300 million dollars in this movie, but the profit from it is absolutely beyond your imagination!"

Feeling that she was being underestimated, Elisabetta pouted in dissatisfaction, "Could the box office revenue of this movie still exceed that of Titanic?"

Lin Ming Yang snorted, then placed his hand on Elisabetta's taut inner thigh.

"Why don't we make a bet!"

Elisabetta was enjoying Lin Ming Yang's caresses at the moment, her mouth couldn't help but let out a soft murmur of pleasure, and in the midst of a slight gasp, she tilted her face up and asked, "What kind of bet?"

"Just bet that the box office of Avatar this time can surpass Titanic, and by far!" Lin Ming Yang said decisively, "If it exceeds less than 100 million dollars it's my loss!"

Elisabetta asked in a petulant manner, "Is there any reward for winning?"

"I'll fulfill one of your demands, whatever it is!"

Lin Mingyang's solemn promise drew a giggle from Elisabetta, "And what if I lose?"

"Then you're mine!"

At the sound of Elisabetta's panting protests, Lin Mingyang picked her up whole, striding towards the bedroom.