2.A Choice Must Be Made

Her Highness, Queen Ilithyia Velaryon, the wife of Gavin Velaryon the II, stood out there in the calm weather, staring at her daughter as she practiced her archery skills.

The Queen's lady-in-waiting Eve stood there with her, she held an umbrella shielding the Queen from the sunlight.

'. Only your beauty glows in the sun, Your Highness!'. Eve gently bowed.

'. Oh dear!'. She gave a smile.

'. Your Highness, if I may say, The Princess has been practicing hard lately, and we the servants are worried. She said with a slight bow towards the ground.

'. My daughter pushes herself hard when she wants to achieve something, this is a quality I saw in The King, His Highness '. She calmly said with a majestic voice.


Alexandra saw her mom and rushed over to her, she gently bowed with a smile.

'. Mother!'. She bowed.

'. Oh, darling! Are you alright?'.

'. Of course Mother!'. She placed her arm around her mother's and they both walked to the garden.

'. Nothing warms me up than the smell of those flowers!'. The Queen gently sat.

'. Mother!'. Alexandra sat opposite her mom.

'. So tell me, how's your archery skills?'.

'. Perhaps gotten better '. She said with a calm face.

'. Oh dear, you don't have to be stressed with these, you will come around someday!'.

'. Mom, you say with such calmness '.

'. Over the years, lots of things happened and I could only sit and watch those happen right before me.

'. Why?'.

'. [Smiles]'.

'. Is it because you couldn't do anything about it? Or just didn't want to?'.

'. Life gave me a choice and I chose none, don't ask me why!...getting caught up in a dilemma or anything that would make me stuck between choices wasn't a situation I would want to see myself in be it in the past or the future!'.

'. I guess you had your reasons or was it something holding you back?'.

'. [Sighs], a reason? is that what they call it? didn't realize until now.

-. I believe whatever choice or reason you had at the time must have been something hard for you!'.

'. Enough about me already, let's talk about you!'.

'. Me?'.

'. Of course you!'.

'. Well, there's nothing special about me to talk about!'.

'. Are you sure?'.

'. ....'. She lowered her head with a sad face.

'. Your father! how's he?'.

'. Busy with the courtiers'.

'. What is it?, don't you want to be the perfect Queen for Narva?'.

'. Helping my father in the palace court, helping the ministers and the people has always been what I want to do most, rather am being asked to take etiquette classes, documentaries, historical and even archery classes '.

'. But these are all good for you, darling!'.

'. How?'.

'. A Queen must have both Etiquette and fighting skills darling, it's called never letting them know you, Etiquette shows how elegant you are in front of your subordinates and your people, and fighting skills show how merciless you are to the enemies!'.

'. [Scoffs], oh Mother!'.

'. You find it crazy right?'.

'. Obviously.....know what I will just go have my bathe now and try to forget all you had just said!'. She gets up and gently bows before leaving.

'. Your Highness, do you think The Princess would understand what you were saying?'. Eve asked.

'. She definitely would need to experience it!'. She smiled.

In the blossom City of Narva, There were 5 top families nobody would want to mess with. They were considered to be next to The King, himself.

The City of Narva has been able to succeed so far because of these families. The Tittensor Family, Gonzales Family, Mortensen Family, Larry's Family, and the Blanchett Family.

These families were court officials who supported the king and helped him. It is said that people who messed with them especially The Tittensor family either went missing or got locked up.

Moriah, a fair young, and beautiful lady stood there in a corner. Her face was covered with a black hood, and one could barely see who she was. A tall and handsome guy with luxuries all over him walked towards her.

'. Sorry for keeping the young lady waiting!'. He smiles getting to her.

'. Do you have any idea the dangers you put me through?'.

'. What definitely would be that?'.

'. Having me to come here late at night!'.

'. Well, sorry!'.

'. [Sighs]'. She folds her hands.

'. What's there to be mad about?'.

'. What do you want calling me out here at this time?'.

'. [Smiles], just want to show you a little surprise...'.

She stares at him.

'.....if you don't mind!'.

'. A surprise that wouldn't wait till morning!'.

'. It's best at night, also I am sorry for having you sneak out of the house at this time!'. He holds her hands.

'. Can't believe you just realized that!'.

'. I promise next time, you will get picked up by me!'. They smiled and climbed onto the horse.

'. Where are we going?'.

'. Somewhere special!'. He smiled.

After riding for about an hour, they stopped and gently calmed down from the horse saddle.

'. Where is this place?'.

'. Just come on!'. He held her and they slowly walked through the mountain path. Getting to the mountain top. The young man gently opened his arms feeling the cool wind.

'. Wow!'. She was stunned by the view.

'. Do you love it?'.

'. Absolutely!!'.

'. Glad you do!'.

'. This is amazing, I could even see the city from here!'. She jumped happily.

'. Careful don't get your ankle broken!'. He sits down.

'. If I was mad before, I take it back!...this is super cool!'.

'. That wasn't what she said back then!'. He murmured.

'.Never knew The City of Narva would be so beautiful from a distanced view!'. She sat close to him.

'. That's why I brought you here, so you could see our lovely future from here!'. They stared at each other.

'. Our?....our lovely future?....future?'. She stared at him as he gently knelt with a ring pointing toward her.

'. Would you...'. She interrupts him.

'. No!!, I won't.....sorry but,...!'.

'. You don't even know what I was gonna say!'. He said nervously.

'. I am so sorry Alun!'. She stares at him.

'. Sorry about what?!.... I mean I was gonna finish what I was saying and you.....'.

'. I won't get married to you!'. He stared at her in shock.

'...what are you saying?... We've been together for years now, and...what are you saying?!!'. He pants.

'. Alun, I thought we had just a you-know a crazy relationship like others!'.

'. Crazy?...you called our two years relationship crazy?'.

'. Isn't it?'.

'. The best moments of our lives are crazy?'.

'. Am so sorry, Alun!'.

'. Do you have an idea what you are saying?!'.

'....of course, I do!'.

'. There must be a reason right?!'. He held her hands staring at her nervously.

'. I can't marry you!'. She withdrew her hands.

'. ....'.

'. I just can't!'.

'. Why!!'.

'. My sister is the Queen, my marriage and everything is arranged by her!!.....don't you get it?!'.

'. Moriah!!'.

'. I am so sorry, that this turned out to be nothing at the end!'.

'. THE END!'.

'. I just can't do this!'.

'. We can convince her right?... I mean she is the Queen, a kind woman, right?'.

'. I am her sister, not the people who she plays an angel for!'

'. Moriah?'. He called with a faint voice.

'. Am sorry, Alun'.

'. Maybe you need some time to think about it, fight?!'.

'. Alun! Alun!'. She gently calms him.

'. Choices have to be made, okay?'.

'. And you chose this?....our love?'.

'. [Sighs].....Alun, I can't go back on my word, I already made this choice and it stands!, and besides you are Lord Alun from the Tittensor Family, I really can't do this!'.She walks away.

'. Be careful while going down!'. He turned to her.

'. You don't have to worry about me!'. She leaves.

'. [Moriah!!!]'.