3.The Palace Court

A king sits on the throne and his ministers stand with hands carrying booklets. Their faces could tell different opinions, it was up to the King to decide.

'. Your Highness!'. Lord Edgard, an older man with a stern face bowed.

'. Rise!'. The King commanded.

'. Your Highness!, I have something important to say!'.

'. What do you have to say?'.

'. Your Highness, according to the traditional rites, it's high time the princess takes in a husband!'. He bowed with his right hand placed on his chest.

'. A husband?'. The King raised his eyebrows in surprise.

'. Your Highness, the princess has come of age to get married, and according to the rites, she has to have a husband before ascending the throne!'. The King took a deep sigh.

'. Your Highness!'. A minister walked forward.

'.....if I may contribute to what Lord Edgard has said, he is right!...the princess has no betrothed, and is only right for her to choose a husband before ascending the throne!'. He continued, bowing his head and placing his hand on his chest.

[Greeting the Royal family, one has to place his right hand to his chest and then bow!].

'. Sebastian, what do you have to say?'. He turned to his trusted Chancellor.

'. Your Highness!'. He bowed and continued.

'. The ministers are right, the princess can only ascend the throne if she is married!'. Chancellor Sebastian, the king's right-hand man.

'. If so, then go ahead and make your suggestions!'.

'. Your Highness!'. A minister walked forward.

'. Marquee Gonzales, do you have any suggestions?

'. Your Highness, I do and hope you will like it!'. He bowed.

'. Then go on!'.

'. Your Highness, the princess is your daughter, and on the day she was born the moon shown bright. If I may say Your Highness, let her choose a husband from the Top 5 families. They have stood with the Royal family for generations, and I heard the young lords from these families are renowned for their exceptional qualities and beauties!'.

'. Hmm!... that sounds like a great idea! Sebastian what do you say?'.

'. Your Highness, I agree with him!'.

'. If so then, inform the 5 families about today's matter, and let's wait for their response!'.

'. Yes, Your Highness!'. The ministers bowed.

'. The meeting is over!!'.

'. Long Live Your Highness!!'. The ministers bowed as The King walked out of the court.

The sun shone bright and the wind blew softly and gently. The Queen sat in the garden, her maid messaging her feet and a local musician by her side, playing his instrument gracefully.

'. If you are this talented, why did you decide to be a local musician?'. She turned to him.

'. Your Highness!'. He stops playing and bows.

'.you don't have to be formal!'.

'. Your Highness, you are the Queen of our land, it's only right if I bow at your presence!'.

'. If you say so go on and answer me- why did you choose such a life when you could do better?'.

'. If life presented opportunities, I wouldn't be sitting here, your Highness!'.

'. Opportunities?.....why do you need them, if you could just create one?'. She looked at him intently.

'. Your Highness, if I may ask....what do you mean?'.

'. You said if life presented opportunities, you wouldn't be here!....well, life did present you with an opportunity!'.

'. What do you mean Your Highness?'.

'. [Smiles], what's your name?'.

'. I am a commoner, Your Highness!.....my name does not deserve to be known by The King's goddess!'. He bowed and the Queen boasted into laughter.

'. Hahaha!...we are humans, the only thing that differentiates us, is status....you don't have to say such!'. She smiled.

'. Yes, Your Highness!'.

'. So tell me what's your name?'.

'. My name is Abathus!'. He bowed.

'. Hmm!.... Abathus,..that's a good name!'.

'. It's an honor to hear such from Your Highness!'.

'. Only a few can make me laugh!....so I will reward you!'.

'. Your Highness, it's an honor to make you laugh, but I do not deserve any rewards!'.

'. [Smiles]...from now on you are a Royal Musician, you play music for only the Royals!'.

'. Your Highness!'. He bowed in shock.

'. Are refusing the title I have bestowed on you?'.

'. I dare not Your Highness!'.

'. Since you are now a Royal Musician, I can enjoy your graceful music every day!'. She smiled at him.

'. Thank you, Your Highness!'.

'. You may leave now!'.

'. Yes Your Highness!'. He bowed and walked away.

'. Your Highness, I admire your kindness towards the people!'. The maid said.

'. It is only right to treat people fairly!'. She said to the maid.

'. Really?....only right?.... I think it's just you and your hypocrisy playing to look better!'. Moriah, The Queen's sister walked to her.

'. Have you forgotten your manners or do you need me to teach you?'. The Queen sits up asking the maid to leave.

'. Tssf!!'. She takes a seat and sits opposite her.

'. Moriah!!'.

'. Sister!...no!....Your Highness!.... I bet you forgot me!'.

'. Moriah, if you want something, you can just ask, you don't have to put a scene!'.

'. Hahaha!!....is that coming from you, The Queen of Narva?.....to think I almost fell for your trick!'. Moriah laughed.

'. I do not know where I have wronged you, but I do know that as long as you tell me about it, I will apologize because I do not like this hostile behavior of you towards me!'.

'. You don't know?.....or are you pretending not to?'.

'. [Sighs]'.

'. Are you not my sister?....aren't you supposed to know my every move since you have always been overprotective of me?'.

'. I know you do not like being followed, but our late parents instructed that I keep you safe!'.

'. Safe?!...is this how you keep me safe?!!... huh?!'. She stood up throwing the seat to the floor.

'. Sit down!!'. The Queen instructed.

'. What makes you think I would listen to someone like you?.....do I look like a hypocrite? Huh?!'.

'. How dare speak to me in that manner?!'. The Queen stood up facing her sister!'.

'. Ilithyia!!....what are you going to do?...huh?..Hit me?'.

'. What did you just say?'.

'. I called you by your name, Ilithyia!....do you have a problem?!'. Moriah moved closer to her, giving her a hateful glare.

'. No, I don't!....you are the one with a problem!...why can't you tell me what's wrong, let's figure this out together!'.

'. Together?..... My sister Ilithyia is gone, and you, I don't know you....perhaps you are the Queen I guess!'.

'. Moriah...what's with the sudden hate?'.

'. You said you would protect me and keep me safe, is this how you do it?...having me stay indoors all day, having multiple guards and maids serve me, knowing fully well that I have never loved such treatment, you keep me here, just to do what exactly!....'.

'.....at first, I thought living here in the palace with my sister would be good, little did I know that it was suffocating, because I couldn't do the things I want nor have the things I want!....'. Moriah said in tears.

'. Whatever I do...I do it for your good!'.

'. Don't tell me such words, it's irritating to hear!'.

'. You want to live the life you want?....'.

'. Yes!... I want to!!... I do not want to be controlled by rules!!..a lady must sit this way! a lady must speak with elegance! a lady must eat this way!!.... I hate them!!'.

'. Then you should have never come to stay with me!'.

'. Who would have thought that the beautiful palace is ruled by rules itself and not the people!'.

'. Moriah, I have to remind you that coming in here means you can't leave!'.

'. And who said so?!....the rules?!'.

'. Then you will have to obey them... till you get married and then officially leave the palace!'.

'. Hahaha!'. She laughed.

'. [Sighs]'.

'...married?.....how?..huh?...how am I supposed to fall in love if I don't explore the city and find my heart?'.

'. You don't need love!.... I can ask the The King, my husband to get you your dream man!'.

'. I do not want to end up like you!!....'.

'. Moriah!!....mind your words!!, I am The Queen!!'.

'. Ilithyia my sister!!.....not The Queen!'.

'. That's enough talk for the day!...guards!!'. She called for them.

'. What are you doing?!'. She asked as the guards moved towards them.

'. Guards, pass down my order!... Moriah showed no respect towards the Royals and would be grounded for a month according to the palace rules!'. She said and the guards held her.

'. Oh, dear sister!.....didn't expect you to become such a hypocrite who follows rules!...I, Moriah am disappointed in you!'. She turned her face away as the guard took her away. The Queen fell back to her seat giving out a heaving sigh.