53:boxing training

After seeing Abby Milner's figure and appearance clearly, even Qin Feng, who was chased and confessed by beauties every day, was slightly stunned, but he quickly buried the surge of desire deep in his heart and took it seriously again Said: "I really want to learn boxing."

Abby Milner did not answer immediately, but looked at Qin Feng for a few seconds.

At the same time, the entire boxing gym fell silent.

All attention is on Qin Feng and Abby.

no way...

Although Qin Feng really wanted to learn boxing, he was labeled as a 'school bully' for no reason, leading everyone to think that he was here to cause trouble, or perhaps, for Abby Milner.

Many members of the school's football and baseball teams have used similar excuses to try to get close to Abby Milner...

Even though Abby Milner's father was a heavyweight boxer and state champion, he couldn't stop these hormonal students.

Of course, due to the heavy blow from Abby's father, these people did not go too far in their pursuit.



After a brief moment of eye contact, Abby seemed to feel the sincerity in Qin Feng's eyes.

"Do you really want to learn boxing?" Abby asked with a slight frown.

"Yeah. I want to learn boxing from state champion coach Eugene." Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

"My father is not in the library today because of something, why don't you learn from me first." Abby said calmly.

"You...you can also box?" Qin Feng said suspiciously.

It's not that Qin Feng judges people by their appearance. Abby looks a bit similar to the manager of the school boxing team, just like Caiko in "Slam Dunk"...


The air in the entire boxing gym became quiet.

Although Abby is a girl and her muscles are not as exaggerated as those of female athletes, her boxing level is very high, and ordinary men who do not exercise very much are rarely her opponents.

When he heard someone questioning his boxing level, his beautiful eyes suddenly became turbulent...

The anger that burst out almost flew to Qin Feng's face.

Although Abby has a low-key personality, she is recognized as a goddess in Oak Hill High School.

This makes some jealous girls often slander, slander and spread rumors about Abby's private life.

Abby won't be in a hurry about this.

Only when others say that Abby is a poor boxer and is just a beautiful vase can she really break through her defenses.



"Qin, Abby was the runner-up in boxing for high school girls in Virginia."

"We boys are all afraid of Abby's fists."

"That's right."

"Abby can become a female boxer."

The students in the boxing gym said one after another.

"Oh, sorry."

"Then let me practice with you."

After Qin Feng heard that it was very professional, he quickly changed his words.



Qin Feng offered to learn the steps of boxing.


"Actual combat is the best training."

Abby, who had been underestimated by Qin Feng before, knew that Qin Feng was unintentional, but her strong mentality made her propose a real fight after giving Qin Feng some basic boxing steps.

Let Qin Feng be a moving human sandbag.

The other party was just a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. Qin Feng thought to himself, this is Xiaofenquan, so he agreed without much thought.

"Qin, as a boxing beginner, you'd better wear protective gear." Abby reminded.

"No need." Qin Feng waved his hand and said.

"Okay." Abby gritted her teeth in her heart, and then punched Qin Feng.

"Quite fast!" Qin Feng was shocked and subconsciously dodged back.

Immediately afterwards, Abby threw a punch. Qin Feng could not avoid it and could only raise his hand to block.


He punched Qin Feng on the arm.

It still hurts somewhat.

The pain is equivalent to walking a can.



In fact...

Abby's punches are quite heavy. If it were the landlord's eldest son, Mike Seaver, he could even KO him on the spot if he hits his chin.

But Qin Feng is a basketball player who has defeated the current and former No. 1 high school student in the United States, so he still has the ability to withstand hits.

after all...

Qin Feng's [Injury Resistance] reached [85].

If you put this in the high school league, you are like an iron man.

"Good fight."


Qin Feng smiled.

Abby was slightly startled.

It's not that he was surprised by Qin Feng's ability to resist blows, but his reaction speed.

Limited by his weight and strength, his fists are not heavy, but his punches are fast... Even some adult female boxers have trouble guarding against them, but Qin Feng, who has never learned boxing, was able to take the first place. Time raised his hand to block.

This proves...

Qin Feng's reaction nerves are particularly developed.

"This is good material for learning boxing." Abby thought to herself.



Abby and Qin Feng continued to practice.

As time goes by, Qin Feng is beaten less and less often.

The connection between footsteps becomes smoother and smoother.

And during the training process...

Qin Feng didn't say a word, he was completely immersed in practicing boxing.

This greatly changed Abby's impression of him.

"It seems like he really wants to learn boxing."

"I didn't come with any other purpose."

Abby gradually recognized Qin Feng in her heart and became somewhat fond of him.

Of course, this good impression is not a relationship between a man and a woman, but the kind that can become friends.

After practicing boxing footwork for an hour...

"Qin, you have a good talent in boxing."

"That's it for today's training."

"Think carefully about the details of the steps."

Abby showed a faint smile to Qin Feng.

"Ah!?" Qin Feng was slightly startled and asked subconsciously: "Abby, are you tired?"

His [Elementary Agility Training Card] requires 2.5 hours of training, and now it's only 1 hour...

When Abby heard this, Qin Feng, a boxing rookie, actually said he was tired?


He actually dared to laugh at himself.

"Humph!" Abby snorted: "I'm afraid you're tired? Keep going!"

"Okay." Qin Feng was in a state where he only wanted to become stronger, but his emotional intelligence had dropped to the level of a straight man.


After everyone in the boxing gym left.

Only Qin Feng is still training with Abby.

Qin Feng's physical strength is very small in the high school league. As a girl, how could Abby be Qin Feng's opponent.

In the last half hour, Abby, whose physical strength had seriously declined, staggered towards Qin Feng after punching the air.

Qin Feng did not dodge this time, but reached out to catch it.


"Is she wearing a corset?"

Qin Feng couldn't help but shudder.

I couldn't tell, but I didn't expect that the other party turned out to be the girl with toothpaste on her clothes...