54:vs. Hampton High School

"Thank you." Abby quickly stood up and said with a blushing face.

"It's okay. Abby, if you're tired, why don't you take a rest?" Qin Feng, who still has about 20 minutes left to gain 1 point of agility in boxing training, said with a smile.

"Okay...Okay." Abby lowered her head and said.

Abby was panting and drinking water, and her training clothes were billowing up and down.

Sweat streaked across the white pink neck, making the skin look more crystal clear.

This 'little farce' caused some subtle changes in the relationship between the two...

When Abby attacks Qin Feng with her fist, the lingering scene will always appear in her mind.

Although Qin Feng wanted to personally measure her magnificent body with his hands, once the training started, his whole mind was immersed in the training, without any distraction, and he devoted himself wholeheartedly.

After 2.5 hours of boxing training...

Qin Feng gained 1 point of [Agility], and [Agility] increased from [71] to [72].

at the same time...

I also received an invitation from Abby.

"Qin, I think you are very talented in boxing..."

"I will explain your situation to my father when I get home tonight."

Abby said with a serious face.

"Ah! Huh?" Qin Feng was stunned for a moment. He came to the boxing gym just to learn boxing steps and complete the task of [Elementary Agility Training Card], not to join the boxing club.

Even if the other party is a beautiful white woman with oriental temperament...

Even if the other party invites you warmly...

Qin Feng still wanted to refuse.

But at this moment, Qin Feng discovered that his [Injury Resistance] had automatically increased by 1 point during this boxing training, from [85] to [86].


This is not to say that 2.5 hours of boxing training can increase [Injury Resistance] by 1 point. There are also many accumulations of training effects, but they were redeemed today.

But one thing is for sure...

Boxing footwork training has good effects on combating injuries and agility.

"Thank you." Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

Since there are training effects and there is a beautiful woman as a training partner, Qin Feng has no reason to refuse...



Another 5 days passed.

In addition to basketball training, Qin Feng also had sweaty boxing and footwork training with Abby.

Qin Feng's [Injury Resistance] did not continue to improve.

But Qin Feng's [Agility] automatically improved by 1 point through hard practice every day, reaching [73].

Compared with last week, even though it only improved by 2 points, Qin Feng's flexibility is visible to the blind... uh... not that exaggerated, it can only be regarded as an improvement visible to the naked eye.



Today, Oak Hill welcomes a new opponent - Hampton High School.

This is a veteran team in Virginia that has won many state and regional championships and finished third in last year's high school league.

The opponent's star player is Claude Davis, a five-star high school student in the United States, who serves as a center. He is 19 years old and a repeater. He was originally supposed to go to college, but due to academic problems, he repeated a year. Height is 208cm, wingspan is 220cm, weight 94kg.

He is hailed by the media as the strongest center in Virginia.

Before the game started, the local media was hyping up the showdown.


1. Because he played point guard in his freshman year of high school, he has excellent movement control ability among his height.

2. His running and jumping ability is mid-range even if he is placed at the 3rd position, and his fast break ability without the ball is top-notch.

3. Possess a good mid-range hand.

4. Excellent static talent and excellent sense of blocking.


1. The body is thin and it is difficult to reach low and deep positions.

2. Although he has top shot-blocking talent, his defensive attitude is not correct.

3. Lack of low post offensive skills.

4. Although the fast break is a good hand, the finishing touch after confrontation is very bad.

5. When faced with a tough defense, they will subconsciously avoid confrontation, and some will bully the weak and fear the strong.



After the game started, Qin Feng first set a high pick-and-roll for Snoopy. The latter used Qin Feng's solid pick-and-roll to dive and accelerate towards the basket.

"Dang!" With a sound, Claude Davis came out from behind and blocked Snoopy's layup. At the same time, he also protected the defensive rebound immediately.

Immediately afterwards, during the transition between offense and defense, he completed an alley-oop slam dunk.

His defensive opponent, Nicholas Murphy, Oak Hill's starting center, couldn't keep up with him.

When Claude Davis completed an alley-oop dunk, Nicholas Murphy had just rushed behind him and didn't even have time to take off.



6:0, Anthony's triple threat after receiving the ball, although he shook off the opponent, he shot and hit the iron. With a sound of "Bang!", the rebound deflected to Claude Davis' area, and Qin Feng on the other side. Although he rushed over as soon as possible, he was still a step behind.

A sound of "pop!"...

The opponent grabbed a defensive rebound in front of Qin Feng's eyes and initiated an offensive and defensive transition.

Claude Davis rushed to the basket, pointed at the basket, and his teammates passed the ball high. Davis scored another alley-oop dunk.


"Abby, it looks like Melo and Qin are in trouble tonight." In the audience seats in the arena, Abby, who has never been interested in basketball, was unexpectedly caught by Qin Feng after a few days of contact with him. My best friend pulled me to the scene.

Abby didn't speak, and didn't even hear clearly what her best friend was saying.

A pair of beautiful eyes as clear as water, focusing on Qin Feng on the court.

Oak Hill High School was beaten 6-0 at the beginning. In addition to Anthony's poor touch, 2-0, the opponent's offense was too fast, and they quickly broke after getting defensive rebounds.

Oak Hill's two big insiders, Nicholas Murphy and Qin Feng, can't keep up with each other...


The clear sound of a blocked shot suddenly came to mind again on the court.

After Qin Feng took the opponent's No. 4 position with a deep step, he was blocked by Claude Davis at the end of the layup.

After being slapped, Claude Davis waved his arms to signal for the audience to cheer. At the same time, he made a provocative gesture of pressing down his palms towards Qin Feng, saying "too-small".

Looking at the beggar version of Anthony Davis in front of him, who was still unable to snipe, Qin Feng was about to spout trash talk...

I, Brother Gua, will take action directly.

"Fuck!" Anthony rushed in front of Qin Feng and pushed him down, standing up for his good brother.

The opponent got up angrily and was about to fight back when the referee intervened in time.

"Melo, let the basketball speak." Qin Feng also pulled the angry Melo from behind.

Anthony received a technical foul.

The opponent takes a free throw.

Made two free throws.


At the same time, he also has the right to attack the ball.

The opponent's sideline ball.

"Man, switch!" Qin Feng directly switched defenses with his own center Nicholas and faced Claude Davis head-on.

After receiving the ball from the opponent's three-point line, seeing Qin Feng defending him, he did not rush to attack, but showed off his dribbling.

After a series of crotch dribbles, with excellent body coordination, there is no hint that this is an action that a 208cm player can do.

"Claude Davis will definitely be able to enter the NBA in the future!"

"This ability to control movement is almost the same as that of a high school league defender."

"too strong..."

Qin Feng bent down and stared at the opponent in front of him. Suddenly, his body was like an arrow from the string, and he shot out with a "snap!"

The startup speed is not very fast...

Claude Davis was able to react and dribble behind his back, preparing to pass Qin Feng.

But when Qin Feng got close to Claude Davis, he took the initiative to use his pulling hand, giving him a bit of a fight.

In theory, this is a foul action, but Qin Feng's pulling hand force is very concealed. In addition, the movement is not particularly large. Even if it is seen by the referee, it is still within the scope of being able to call or not.

This push affected Claude Davis' dribbling rhythm, and his center of gravity staggered...

Qin Feng took the opportunity to take half a step towards him.

The intensity of confrontation is upgraded!

at the same time...

He lowered his waist sharply to steal.

The speed of low-waist steals is much faster than in previous games. The main reason is that the improvement of agility has made Qin Feng's coordination better.


After Qin Feng completed the steal, he took the ball a few steps forward. After Claude Davis reacted, he wanted to use his long arms to steal from behind.

But Qin Feng's ball protector... subconsciously swung back.

A concealed elbow hit the latter in the chest.



The other party immediately let out a cry of pain, and the next second he covered his chest, "Plop!" and fell to the floor.




The referee's whistle sounded again.

Qin Feng was given an offensive foul.

Qin Feng spread his hands and looked at the referee with an innocent face.

The referee did not respond to Qin Feng.

At the same time, Qin Feng felt a gaze looking at him from behind him...

Anthony raised his eyebrows at Qin Feng, with a smile between his eyebrows, as if saying: "Qin, are you sure this is 'talking with the basketball' and not 'talking with the elbow'.

"Ahem!" Qin Feng coughed twice subconsciously to cover up his inner embarrassment.



In the audience seats on the sidelines.

"How abominable!"

"It was obviously the other party who took the initiative to bump into Qin's elbow."

"Is the referee blind?"

Abby's best friend said indignantly.

"Ah!?" Abby laughed dumbly.

As a female boxer with good boxing talent, Abby has a very keen insight. In addition, Abby is devoted to Qin Feng.

He could see that Qin Feng was not innocent.

Regarding this...

Although Abby felt that Qin Feng's actions were a bit rogue and violated the ethics of competitive sportsmanship.

But she felt relieved.

Such a bastard who talks sweetly but doesn't mean what he means, will never be bullied! ! !