59:Attribute improvement

After completing the task of [Advanced Explosive Strength Training Card], Qin Feng lay on the floor for 2 minutes before getting up.

Explosive power +6.

Qin Feng's explosive power increased from [58] to [64].



In the next two days, Qin Feng completed three other training card tasks.

Core strength +1, raised to [81].

Agility +3, increased to [76].

Upper limb strength +3, raised to [91].

[91]'s upper body, even in the NCAA Division I league, is still at the level of a starting center.



Qin Feng is getting stronger at a speed that can be seen by the blind. At the same time, his relationship with Abby is also heating up rapidly.

Abby did not complain about the lack of time spent with Qin Feng because of his immersive training every day.

on the contrary...

Many times, Amy would stay with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's persistence and focus on basketball are coveted by even young women, let alone these young girls.

After Qin Feng became famous, he could send love letters from girls almost every day.

In the past few days, I have received many letters of love from housewives.

"Wow, Qin..."

"Are you showing off?"

"Is this a rich woman driving a Lamborghini?"

"As long as you dedicate a little sweat..."

"You can make $20,000 in one night."

Snoopy looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

"Not interested." Qin Feng said lightly.

"Qin, this rich woman is different from the previous ones. She has a good figure. Although she can't compare with Abby, she still has charm." Snoopy was entrusted by the rich woman to do Qin Feng's ideological work.

"Snoopy, how about I give you this opportunity." Qin Feng said with a smile.


"Qin, you think I don't want to."

"Hey, I told you, but she didn't even look at me."

"In the end, just give me $300 and let me talk to you. If you agree, I can also get an introduction fee of $800."

Snoopy looked disappointed, but unknowingly told the whole story.

"Snoopy, you bastard, when did you learn how to pimp..." Qin Feng said angrily.

Suddenly, Snoopy's expression changed suddenly, as if he had seen a tigress coming down the mountain. While making a gesture of running away, he said in a panic: "Qin...I...I...I have something else to do first. Take a step."

Qin Feng shook his head dumbfounded, turned back with a warm smile, and said, "Abby."

"Qin, you must not listen to Snoopy... Otherwise, I..." Abby said with a serious face, and at the same time, she did not forget to show her fist.


Abby's fists are not those of a little girl. Even though Qin Feng's ability to withstand blows is good now, it still hurts to stand still and let Abby hit him.

"Haha, Abby."

"I'm not a casual person."

Qin Feng patted his chest and said confidently.

"Qin, my mother has prepared a large table of nutritional meals for you today."

"Let's go back and eat together."

Abby said rather playfully.

"Okay." Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

After his relationship with Abby warmed up, Qin Feng's daily life became more warm.

Abby's father is a former professional boxer and her mother is a professional nutritionist.

Qin Feng, who had always wanted to lose weight, asked Abby for help after learning about this.

Abby agreed without any hesitation.


What makes Qin Feng feel depressed is...

After eating a nutritional meal for a week.

He still hasn't lost weight.

"Oh, no!"

"Qin, are you sure you are eating strictly according to the recipe I customized for you?"

Abby's mother looked at the value on the electronic scale and said in disbelief.

"Auntie, I am really meticulous in my execution." Qin Feng also said a little depressed.


"it's out of the question."

"I'm a professional nutritionist."

Abby's mother was so manipulated by Qin Feng that she began to doubt life.

"Dear, I think Qin's situation is a bit special. Maybe his digestive system is particularly good..." Abby's father quickly smoothed things over.

"Yes. Mom, Qin, although he has not lost weight, his steps are lighter than before."

"This is all your fault."

Looking at her slightly collapsed mother, Abby said with some distress. At the same time, she did not forget to glare at Qin Feng, indicating that she should say a few words quickly.

"Ahem." Qin Feng coughed twice and said, "Sorry, auntie, I lied. In fact, I ate something other than what was on the menu."


no way.

The mother-in-law-to-be was in front of me, so I could only lie.

"No, Qin, you are an honest child, you will not lie."

"You don't have to comfort me."

Abby's mother smiled bitterly.

"Actually, I don't think Qin needs to lose weight at all."

"Qin, haven't you noticed? Your speed and explosive power have not diminished due to the increase in weight. On the contrary, they are getting stronger and stronger."

"As long as you eat scientifically and rationally, I firmly believe that you can become faster and stronger."

Abby's father said to Qin Feng with a serious face at this time.

Regarding this issue, Qin Feng actually thought about it for a long time...

This is indeed the case!

Although my weight has increased rapidly, it's like eating food...

But I am faster and stronger.

never mind!

No more effort.

that's all...

Qin Feng accepted that his weight was still 110kg for the time being.