63:Winning streak, unstoppable!

After Qin Feng completed the task of [Intermediate Bullet Speed ​​Training Card], his bullet speed increased by +3 from [67] to [70].

The bullet speed of [70] is at the T2 level among the 4th position in the high school league.

After all, the [limit] of [100] is relative to NCAA players.



Two days later.

Qin Feng and the others once again have a game.

John Marshall High School, a public high school, has performed well in the Virginia High School League in previous years.

In the first half of this night's Oak Hill High School game, the perimeter players were off guard.

Even Carmelo Anthony is tough.

The outside shooting rate is poor, which makes the opponent shrink their defense significantly.

In other words, the paint area was extremely crowded, like making dumplings or playing mahjong.

But even so, Oak Hill High School led its opponents 34 to 27, with a 7-point advantage at the end of the first half.

There are two key points in this:

The first key point: defense.

Although I am strong tonight, I will not make you feel comfortable either.

Carmelo Anthony, who only scored 6 points in the first half, had 3 blocks and 2 steals on the defensive end. In addition, he forced the ball to the defender several times.

Although Qin Feng, who was guarding the basket, only blocked one shot, his defensive effect was not reflected in the statistics.

With his strong body, active defensive attitude, and good inside defensive awareness, he has blocked the opponent's outside players many times, forcing them to lay up.

And this creates a lot of defensive rebounds and easy-ball in transition between offense and defense.

It is worth mentioning that:

In terms of offense and defense transition, Oak Hill High School led the opponent by 16 points at 16:6.

Their halftime score was only 7 points ahead of their opponents, which meant that in terms of positional battle offense, Oak Hill High School was still 3 points behind their opponents.

There is a wise saying in the NBA - defense wins championships.

Qin Feng has long understood this.

But for Carmelo Anthony, the proud son of heaven, it is another precious lesson.

Under the influence of Qin Feng, Carmelo Anthony gradually fell in love with defense. It was not just a few words from Qin Feng that caused him to change.

But through one game after another...

From a brief taste to a wolfish chew, Anthony is now obsessed with and enjoying the pleasure brought by defense.

Facial ejaculation of my opponent is a pleasure.

The same goes for torturing your opponent.



The second key point: the basic market - Qin Feng.

As an inside player who makes a living in the paint, he doesn't particularly rely on touch.

His teammates felt sluggish on the outside, but Qin Feng, who did not use the "Golden Rooster Independent", played steadily, making 7 of 11 shots and 3 of 5 free throws. He scored 17 points, 11 rebounds, 1 block and 1 assist in the first half.

7 out of 11 is not considered efficient for Qin Feng, but you must know that this is an efficiency achieved when his teammates are inaccurate on the outside and the opponent's defense shrinks frantically.



Things changed in the second half of the game.

Anthony's outside touch was the first to recover.

First, during a fast break, he received the ball from Qin Feng immediately and hit a three-pointer from outside the three-point line.

Immediately afterwards, during the positional battle, Anthony received the ball from outside the three-point line. Qin Feng came up to pick him up. "Bang!" A strong pick and roll knocked down the opponent's slender white player.

This immediately caused a burst of exclamation from the scene.

Anthony took advantage of the space blocked by Qin Feng. After taking a step, he saw the opponent's center making the save and hit a jumper.



Qin Feng showed his extremely destructive pick-and-roll several times in this game.

Especially in the second half of the game...

There were two players before and after being blocked by Qin Feng and fell to the ground.



Oak Hill High School, which struggled with accuracy in the first half and barely recovered in the second half, defeated its opponent with a 12-point advantage.

Continuing their devastating winning streak.

Qin Feng, who scored 28 points, 19 rebounds, 3 assists, 1 block and 1 steal tonight, beat Carmelo Anthony to win the MVP of this game.

Earned 200 winning points.

And 1 point of [Random Attribute] as MVP reward.

At present, Qin Feng's winning value has accumulated to 2100 points.

Qin Feng chose to draw a lottery.

The result made Qin Feng dumbfounded.

[Intermediate Lower Body Strength Training Card] x1, you need to complete 500 times of 84kg squats in total. Completion reward: Lower body strength +3.

The strength of my lower limbs is already abnormal...

It is currently 114, which is already the T1 level at the NBA power forward position.

If it increases to 117, even among NBA power forwards, few are better than Qin Feng.

It has almost reached the T2 level of an NBA starting center (position 5).



After the game.

The head coach of John Marshall High School was interviewed by on-site media reporters.

Media reporters rarely come to high school leagues to report live, unless you are a popular team with huge traffic.


Oak Hill High School fits that bill perfectly.


"Honestly, before the game, I led our players to spend a full 2 ​​hours studying the opponent's game video."

"But you have also seen the final result. The opponent is a stronger team than us."

"Among them...the growth of Qin and Carmelo Anthony surprised me the most."

"Especially Qin..."

"In tonight's game, he showed a high level of 'pick-and-roll' on many occasions. Compared with his past games, this is simply blinding growth."

"Carmelo Anthony's words are gradually developing in the direction of 'offense and defense'."

"These two kids have a bright future!"

The head coach of John Marshall High School is a young man in his thirties. Although he has not been coaching for a particularly long time, in this post-game interview, he showed his general style and praised Qin Feng and Cameron without hesitation. -Anthony.



Another week has passed.

Qin Feng not only improved his [lower limb strength] to [117] through the [lower limb strength training card].

During this period of training...

The [Inside Defense] attribute, which can be simply understood as the spatial positioning sense on the defensive end, has been improved from [78] to [79].

The [Outside Defense] attribute, the defensive sense and awareness on the outside, has also been improved from [59] to [60].

As for physical fitness, shooting and other ability attributes, they have all been improved.

after all...

For NBA players, if they want to improve their strength attribute by one point, they have to practice for an entire off-season.

At the same time, Qin Feng and Anthony led the team to another victory this week.

Anthony scored 51 points.

Qin Feng had 16 points and 11 rebounds.

The two easily defeated their opponents in less than three quarters.

Qin Feng only gained 200 [Win Value] points this time.

Cumulative winning value: 1789 points.



The day after defeating his opponent.

The latest ranking of high school students in the United States came out, which immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

At the same time, McDonald's officials broke the news that in half a month, a charity game involving NBA stars will be held in Virginia.