64:height improvement

ESPN's latest release of [2001 National High School Rankings]

NO.1: Carmelo Anthony

NO.2: LeBron James

NO.3: Amare Stoudemire



NO.11: Lanny Cook

NO.12: Dwight Howard



NO.37: Josh Smith

NO.38: Qin Feng



NO.78: Claude Davis


Among the latest rankings of high school students in the United States, Carmelo Anthony has won the game with his recent offensive and defensive performance, coupled with his friendly matches against Lanny Cook and LeBron James.

Carmelo Anthony won the honor of being the No. 1 high school student in the United States for the first time.

Ranked second is LeBron James of St. Mary's High School.

The battle between the two as the No. 1 high school student in the United States has also aroused widespread discussion on the Internet.

James fans: [LeBron James is a more versatile player, he is the next Magic. ]

Anthony fans: [Carmelo Anthony has more delicate skills. In addition, his defensive attitude during the game is a hat-trick. ]

James fans: [He is only 16 years old, but his physical fitness is already comparable to that of NBA players. ]

Anthony fans: [Melo is only half a year older than him, Melo's skills are no worse than NBA players. Also, his teammate Qin is one day younger than LeBron James. ]



The rivalry between two unrivaled players reflects on the high school basketball world across the United States.

Amar'e Stoudemire, who recently rose to third place, looks infinitely close to the 'Peerless Twins', but there are few voices that think he is the No. 1 high school student in the United States.

This makes Amare Stoudemire, who is a senior this year and plans to participate in the NBA draft after graduating from high school, very dissatisfied.

"I think I'm the best player."

"Although some players have appeared in the personal issues of USA Today and Time Illustrated, it is just because capital has taken a fancy to the market based on their skin color."

What is surprising is that Amare Stoudemire did not point the finger at the 'peerless twins', but at Qin Feng.

Although Amare Stoudemire is currently ranked third in the country, neither media has published his personal player issue.

In fact...

Among all the players in this class, only three have appeared in the personal issues of "USA Today" and "Times Illustrated".

They are: LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Qin Feng.

Amare Stoudemire's words also caused huge discussion online.

According to Qin Feng's current strength, to be honest, it is indeed almost meaningless. To a large extent, it is still his identity as a Chinese player.

Lanny Cook, who was the No. 1 high school student in the country last year but has now fallen to No. 11, agreed with Amare Stoudemire's point of view in an interview with the media.

Not only that, Dwight Howard, who is ranked 12th in the country and is still a high school sophomore, and Josh Smith, who is ranked 37th in the country and is also a sophomore, both expressed their disapproval of Amare Stoudemire. Recognition of viewpoints.


The outside media has never been less skeptical about Qin Feng.

[Although Qin Feng has the power to dominate the high school league, his running and jumping talents and static talents are very poor. ]

[Although Qin Feng's scoring efficiency is very high, it is all concentrated in the paint area. If you face a tall opponent, it will be a very big test. ]

[Qin Feng's low post offense is very solid, but he lacks low post face-up skills. ]

[Can Qin Feng adapt to NCAA level competition? ]

[When it comes to the high-level NCAA, will Qin Feng still have an advantage in physical strength? ]

[Qin Feng is just a killer in low-level leagues! ]

[I dare to conclude that Amare Stoudemire, who is 208cm tall, can completely defeat Qin Feng! ]

[Qin Feng's strength is like an illusory soap bubble, counting down to the day it will burst. ]



Qin Feng, who has been pushed to the forefront by public opinion, is still training hard in the Oak Hill High School basketball gym as usual.

How to relieve worries?

Only victory!

After rising to No. 38 in the U.S., Qin Feng received an [Advanced In-situ Close Range Shooting Training Card].

It is necessary to accumulate 20,000 shots under the basket after interference; completion reward: [In-situ close range shooting] +6.

Qin Feng's [Situation Close Shot] is currently [65].

The ability to resist interference at the basket is poor.

The reason why he is currently very efficient in the high school league is mainly because he has the power to reduce the dimensionality of the attack and can obtain a comfortable offensive space after confrontation.

But if someone forces a layup, Qin Feng is still far behind those top talents, such as LeBron James and Amar'e Stoudemire.



In the next two weeks, Qin Feng still has three games to play.

Two games are in the Virginia high school league, and the remaining one is an NBA charity game jointly organized by McDonald's, the NBA and the Virginia State Athletic Department.

Its purpose is to raise charity funds for the orphanage.

This is also part of the humanistic construction of the NBA.

In addition to the participation of NBA players, the NBA charity game also invited many star high school students from Virginia.

As Virginia's number one power forward, Qin Feng naturally received an invitation to the NBA charity game.

Carmelo Anthony, the No. 1 high school student in the United States, needs no introduction.

Qin Feng's opponents Lanny Cook and Claude Davis are also on this list.



Three days later.

Qin Feng is conducting anti-interference training under the basket.


Qin Feng used his sideways and thick arms to squeeze the obstacles behind him.

The teammate responsible for holding the obstacle retreated uncontrollably.

After fighting to the attacking space, Qin Feng was about to jump, but suddenly the soles of his feet felt like garlic, and he fell to the ground with a "Plop!"

This immediately made my girlfriend Abby stand up nervously...

Teammates also came to ask about Qin Feng's injury.


Qin Feng did not feel any pain.

Qin Feng grabbed Anthony's outstretched arm and stood up.


"Have you gained weight again?"

Anthony asked half-jokingly.

In the process of pulling Qin Feng just now, Anthony bent down, lowered his center of gravity, and spent a lot of effort to barely pull Qin Feng up from the ground.

If it were other teammates, instead of being able to pull Qin Feng up, they would be easily pulled down by him.

Just after Qin Feng stood up, he suddenly realized that his toes were cold...

Qin Feng looked down.


There was a hole in my size 55 sneakers...all my toes were exposed. (For reference convenience, sneaker sizes are in accordance with Chinese standards, not European and American standards)

"No wonder I was having a hard time training today. I always feel that my toes are a little crowded. It turns out the sneakers are too small." Qin Feng thought to himself.

Size 55 feet, absolutely big feet.

NBA players have wide, large feet, which helps them carry loads.

Fat Tiger Zion is always injured. In addition to his excessive weight, his feet are not too big.

LeBron James's shoe size – size 57.

Nowadays, I can no longer wear sneakers of size 55, so at least I have to wear sneakers of size 56.



"Captain, you are so fierce, you can even break your sneakers."

"Yes, captain. I seem to remember that you just bought these sneakers last month."

"Hey...Captain, I noticed that you seem to have grown taller."

"Yes, I feel the same way. I thought you were wearing height-increasing insoles, captain. I didn't expect you to be so tall even if you took off your shoes."

The teammates talked a lot.

"Have you grown taller?"

"I haven't measured my height for a long time..."

At this time, Qin Feng couldn't help but look forward to his current height.

According to the last height measurement, Qin Feng's barefoot height was 195.9cm, which is approximately 196cm.

For inside players, height is so important...

Although 226cm Qin Feng didn't dare to count on it.

But if he can grow to two meters tall and nod, even if he only has a little head, his offensive threat at the basket will skyrocket.

Soon, Qin Feng came to the height measurement area in the basketball gym.