65:Static talents usher in a qualitative change


"Captain, you have really grown taller."

"Congratulations, captain!"

"It turns out that what my mother told me is true..."

"Snoopy, what did your mother tell you?"

"She said that some men may grow taller after getting married...having...something."

"What? Is there any other way to say this?"

"It seems that my uncle is like this. After marrying my beautiful aunt, his height increased from 165cm to 168cm..."

Qin Feng's teammates talked about this more metaphysical secret of height.

And this also caused Qin Feng's girlfriend Abby to quickly blush on her pretty and fair face.

"Did Qin Zhen not lie to me?"

"Am I his first girlfriend?"

"But I didn't have anything substantial with him..."

"Qin has always hoped to grow taller...otherwise...oh, it still doesn't work..."

Abby went through an ideological struggle in her mind.

At this time, Qin Feng looked at the height measuring block and stopped at - [197.3cm].

Qin Feng's face was filled with two words - happy.

"My bare foot height used to be 195.9cm, but now it has increased to 197.3cm, which is a full 1.4cm."

"In less than two months, I have grown 1.4cm taller..."

"Maybe before entering the NBA, I can break through the theoretical upper limit of bone age..."

Qin Feng secretly said.



"Qin, can you see if your wingspan has changed..." the assistant coach of the Oak Hill basketball team next to him asked expectantly.

Wingspan may vary depending on height...

"Okay." Qin Feng nodded.

When Qin Feng opened his arms, his teammates repeatedly measured his wingspan and said with a look of horror: "OMG, Qin, are you still in your prime development period?"

After Qin Feng's wingspan increased several times, his wingspan reached 208cm not long ago.

But as his height increased by 1.4cm, Qin Dong's wingspan also reached 209.4cm.

Like the height, it also increased by 1.4cm.

Regarding this...

Qin Feng thought it was normal.

However, from the perspective of his teammates, Qin Feng's wingspan has increased astonishingly.

To know...

The first physical test data after entering senior year of high school.

Qin Feng is 195.9cm tall, has a wingspan of 200cm and weighs 100kg.

In the past 2 months, Qin Feng's wingspan has increased by 9.4cm.

You must know that the role of wingspan is not weaker than height. After all, although some players are tall, their necks are long and their effective height (standing height) is not enough. But wingspan can really affect standing reach.

By the way...

Qin Feng's registration information in the Virginia High School Basketball League is also [height 195.9cm, wingspan 200cm, weight 100kg].

Compared to the physical test 2 months ago...

Qin Feng's static talent has become much stronger.

Current static talents:

Height is 197.3cm, wingspan is 209.4cm.

Weight...uh...well, 110.5kg.

Another damn 0.5kg heavier.

Palm length: 21.8cm.

shoulder width:?



"Qin, test your shoulder width again." The assistant coach suppressed the excitement in his heart and said again.

"Yeah." Qin Feng nodded.

The shoulder width test of American basketball players refers to the horizontal horizontal straight distance between the most protruding parts of the upper arm on the deltoid area.

In layman's terms, it's the straight-line distance between two protruding bones behind your back.

You can't count the two arms...



"Captain, I'm just saying your shoulders are like a tank."

"It actually reached a terrifying 64cm..."

"This is already at the level of NBA professional players."



Qin Feng's shoulder width test data is: 64cm.

For someone who is only 197.3cm tall, it is quite scary.

Harden, who was at his peak during the Hughes-Rockets era, had the best shoulder width among backcourt players, only 62cm.

LeBron James during the Heat era had a shoulder width of 65cm.

The weirdest point guard with shoulder width is Rajon Rondo, with a shoulder width of 56cm.

The weird shoulder width on the forward line - the card version of Jordan Kawhi Leonard, with a shoulder width of 66cm. (There are pictures)

The son of America, the shoulder width of the power forward is strange-the thick eyebrow brother's shoulder width has reached 70cm.



Shoulder width is known as the static talent that is most easily fooled.

With shoulders that are wide enough, you can naturally have more offensive space in static attacks. Just imagine, you are holding the ball sideways, and your broad shoulders are like a wall.

This can forcefully create space when there is no space.



"Haha, Qin, I know that God rewards hard work."

"You will definitely usher in your own transformation."

"Qin, you can definitely enter the NBA!"

The assistant coach was moved to tears.

This is not because the assistant coach is being pretentious, but because he really pinned part of his dream of entering the NBA on Qin Feng.

"Coach, you are too excited."


The teammates started teasing each other.

"No, you don't know. The current player information about Qin is still the same as before."

"If Qin's body information is updated..."

"He will gain the favor of more college scouts, especially his growth during this period, which will bring endless reverie to those idiots who only care about the player's height and wingspan."

The assistant coach and everyone explained.


"Basketball is the most physically brutal sport in the world."

"In addition to static talents, there are also corresponding running and jumping talents..."

"It's reasonable for people to pay attention to player talent."

The assistant coach felt that his words seemed a bit one-sided and continued to add.



The team wants Qin Feng to have a bright future and attract more attention from scouts.

They submitted Qin Feng's latest physical test data to the officials of the Virginia High School League.

For the average player...

League officials are too lazy to take care of it.

But Qin Feng is different...

He was a state high school basketball star.

He has grown taller, his wingspan has become longer, and his shoulders have become wider.

This is big news for the local basketball media.



The day Qin Feng's latest player information was released.

I received 3 more invitation letters from the NCAA Division I league.


Qin Feng himself was training in the basketball hall very calmly.

Wearing new shoes of size 56, doing anti-interference training under the basket.

2 hours later.

Qin Feng completed the task of [Advanced In-situ Close Range Training Card].

[In-situ close range shooting] has been increased from [65] to [71].

at the same time...

An NBA scout personally came to Oak Hill High School to observe Qin Feng.

Because he is a teammate with Carmelo Anthony, a lot of NBA scouts come here, but this is the first time that an NBA scout comes specifically to observe him.

Unlike those third-rate scouts...

The scouts who came this time have a lot of say in the team's [Basketball Affairs Department].

Generally speaking, the core management of the NBA is divided into three parties.

1. Team investors, well, that is, the big and small owners of the team.

2. Basketball Affairs Department. The person in charge of this department is the team general manager, and the scouts also belong to this department.

3. Administrative management department. It can be simply understood as those who sell tickets... those who promote...

The NBA scout who came this time has a lot of say in the basketball affairs department. His coming to inspect Qin Feng undoubtedly revealed that their team admires Qin Feng very much.