66:Shocked NBA scouts

During this period of devilish training and cheating on the system, Qin Feng accumulated 3210 [winning points].

Qin Feng used 1,000 [Win Value] points to advance to [Bounce Master (Bronze)].


Promotion to [Bounce Master] requires two conditions.

1. Need to complete 2000 blocks.

2. Consume 1,000 winning points.

Qin Feng successfully blocked 2,000 shots through his words and deeds to his fellow Oak Hill reserve team members.

[Bounce Master (Silver)] Function Introduction:

1. When defending, the bounce speed, explosive power and bounce height of the second take-off will be increased to a certain extent.

2. To upgrade the distance to the next stage [Bounce Master (Gold)], you need to complete 5,000 blocks. Moreover, it requires 10,000 winning points.



Bounce Master can help Qin Feng make a second takeoff to block the shot after being deceived by the opponent's fake move.

This can be regarded as making up for Qin Feng's lack of height.

In addition, Qin Feng also spent 2,000 [Win Value] points to conduct a lottery.

This time I was a little lucky.

I only got 1 [Elementary Lower Body Strength Training Card].



Shortly after Qin Feng finished [situ close range shooting training], he started squat training to strengthen his lower body.

At this time, NBA SuperSonics scouts came to the Oak Hill Basketball Stadium to inspect Qin Feng.

"Qin, Mr. Stephen, the famous NBA scout, is here."

"Good boy, show your best side."

Steve Smith reminded Qin Feng who was training squats.


Qin Feng saw a Mediterranean man in a suit and tie walking in with a briefcase under his arm. He was accompanied by school leaders.

"Qin, let them be surprised." Carmelo Anthony said while giving Qin Feng more weight.

Qin Feng smiled and warmed up in a tacit understanding.

Although I have been practicing for a long time...

After all, the next step is to challenge yourself to the maximum limit of squatting.



The barbell plates on both sides are getting heavier and thicker.



Just looking at these thick iron bumps made the players around them take a breath.

And this also attracted the attention of NBA scout Stephen.

Stephen even ignored the school leader beside him who kept talking to him.

"This is too exaggerated."

"This weight should exceed 200kg."

"Many NBA big men who have passed their rookie contracts can't do it."

Scout Stephen's pupils suddenly dilated, revealing a shocked look.

Rookies who have just entered the NBA in their first year are generally thin. Even O'Neal looked very slim as a rookie. Of course, when O'Neal first entered the league, he already weighed 134kg.

Antetokounmpo in his previous life, Giannis Antetokounmpo, was like a stunted will-o'-the-wisp boy when he entered the league, but after spending his rookie contract period, Giannis grew into a Greek monster, with a maximum squat data of 181.4 kg.

Of course, Antetokounmpo isn't known for his lower plate strength.

During the Heat era, LeBron James's maximum squat data was 200kg. With a weight of 120kg, he could top the Heat's No. 4 position and even defend the No. 5 position in the low post.

After gaining weight, Dayao's maximum squat data is 283kg. Looking at the entire NBA, his lower body strength is also at the T1 level.

For position 4, the maximum squat data is 200kg, which is already an extremely good level.



"Isn't this kid trying to be brave?"

"200kg? Are you kidding? No high school student can complete it."

SuperSonics scout Stephen looked at Qin Feng suspiciously.

Qin Feng also noticed the scout's gaze, just smiled slightly, and then asked Carmelo Anthony to continue adding weight plates.






"Captain, are you going to challenge the 220kg squat?"

"This is too scary."

The teammates on the side held their breaths and looked at Qin Feng in stunned silence.



"Qin, be careful." After Anthony increased the squat to 220kg, he stopped. While telling Qin Feng, he did not forget to stand behind his good brother.

After all, the weight is terrible.

Especially for high school students whose bodies are still in the developmental stage...

Qin Feng began to challenge 220kg squat.

After walking towards the squat rack, Qin Feng took a deep breath. Suddenly, his deep eyes became sharp.


Qin Feng put the barbell on his shoulders, and his muscles suddenly tightened.

Although Qin Feng's muscle lines are not obvious, under extreme congestion...

Those thick muscles make people feel the terrifying power.

Qin Feng, carrying a 220kg barbell, completed the straight up and down alone under everyone's gaze.


Or 2 times in a row.



This made Stephen, a scout from the Sonics, couldn't help but hold his head in his hands after seeing Qin Feng's terrifying power.

The squat weight of 220kg was completed so easily.

His strength has reached the level of an NBA center.

After completing the maximum squat of 220kg, the teammates around him screamed involuntarily.

Qin Feng smiled slightly in the direction of scout Stephen...

At this time, Stephen, the SuperSonics scout, was shocked.

[Qin Feng smiled slightly, which shocked the scouts. ]



In addition to showing off his lower body strength, Qin Feng...

There is also agility and the ability to continuously compete for rebounds.

These are all things Qin Feng is good at...

Or to be precise, it is a rare talent of Qin Feng's size.

Scout Stephen combined these tests and quickly wrote a simple player report to Qin Feng:

[The strength of his lower body is extremely terrifying, and he can defend the 4th position at the NBA level. ]

[His feet are more flexible than his body shape, but he is still far from the NBA level. ]

[Rebounder crazy, very active in fighting for rebounds. I see the shadow of Charles Barkley in him. ]



[Summary: Although he does not yet have "dislocation talent", considering that his body is still in the development stage, there is a high probability that his running and jumping potential can be developed.

I firmly believe that his body can continue to evolve; for some reason, I feel this very strongly.

Can be listed as the team's key observation object. ]



"Qin, I'm very happy to meet you. This is my business card. If you need my help in any way, please feel free to contact me at any time." Scout Stephen gave Qin Feng a personal business card before leaving.

It can be regarded as a certain degree of recognition of Qin Feng's talent.

But compared with the treatment of those top geniuses, Qin Feng is still far behind.

No way...

For now, Qin Feng does not have the 'dislocation talent'.

Almost all top players in the NBA have mismatch talents.

The current Qin Feng is still a little worse.