69:NBA charity game begins

Three days later.

NBA Charity Competition kicks off.

During this period of time, Qin Feng completed the task of [Intermediate Bounce Training Card].

Bounce +3.

Bounce increased from [68] to [71].

But the task on the [Elementary Ball Control Training Card] is to dribble the ball with both hands 10,000 times.

Basketball and tennis, ball control training with left and right hands switching back and forth.

Qin Feng, who has poor ball sense and poor talent in combining human and ball, spent a full 4 hours, but only completed 500 times.

It seems that the development of spherical frame technology is far more difficult than imagined.



The NBA charity basketball game was held in a gymnasium.

Virginia basketball fans flocked in from all entrances and the gym was buzzing with activity.

The pulse-pounding DJ music came out from the huge speakers, making the entire venue seem to be vibrating.

The venue is decorated with NBA characteristics, and various basketball-related accessories make people feel like they have entered the world of basketball.

The scene also attracted many small vendors selling various snacks.

Some of the invited Virginia high school basketball stars arrived very early.

You know, for them, today is an opportunity to get up close and personal with NBA basketball stars.

Many high school basketball stars came to ask for the autographs of Kenyon Martin and Van Horn.

But Qin Feng, who arrived at the scene an hour early, started hanging out with his girlfriend Abby.

Qin Feng is taking Abby to set up dolls on the street stall...

have to say...

Qin Feng's touch is really bad.


After spending dozens of times the price, I got a cute rag doll for Abby.

"Oh, Qin?"

At this time, a familiar voice sounded behind Qin Feng's head.

Qin Feng looked back and found that it was his teammate Snoopy.

Although Snoopy was also one of the heroes of Oak Hill, due to his strength, Snoopy was not invited to the competition.

"Qin, aren't you going to ask them for their signature?" Snoopy asked in surprise.


"I want to stay with Abby!"

Qin Feng refused bluntly.

"Qin, they are big stars in the NBA, especially Kenyon Martin. He will become the next Shawn Kemp." Snoopy looked at Qin Feng as if he were an idiot.

"Snoopy, you should know that I don't like to greet my opponents before games."


"Abby and I have important things to leave first."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he hugged Abby's slim waist and left gracefully.

Snoopy, who was accompanying his girlfriend, couldn't help but be stunned for a few seconds after hearing this.

It came to mind that Qin Feng never greeted his opponents before the game.

Even if his opponent took the initiative to greet Qin Feng, Qin Feng always seemed to be indifferent.

This is not because Qin Feng looks down on others. On the contrary, Qin Feng can always see the advantages of his opponents after the game and quickly absorb them.

Just like his forward defense in recent games...

The reason why Qin Feng did this was simply to establish a [psychological advantage] before the game! ! !

Qin Feng's approach to basketball is not Hello, My Brother basketball.

As soon as he appears on the stage, he wants to completely defeat the opponent...

Even if the opponent is an NBA player!



"Qin, this bastard makes people feel annoying sometimes, but they can't help but admire him and want to get close to him." Snoopy said to himself.

"Yeah." After hearing this, Snoopy's girlfriend clasped her hands and looked at Qin Feng's leaving figure with an infatuated look on her face.

"Anna, what are you looking at?" Snoopy said angrily when he discovered that his new girlfriend seemed to be coveting Qin Feng's body.

"Sorry, honey."



"Qin, are you sure you want to continue hanging out with me?" Abby chuckled.

"Of course." Qin Feng nodded and said.

"There are three NBA players here today. Don't you boys dream of getting their autographs?" Abby said.

"Yes, didn't you also say that? They are NBA players, not my girlfriend." Qin Feng said lightly.

Not greeting the opponent before the game.

Not training with opponents in the off season.

Qin Feng has an old-school tough basketball style at heart, always trying to establish a psychological advantage.

This is exactly the same as Charles Barkley and Larry Bird.

After the game, except for those who made Qin Feng feel unhappy, Qin Feng would objectively find the advantages of most of his opponents.



Qin Feng came backstage only 15 minutes before the official start of the game.

At this time, the high school basketball stars all had a copy - signed photos of NBA stars, and some even received signed sneakers.

Except for Qin Feng...

"Qin, you're finally here. I'm really worried about where you go to train." Anthony couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after seeing his good brother arrive at the scene.

"Haha. Melo, I went to accompany Abby." Qin Feng said with a smile.

"By the way, Qin, the player you have to face today is Kenyon Martin." Anthony said.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was some laughter around him.

Kenyon Martin, who is 206cm tall, is a new generation of beast inside the NBA. He often performs scenes of flying into the sky and escaping from the ground during games. Even big centers will be dunked by him.

Many opponents present who had been defeated by Qin Feng, after learning that Qin Feng was going to face off against Kenyon Martin, all had the mentality of watching the excitement.

They seemed to be waiting to see Qin Feng's joke.

"Yes, I understand." Qin Feng smiled and nodded, without any fear on his face.

Anthony was slightly startled at first, then couldn't help laughing.

"Qin, you really deserve to be the one."

Anthony couldn't help but admire Qin Feng's fierce and tough style.



The somewhat maverick Qin Feng also attracted the attention of Kenyon Martin and others.

"That little guy is interesting."


"Looks calmer than others."

"It seems to have something to do with Charles."

"Charles's students, even their bodies are somewhat similar."

"Kenyon, if you 'destroy' him on the court today, I don't know what Charles' expression will be like when he finds out."




Lineups of both sides:

In addition to Kenyon Martin and the other three NBA stars, the NBA Star Team also includes Qin Feng's defeated players Lenny Cook and Claude Davis.

The high school star team, Qin Feng, Anthony and three others were defeated.

After the game started, Kenyon Martin easily won the jump ball.

The astonishing bullet speed and bounce height made Qin Feng take a breath of air.

"Are the top picks in young drafts so scary?"


On the first attack of the NBA All-Star team, Kenyon Martin, who has no ball-handling ability in the NBA, actually asked for the ball from a high position, preparing to face Qin Feng in isolation.

Many rough guys in the NBA, dribbling in wild games is like juggling, such as: Uncle Liu Huang, DeAndre Jordan, and Perkins was dunked by Griffin.

Kenyon Martin also showed a ball-handling ability that has never been displayed in the NBA. After a dazzling crotch dribble, suddenly, he suddenly stepped out with his right foot, intending to use his speed to overtake Qin Feng.

Qin Feng moved quickly, "Bang!", blocking Kenyon Martin's breakthrough route with his body.

Kenyon Martin was shocked: "This little fat guy in front of me is so fast."

But then, Kenyon Martin exerted a fierce force, with terrifying explosive power, and directly forced Qin Feng to a chair.

After Qin Feng clearly felt a huge force coming, Kenyon Martin passed by his right wing. When he was about to turn around and chase, "Bang!", the sound of the basket exploding rang in his ears.

"Is this the NBA's first-class bounce speed and explosive power?"

Qin Feng, who was easily broken through and dunked by Kenyon Martin, was slightly sluggish.

"Qin!" Anthony said quickly when he saw that his friend seemed to be shocked.


"Give me the ball later!"

Qin Feng's eyes were filled with blazing flames, and the corners of his mouth showed unbearable excitement.