70:Defeat an NBA star with his back

High school star team offense.

Qin Feng asked for the ball deep in the low post.

The strong power made Kenyon Martin's heart tremble.

Kenyon Martin, who originally wanted to do some entertainment and relaxation, was caught off guard by Qin Feng and pushed to a low position near the frame.


Qin Feng successfully received Anthony's ground pass.

The moment he got the ball, Qin Feng pushed Kenyon Martin back with his generous back.

Kenyon Martin behind him was instantly bounced away. Although he didn't move back much, it also aroused the amazement of the audience.




This is the No. 1 pick in the NBA, and he is actually not as good as a high school student in terms of strength on the lower plate.

Qin Feng continued to exert force and took a step back again.

As the No. 1 pick in 2000, Kenyon Martin didn't want to lose face in front of a high school student, so he immediately bent over, lowered his center of gravity, and defended with all his strength.

Through the induction on his back, Qin Feng discovered that all the opponent's strength was used for defense.

In other words, the left and right wings are in name only.


Qin Feng pretended to continue to use his back and hit hard again.

Kenyon Martin took a deep breath and thought to himself: "Did this little bastard grow up eating O'Neal? He actually has such power?"

However, just after Qin Feng leaned against Kenyon Martin, he used his right foot as a pivot and turned right with a deep step, directly pulling Kenyon Martin away.

"Crash!" Qin Feng took advantage of the situation and jumped up to hit the board.


A crisp voice sounded.

The basketball was kicked out of bounds by Kenyon Martin.

"Bit!", but at this time the referee's whistle also sounded. The basketball was blocked by Kenyon Martin only after it hit the backboard.

It is a ball interference violation.

Qin Feng's goal is valid.






In an instant, thunderous applause erupted from the scene.

Not only for Qin Feng's attack, but also for Kenyon Martin, who immediately stabilized his body after being cut open by the sinking step, and took off to block the shot and interfere with the ball.



"Is this the top speed in the NBA?"

"It was clearly broken by me, but I was able to adjust it so quickly..."

"This is something I've never encountered in high school..."

"Really, it's really only one throw away from me to complete the block on me."

Although Qin Feng scored 2 points, he was very shocked at this time.

Kenyon Martin is a blue-collar insider in the NBA who mainly eats cake on the offensive end and helps defend on the defensive end. Top defense is not his strong suit.

Even though he couldn't even understand CBA in the later stages of his career, and was beaten by Tim Duncan at his peak, he was still a player who could get 16+8 at his peak.

In his 4 career seasons, he averaged more than 8 rebounds per game.

Fast break dunks are also very fast...


Kenyon Martin, who was hit by Qin Feng, wanted to retaliate and frantically asked for the ball in the offensive round.


Rub rub rub...

The two had a hand-to-hand fight in the low post. Although Qin Feng was nearly 9cm shorter than his opponent, he had an advantage in the lower plate confrontation. Qin Feng directly pushed Kenyon Martin out of the near frame area.

When Tim Duncan played against the Nets in the Finals, he adopted this defensive strategy against Kenyon Martin.

No projection!

No ball!

Without a back, Kenyon Martin completely loses his threat once he is far away from the basket.

After Kenyon Martin received the ball from a very outside position, he wanted to hit Qin Feng with his back.




Kenyon Martin was sweating profusely, but Qin Feng was motionless.

In terms of tonnage, Qin Feng is 110.5kg.

In terms of strength, Qin Feng's lower body strength is at the level of an NBA center, while Kenyon Martin is a mobile No. 4.

Kenyon Martin saw that his back was about to arrive in 5 seconds, so he turned around forcefully...

The steps were rough and the use of the ball protector was also a mess. After Qin Feng completely exposed the basketball, he made a unicorn-arm dive.

Qin Feng touched the basketball, but not completely. In a panic, Kenyon Martin regained control of the ball. After a move, he combined the ball and attacked the frame for a dunk.

Qin Feng, who was trying to block the shot behind him, reacted, but in the end he was still more than half a beat too slow.

There is no way. In addition to their speed and agility, they also have static physical advantages. Once Qin Feng loses his defensive position, there is no way to stop him when facing an NBA-level starting power forward.



The high school star team attacked, and Anthony, who received the pass from outside the three-point line, winked at Qin Dong.

Qin Feng once again went deep and low.

Kenyon Martin gritted his teeth and desperately defended behind him.

The spectators on the sidelines seemed to hear the sound of muscles clashing during the two men's physical fights, and the sound of sweat falling on the floor.

Less than 2 minutes into the game, Qin Feng and Kenyon Martin were already sweating.

"Boom!" Qin Feng went deep to get the ball again. After receiving the ball, Qin Feng squeezed Kenyon Martin with his back towards the basket.

It's different from when you bully your high school league opponents...

Qin Feng's upper body strength was not able to squeeze the opponent away. The bottom step he just made to cut the opponent apart was because the opponent used all his strength to defend himself, leaving the two sides useless.

Qin Feng had no choice but to continue to attack from behind, using his strong lower body strength and hard and upturned buttocks to force the opponent out of his defensive position.

This time, Kenyon Martin has restrained his entertainment mentality at the beginning of the game and devoted all his strength to defense.

But even so...

"Wow!", the audience once again let out a burst of exclamation.

Kenyon Martin was pushed back by Qin Fenggong again.

Qin Feng continued to stay at the bottom, trying his best to avoid direct confrontation. Kenyon Martin was not completely cut open by Qin Feng. At the same time, his knees were bent, waiting to jump up to block the shot.

Qin Feng made a fake move to make Kenyon Martin jump up. Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng quickly retracted his left foot, kicked the ground with his right foot, and used the time difference to hook the shot!

After landing, Kenyon Martin quickly took off twice, but it was still half a beat, and Qin Feng hit the hook.

Facing the NBA's No. 1 pick, Qin Feng hit 2 goals in a row.

This completely stirred up the scene.

"Oh my god, he is truly the number one power forward in Virginia. Even NBA players can't guard him."

"Yeah, it's incredible."



NBA star team offense.

Kenyon Martin, who was scored twice by Qin Feng, had a cold face and thought to himself: "I must complete a dunk in front of him."


Kenyon Martin was unable to establish himself in the post to catch the ball.

However, at this time, Kenyon Martin suddenly turned around without the ball and used his speed to go directly behind Qin Feng. At the same time, New Jersey Nets substitute guard Derek Tiall immediately made a lob pass.

The basketball passed over Qin Feng's head. Kenyon Martin, who got rid of Qin Feng's entanglement, caught the ball with both hands in the air and slammed it towards the basket.

A sound of "Boom!"...

There was a loud bang from the basket.