78:age event

Qin Feng's age controversy quickly spread from Virginia to the United States, attracting intense attention from major media.

If the age is really false, the player's career prospects may suffer a devastating blow, even if he has played terrible dominance in past games.

After all, during the period of puberty and development, a one-year difference in physical fitness is hugely different.

But Qin Feng was not only true. On the contrary, he also sent fruit baskets to many media, asking them to smear his age for fraud. The purpose was to gain more attention.

The final result was as Qin Feng wished.

In addition to Virginia, his so-called age falsification issue has also received widespread attention from fans in other cities in the United States.

Even "ESPN", "USA Today" and "Sports Illustrated", the top three media outlets in the American basketball industry, all left the game in person.

Virginia High School Basketball Championship, 8-4 night.

In addition to the league announcing Qin Feng's true age, ESPN also published relevant reports.

"Qin, he is really not 17 years old!" "

"Qin, he is one day younger than LeBron!" "

"Qin, he won't turn 17 until next month! "



These news are not empty talk, they showed Qin Feng's birth certificate.

And Qin Feng's past experience.

All this fully confirmed that Qin Feng was really born on December 31, 1984.

Although he is a senior in high school, he is one day younger than LeBron James, who is a senior at St. Mary's High School and was born on December 30, 1984.

It is worth mentioning that these detailed information on Qin Feng's age certificate were submitted by Qin Feng himself.

Regarding Qin Feng's age...

Even many Oak Hill High fans don't know.

I only have a vague idea that he should be 17 or 18 years old.


After this news report came out, everyone knew Qin Feng's birth year, and everyone knew that he and LeBron would only turn 17 next month.

This also made Qin Feng's college basketball prospects soar, and even attracted the attention of many NBA teams.

Even if Qin Feng plays in the NCAA for one year, that is, if he participates in the NBA draft in 2003, he will most likely be the youngest player.

He will only turn 17 next month, which means Qin Feng still has immeasurable room for growth.

In addition, a news post about the ages of Qin Feng and LeBron directly caused a tsunami-like sensation on the Internet.

"I have a hunch that even though LBJ is the chosen one, he will not be able to touch the youngest record after entering the NBA because he is one day older than Qin. "



Oak Hill's 8-4 opponent - Paul VI Catholic High School.

Although the opponent has no particular strong points, its overall strength is good.

Especially in the execution of tactics, it can be said to be perfect.

After the game started, Snoopy, the No. 1 player from Oak Hill High School, was double-teamed.

The defensive strategy of Paul VI Catholic High School is to disrupt the offensive rhythm of Oak Hill High School by defensively pressing the ball carrier.

Not only high school players are afraid of double teams, but even NBA players are.

After the first two double-teams resulted in mistakes, Anthony immediately went to respond.

Since his teammates were double-teamed, the defensive pressure on Anthony was naturally much smaller than in usual games.

A variety of endless offensive methods aroused waves of cheers from the fans.


No matter how efficient Anthony is in scoring, there will still be times when he hits the iron...

It's just that there is a good friend under the basket - Qin Feng.

Qin Feng showed terrifying rebounding efficiency.

The first quarter of the game is over.

Anthony made 8 of 12 shots and 2 of 2 three-pointers, scoring 18 points.

Qin Feng scored 6 points and 6 rebounds, including 3 offensive rebounds. His shooting percentage reached a terrifying 100%, and he made all 3 shots.



The game entered the second quarter. Paul VI Catholic High School did not continue to double-team Snoopy, but instead double-teamed Anthony on the outside.

As soon as Anthony receives the ball, the two opposing players closest to him will rush over desperately to stop Anthony's attack.

Anthony's [playing ability] is not very good, but this is only a high school league after all...

The outside players who faced him were all shorter than him, relying on their height and vision advantages as well as their tacit understanding with Qin Feng.

After Anthony was double-teamed, he immediately threw it to Qin Feng under the basket.

This allowed Qin Feng to score 14 points in the second quarter.

At halftime, Qin Feng had already scored a double-double with 20 points and 10 rebounds.



The situation in the second half of the game was similar to the second quarter. The head coach of Paul VI Catholic High School was very paranoid that as long as he restricted Anthony's performance, he would have a chance to win the game.

But as Qin Feng made another defensive foul on the opposing player.

The opponent's starting No. 4 had already committed five fouls and left the field 5 minutes before the end of the third quarter.

Although the opponent's starting No. 5 position is still on the court, he has already suffered 4 fouls at this time, 2 of which were committed by Qin Feng.

There are only 7 seconds left before the end of the third quarter.

After Anthony, who was running without the ball, received the ball, in addition to the players chasing him, the players closest to him also rushed towards him regardless of their own safety.

At this time, Anthony noticed that Qin Feng under the basket was being defended by the opponent's No. 5, who was 206cm tall.

Qin Feng, who is 197.3cm tall, has been covered by the other party...

But in terms of width, a lot of it is exposed...

Qin Feng behind him suddenly pushed the opponent's No. 5 position with his hand, causing the opponent to stumble. At the same time, Anthony saw his good friend Qin Feng and pointed at the basket with his finger.

"Qin, this guy..." Anthony immediately understood and threw a lob pass to Qin Feng under the basket.

The opponent's No. 5 bent his knees and prepared to jump up to intercept the lob pass.

But with the terrifying force behind him, it was very difficult to keep his balance, let alone jump up.

This pass has a good height and passes over the head of the opponent's No. 5 position.

When Qin Feng saw this, he said, "Oh!"

Jump up with all your strength...


"It's still a little bit worse!"

Qin Feng's jumping height was still a bit low. After receiving the ball, his body began to drop significantly in the air. He was unable to complete the dunk at such a high altitude that he could only wipe the board.

A sound of "pop!"...

A clear voice came from Qin Feng's arm.

The opponent's No. 5, who has pretty good athletic ability, tried to take off and block the shot during Qin Feng's alley-oop.

But due to the rush of time, Qin Feng was still in the air...

The slap only hit Qin Feng's arm.




This immediately caused the fans at the scene to scream.

Fans saw Qin Feng, whose arm was shortened by a slap, but his shooting movements were completely motionless, like a slingshot hitting a tank.

A sound of "Shua!"...

The basketball wipes the board into the basket.


The referee whistle sounded.

The opponent's No. 5 fouled out and left the field.

And this once again caused a burst of exclamation from the fans at the scene.


"In less than three quarters, all the interior twin towers of Paul VI Catholic High School were taken down by Qin."

"Yeah, the core strength and upper body strength are too terrifying."

Qin Feng's core strength [81] is quite good in the high school league.

His upper body strength is as high as [92], the strength of NBA No. 3 position.

For ordinary high school students, if you want to pull down Qin Feng in the air, you have to use all your strength.

The first three quarters of the game are over.


Oak Hill High School's lead had reached 30 points.

The opponent's two big insiders all committed five fouls and left the game, which completely lost the suspense of this game.