79:Another university invitation

The whole game is over.

The final score was fixed at [60:104].

In terms of personal data, Carmelo Anthony scored 41 points, 2 rebounds, 3 steals, 3 blocks and 5 assists.

In terms of statistics, he is not inferior to Qin Feng, who scored 28 points, 16 rebounds, 2 blocks and 1 assist.

But the MVP of this game was still given to Qin Feng.

No way...

Qin Feng had a terrifying shooting percentage tonight, making 12 of 12 shots, a 100% hit rate.

Of course, the free throws were a bit stretched, with 4 of 8 free throws and a free throw percentage of only 50%.



"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the game."

"Ding, reward the host with 200 winning points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the MVP of this game."

"Ding, reward the host with 1 point of [Random Attribute]."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for becoming Mr. 100% for the first time."

"Ding, reward the host with a new badge - [First Step Master (Bronze)]."



Qin Feng's accumulated winning value: 787 points, which is not enough for a random draw yet.

One point of random attributes was strengthened to [Pass], and Qin Feng's Pass was increased from [58] to [59].

What surprised Qin Feng was the new badge - [First Step Master].

[First Step Master (Bronze)] Function Introduction:

1. When holding the ball as a triple threat, or when starting after catching the ball, explosive power and agility will be slightly improved.

2. To upgrade to the next stage [First Step Master (Silver)], you need to complete the first step 2000 times to pass the opponent. Moreover, 1,000 winning points need to be consumed.


Qin Feng was speechless.

At present, Qin Feng does not have the ability to hold the ball in a high position...

As for launching an offense with the ball from outside the three-point line, it is even more unthinkable.

Trying to use the first step to get past your opponent is tantamount to fantasy.

But Qin Feng can get stuck, so he can just find a junior junior to challenge him in a duel.



As a stocky inside man who wants to rival or even surpass Charles Barkley in the future, he must master the ball-handling offense in a high position.

When Barkley won the MVP season with the Phoenix Suns, he served as the team's point forward.

He has the offensive skills of the 3rd and 4th positions, and many times during the game, he plays the 3rd position on offense and the 4th position on defense.

In their era, for most teams, the 4th position was a rebounding tool and rarely had independent offensive capabilities.

For most of his career, Larry Bird played 3 on offense and 4 on defense.

Before Tim Duncan entered the NBA, Bird was Michael Jordan's number one power forward in the NBA.

But later, I don't know why, but I regarded Big Bird Larry Bird as one of the best small forwards in history...



3 days later.

Qin Feng finally completed the task of [Advanced Ball Control Training Card].

Ball control +6.

Ball control increased from [70] to [76].

[76]'s ball control is just fine in a high school league.

But Qin Feng, who is left-handed, can only control the ball with his non-dominant hand [58].

This means that Qin Feng's breakthrough can only go to the left.

Inside the Oak Hill training facility.



"And you..."

Qin Feng named three reserve players with heavy weight and slow lateral movement.

"What's wrong, captain?" Several heavyweight fat men in the reserve team asked curiously.

"Let me train your individual defense capabilities." Qin Feng said.

"Ah?" Several people were startled at first, then said gratefully: "Okay, Captain."

Qin Feng once again perfectly explained what "bug" means.

Qin Feng's explosive power and speed were like fast forwarding 1.25 times in front of these big fat guys.



Another 2 days passed.

Inside the Oak Hill High School basketball gym.

Qin Feng took a three-threat probing step, stepped out with his right foot, immediately leaned over and accelerated, passing the reserve player who was 180cm tall and weighed 105kg in one step.

After rushing to the basket, Qin Feng completed a one-handed dunk.

This caused cheers from the surrounding reserve players.


"Captain, you are really too fast."

"Captain, you are so handsome."



Qin Feng smiled and shook his head.

There's still a lot wrong with this breakout.

"Melo." Qin Feng glanced at the triple threat master Carmelo Anthony beside him.

"Qin, the moment you stepped out with your right foot, your body did not immediately make a dive gesture..."

"If your opponent moves faster laterally, it will be difficult for you to complete the breakthrough."

"In addition, your feint test is too fake...it is difficult to deceive the opponent's center of gravity."

"Of course, the biggest problem is your shooting. If you don't have a shooting threat, your opponent won't be so close to you."

"It's hard to beat your opponent with this move in a real game."

As a good gay friend, Anthony is outspoken about the threat posed by Qin Fengsan.

Indeed, as Anthony said, his triple threat is just a facade...

It is impossible to apply it to competitions in a short time.

But Qin Feng still spends time practicing every day...

I just hope that one day I can evolve it into my own [conventional weapon].



In addition to the three threats, Qin Feng is also trying to develop [off-ball offense].

This is mainly because Qin Feng's offensive area is too small, and it is all in the paint area.

In the high school league, you can crush it with your talent...

But what if you enter college, or the NBA, the highest hall of basketball?

After this day's training is over.

Qin Feng's winning value accumulated to 2,000 points.

Qin Feng chose to conduct a random lottery.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Elementary Bounce Training Card]."

Seeing this, Qin Feng thought to himself: "Okay, let's continue skipping tomorrow."



The next day.

Qin Feng received a phone call during training after class.

It was the head coach of Syracuse University, a famous NCAA basketball school, who personally called me.