chapter 3 - becoming Pope's disciple and lustfull Bibi dong

Spirit city, martial soul hall inside pope's hall salas spoke

"His majesty pope this boy has full inate power of 20 and his martial soul also feels powerful "

After hearing this she said "your name is tang san right show me your martial soul"

Tang san manafested MJÖLNIR, when Bibi Dong saw MJÖLNIR she felt same as when she saw her Daughter's martial soul

Bibi Ding said to Tand San "I Pope Bibi Dong from today onwards acept you as my disciple, do you acept"

Tang san quickly said " I accept"

As soon as tang san said I Accept a sound was herd


As Tang san's rewards was granted a voice spoke which no one could hear

" giving Pope Bibi dong +100 Lust towards host , adding passive +200 lust per year to Bibi dong "

Tang san herd a voice


After tang san become Bibi dong's disciple she personally started teaching him various things whole day and at night masterbates without anyone knowing while thinking about tang san

Six Years went by and tang san is 12 years today Bibi dong called tang san into her room and said "in one year continantal spirit master tournament startes , if you win the tournament master will give you a very big gift "

After tang san herd Bibi dong he also herd system's Voice


TASK - win continantal spirit master tournamen

Difficulty- easy

Reward- 100000 points and god of thunder soul bone suit


Task 1- defet all your opoments in Tournament by yourself

Difficulty - hard

Reward - increse age of all spirit ring by 50000 years

Task 2 - take Rewards your master will give you

Difficulty - easy

Rewards - ???

Task 3 - ???

Reward- incress likeness of ??? Person towards host to max

Task 4 - ???

Reward - ???

Reword for completing chainquest - Clear sky clan and martial soul hall's relationship changed to Allied

After seeing this tang san asked system what are ???

System told tang san "??? Will be reveld to host when host meets requirments

After tang san left And went to his room he sayed Status in his mind

Name - Tang san

Rank - 66 spirit emperor

MJÖLNIR spirit rings

1st - 100000 years (duisgised as 900 years)

2nd - 100000 years (duisgised as 1700 years

3rd - 100000 years (duisgised as 6900 years

4th - 100000 years (duisgised as 10000 years)

5th - 100000 years (duisgised as 20000 years)

6th ring - 36000 years

Points - 1150000

Tang san sayed after seeing his status

"System use 100000 points to upgrade 6th ring to 100000 and use rest to duisgise ring to 36000 years"

After that tang san returned to his normal schedule,

At night tang san thought if Pope is Awake he will ask what reward she wants to give him and then he went to Bibi dong's room

What tang san saw and herd when he went near Bibi Dongs room shocked him , he saw Bibi dong saying his name and fingering her hole seeing this tang san got idea what his master prepared for surprise gift if he wins tournament by himself, he was shocked to find out that his master prepared herself as present to him if he did that , tang san saw inside room and at his quest window and thought "Guss i will have to take her Reward if i want to resolve issue between his clan and martial soul hall and he also got idea on what chain quest was for

1st one was added when Bibi gave him task , 2nd one was changed due to her reward and 2nd quest reward might be something that will make Bibi dong his wife insted of his master and 3rd one's reward also gaveaway that ??? In rewards was his 2nd wife's name

And the 4th one's reward was not 4 spirit rings but 4 wedding ring , 2 for him and 1 each for both his wife

After that he herd a sound

DING CONGRATULATIONS Host for gussing chain quest's 2nd task and it's reward

Task 2 - your master has decided to take you virginity if you finish 1st task , give it to her

Reward - Bibi dong will be in complete in love with you

Tang san said sarcastically "hop reward for 3rd quest is not max likeness is not pop's daughter " sa soon as he said that he herd

DING CONGRATULATIONS Host for gussing reward for 3rd task , as reward 3for gussing 2 task's reward 3rd task's reward is upgraded

Task 3 - ???

Reward - Bibi Dong's daughter Qian renxue will fall in love with you and also accept your relationship with Bibi dong

After learning rewards he asked system "system why is master doing this"

System said "remember host 6 years ago reward you got for quest adding random positive relationship trait to Pope , the Trait she got was Lust and you as host were only target of lust , it is estimated that if host dose not sleep with her in 2 years she will possibly force you into bed, system also advices that host quicky go back to room if host dose not want reward in advance "

As soon as tang san herd this he quiatly ran back to his room