chapter 4- Rank 70 and Continent Tournament

It's been a year and Tang san has reached 69 and is cultivating 24/7 so when in few months finals begin he might reach 70 , although his is the youngest in Marial soul hall's team he has the highest cultivation and oher than his senior sister Hu Liena and her brother he dose not know much about anyone else and scince he is near 70 he has stoped going to team practice

10 days before finals start Tang san is still in meditation , spirit power in tang san has started surging and then tang san herd a sound

DING CONGRATULATIONS Host for brakingthrew Rank 70

As reward now Host Can buy Spirit rings from System using points , it costs 500000 points per 100000 years


Task - Brakethrew Titled Douluo in 5 Years

Rewards - God Inheritance of God King of Thunder Thor Odinson

After Seeing Task tang san said "system Purchase 200000 year spirit ring "

As he said that a red ball got genrated in tang san's hand

Tang san started absorbeing ring , as he started absorbeing ring a Divine Aura spread threw entire Spirit City and slowly a majestic man holding a godly hammer that Looked like MJÖLNIR and as the man's transperent body stood above Spirit City all spirit master who were Spirit saint and bellow were on their knees and those spirit Douluo were shaking

Feeling Divine power stronger then Angel god Qian daoliu saw that the divine power was originated from tang san's martial soul while he was absorbeing spirit ring

Slowly was tang san finished absorbing Spirit ring the transparent man vanished , when tang san came out of his room he was called by bibi dong and when he saw her she asked "what was that image of man" tang san said "it was a god he came and told me" "boy you have same mariat soul as me and your talant is good , if you reach Titled Douluo in 5 years you can be my inheritor, take this god given spirit ring for qualifying "

Bibi dong said "good , don't tell anyone about inheritance and just say that was 2nd awakening of your martial soul , and about your spirit ring if anyone asks just tell them it was reward for Qian Daoliu and don't wory i will talk with him , with you talant he will definitely agree"

10 days latter in arena , today finals starts although as seeded team martial soul hall's team dose not need to complete thay still came to watch

On galary above arena Bibi dong , ning fengzhi , Dung bo and few titled Douluo belonging to Martial soul hall were stanging , Bibi dong came to front and said "today i announce Starting of Qualifiers of continantal elit spirit master tournament, 3 seeded team will not compet in first round , thay will compete from 2nd round onwards , their will be not lossers bracked and when a team losses thay will be eliminated "

Next day , today is the day tang san will compete , his first watch is against elephant acadmy

On arena Martial soul hall's team came on stage , representing martial soul hall are

Tang san , hu liena , xie yue , yan and 3 other people , when both team came into arena , 6 of 7 people of martial soul hall's team stood near edge of arena and tang san stood in front of elephand acadmy team and then he called out MJÖLNIR without it's Spirit rings

Seeing tang san's arogence , elephant Acadmy players were pissed

Match started and tang san started swing MJÖLNIR and attacked all 7 members of elephant acadmy , tang san with just his physical strenth broke defence of all of them , not matter how thay fought or how much thay struggled, at end when their spirit power ran out thay were forced to give up

Seeing tang san performance everyone was shocked

All rounds went same for Martial soul Hall's team , tang san beat every team with just his anormous strenth

Tournament went by and no for finals and 3 team remaind and all 3 were seeded teams

In fight for deciding who will directly go to finals , Bibi dong told Tang san to take a Rest and allow other members to show their strenth so in this match tang san was replaced by substitute, before agreeing to Bibi dong Tang san asked system that if him not playing will fail him 1st task , system said scince this was not a elimination match it was fine , result were obvious even without tang san's help Martial soul hall's team reached finals

In semi-finals match between Seeded team of Have duo empire and seeded tem of Star lou empire was very intresting but Star lou empire's team still won a major victory