chapter 8 Becoming father and POPE

9 months have passed and today Bibi dong is about to give birth ,few months ago Qian Renxue also came back to martial soul hall afrer fully taking over haven dou empire , when she first saw tang san she fell in love and thay imedeatly went into bed and after thay were finished she asked him for marriage and he even acepted, everything was going fine and then she found out that the man she loved 2 months ago was secretly marriage her mother in front of many titled Douluo of martial soul hall and when she went to qian daoliu she found out that she was betrothed to him 9 months ago , and just few minutes after he was in bed with her mother , although she hates her mother she still married tang san just few days after , after that happened no one could belive he convinced two women who hated eachother to core to marry him

Bibo dong finaly gave birth and it was a boy who's hair colour was same as bibi dong's and his eys were as same as tag san , qian renxue was also their and he stomach looked like she was pregnant and she was , when tang san slept with her she got pregnant, tang san things that when is 2nd child comes to world he will be titled Douluo

Few months later Qian renxue is giving birth and it is a girl , whose hair and face is same has her and eyes are like tang san, tang san is very close to tilted douluo

After few days Tang San finaly broke threw Titled Douluo and he herd a ding

DING CONGRATULATIONS HOST For finishing main quest

You can go to inheritance space when you reach rank 99

Ding task 4 of chain Quest reviled

Task - Your grate grand father while going threw god trial was possed by someone , go to slaughter city and put him out of his misery

Reward - multiverse god's duisgise technique

As soon as he herd that his grate grand father was possed he directly flew to slaughter city , in slaughter city , tang san broke in and driectly said "martial soul true body" and smashed the barrion preventing use of soul power , although his Cultivation is 91 , his strength is near to 100 and he can easely shash this ristriction

He directly wemt to slaughter king's room and attacked him , the fight laster for few minutes and when he saw his grate- grand father was back he hold him and said "grate grand father i am tang hao's son , i came to find you as soon as i fount out"

Tang chen said "how is hao'er" tang san said " he is good and a lot of things happned " after that he told tang chen everything happned in last few years from attack in tang hao and Ah Yin to Birth of his Daughter

Afer hearing he said "tang san , do not worry i still have few days , i will go to clan with hao'er and short out everything , can you do one thing for me , go to sea god island and tell high priest thay i died while going threw trial of shura god, although i want to go their and meet her , i do not have hearth to do that afrer all this year, and also take this sword, this will alow you to inherent asura god "

After that tang san took asura sword and went to sea god Island,

Tang san went to sea god island and told Bo Saixi about tang chen although she cried for while but after while he left and went straight to tang hao and tang chen

In few days he spend traveling , both tang chen and tang hao had solved their problems between martial soul hall and clar sky clan

Few years went by and everything was over and solved between clear sky clan and martial soul hall , today is tang san's coronation ceramony , few days ago to focus on god inheritance and looking after her son bibi dong decoded to abdicate in favour of tang san, she got inheritance of god king Hades after she took fruit and her martial soul also became Devil Spider Empress , her new martial soul has a human Body which has 8 spider legs comming out of back , which is a large Upgrade from those ugly spiders