Chapter 9 God Inheritance

Today a 19 year old tang san is in Papal palace , today is his son's martial soul awakening , the children who has martial soul awakening hear are children of those titled Douluo and spirit Douluo who belong to martial soul hall , most of them awakened one of their parents martial soul , a few had positive mutation and a few had negative mutation

Now it's tang san's son's turn and a handsom boy with purple hair came in front and stretched his had , the awakening prosess started , on his left had was Death Spider Emperor and on his right hand was Clear Sky Hammer, he had twin martial soul , on from his father and other from his mother , both of his martial soul were strong but Clear sky hammer was more dominant, when his inate soul power was tested it was full inate power of 10

After awakening Tang san herd a voice he had not nerd for last few years

DING host Quest Unlocked

Task - Cultivate any of 2 of your Children into God Inheritor

Note- Host's children dose not need to inherent positions , just need to recive 9 test of God Inheritance for quest to be sucessfull

Rewards - After Reaching God Host's 2nd martial soul will transform into Inner World

One year latter tang san's daughter from qian renxue had awakened Holy Angel as her martial soul , her martial soul was not Seraphim like her mother for some reason, tang san thinks it should becose qian renxue had alrady finished 7 of 9 test for inheriting angel god and would become angel god .

6 years later , tang san's eldest son is 13 and he is preparing for continantal elite spirit master tournament , after tournament tang san has decided to put him threw hellish traning and then he will send him to slaughter city to get slaughter domain so he can try to inherent Asura god

Tang san's 2nd child with qian renxue is a boy and he is 11 year old and his martial soul is Blue Silver grass and Holy Angel, tang san's mother thinks his son's martial soul can have 2nd awakening as blue silver emperor, through these years he had manage to grow his mother to level where she can easely communicate with him

3 year later , martial soul hall had manage to win tournament and tang san decided to put both of his son to hellish traning, although he has 2 daughters and both have good martial soul and both will reach Titled Douluo he has left traning of both to their respective mothers , both Bibi Dong and Qian renxue have finished 8 of 9 test and have decided untill tang san also finishes test so thay can reach god togather, tang san has reached 98 and is suppressing his Cultivation as long as he can so any 2 of his children might inherent god position

After finishing traning , his eldest son went to Slaughter city and and after hearing about sea god island his 2nd son went their , he gave him a tool he found in haven dou empire's treasury because he felt sea god's divine power from it, from his travels to sea god island he can identify sea god's divine power

Few months later Tang san herd a voice

Ding congratulations host your 2nd son has sucessfull triggered Sea God's 9 trial and will inherent Sea god if he Succeeds

2 years later tang san herd a voice Again ,

Ding congratulations host Your eldest Son has Sucessfully triggered Asura god's 9 trials

Congratulations host for finishing taks

Reward Granted- Host's 2nd martial soul will turn Into Inner world After Host Become God

After hearing good news tang san without any furthur he directly Brokethrew 99 and when he did he herd a voice

DING HOST CAN Start God Inheritance anytime , Note Host scene Origin Owner of God Position is Dead Host Will have to Re Cultivate To god Emperor but Host will have Easy Time then Other's and Host can Like other Inherent Can directly inherent Position

DING Main Quest Genrated

Task- reach God

Rewards- acess to God of Multiverse's vault and Host can exchange Any Item's in it for Points including God Positions

A portal opened and tang san went inside it , when he went inside he saw a man sitting on a majestic Throne the man said "I am Odin Rullar of 9 relams , what you are seeing is my remenent divine consciousness, as long as you can pass 9 of my test you can inherent my son's god position to reach god

After that man Dissapeared tang san herd a voice

1st Trial - Climb the Stairs of Asgard's Royal palace

After that a portal opned and tang san saw upon entering was a palace and then he herd voice of the man he saw first

"This is replica of Palace that was in center of Divine planet of Asgard's where the only God Emperor in 9 relam's rule from"

Tang san started climbing, each step was harder then other and divine light made it harder, after 1 year , tang san finaly sucessfully climbed all 10000 steps

Trial 1 passed , Affinity with God position incresed by 10%

Trial 2 - without using your cultivation pass threw asgard's Palace Guards

Tang san decided to rest for wile , spend few days with his family amd then start trial