Alex was at the station, sitting in the questioning room.

Anna was brought in and led to him, where he gasped as soon as he saw her.

"You're pregnant," he observed,causing her to be shocked that he noticed.

She sat down, facing him. "You're a suspect in the deaths of four victims. Are you aware of that?"

"I was an unintentional accomplice," he replied.

Confused, she asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"Those four girls—Queen, Francess, Juliana, Claudia—they were all in love with me. He was jealous. It all started when they chose me as Headboy of Saint High School."

"What happened after that?" she probed.

"He was jealous. How could he be the class captain and still not be selected as the school headboy?"

She shivered, "Who are you talking about?"

He continued, "Every time those girls confessed their feelings to me, he would get hurt. It was after Juliana's death that I started to suspect everything."

Anna quickly realized who he was referring to. "Stephen Robin?"

"Yes," Alex confirmed, "Jack Robin's son...the biggest sponsor of Saint High."

The killer was Stephen Robin???

Flashback - Months before all the victims were murdered...

In a dimly-lit room, he trembled, hearing echoes of her anguish.

The scene played out in his mind—he envisioned himself pushing his mother's head underwater, dancing to a disturbing rhythm.

Jack had locked him in the dark underground house, forcing him to listen to the haunting sounds of his mother's suffering.

Sarah Robin's power was in a simple rejection, triggering a chilling sequence: boiling water, her face submerged, and agonizing screams until she lost consciousness.

Jack, indifferent, would leave her on the floor, unlocking the ominous room where Stephen was confined.

"Stephen dear, don't ever accept rejection! You are worth so much! Anyone who makes you feel less of yourself! Don't fail to prove them wrong! Don't fail!!!"

Stephen sobbed, "Did you hurt her again because she refused to sleep with you?"

"Yes," Jack admitted. "Your mother is sleeping with my brother. She told me that Rowland was better than me." He chuckled bitterly. "I was unfortunate! My thing is so small, and even celebrities mock me! The woman I love laughed at my manhood! How dare she?" He broke into crazed laughter "I'll torture her until she understands that my ego has been tarnished!"


One fateful Friday, Stephen returned home, finding an eerie silence.

He headed to his parents' room and was confronted by a distressing scene: his mother in bed with another man.

The sight filled him with emotional turmoil, turning into a burning rage.

Clenching his teeth, Stephen confronted his mother, who, despite seeing him, continued with the stranger.

Overcome with anger and hurt, he retreated to the kitchen, returning with a knife—a weapon he had never used before.

In a moment of blind fury, Stephen severed the connection between the two people, ending their lives.

As he stood amidst the bloodshed, his hands and face stained, a strange sense of relief washed over him.

From that day on, Stephen vowed never to accept rejection, shaping a ruthless determination within him.


Stephen's eyes were fixed on Queen Esther, a girl he longed for, but she was clearly interested in Alex.

Panic surged within him.

Did her gaze show genuine interest in Alex?

During break time, he followed her discreetly to the library.

"Hi, Queen!" he greeted with a soft smile.

She smirked. "How can I help you, Stephen?"

"It's not like you to be in the library. Why are you here?"

"I failed my past exams because I relied on Francess during exams. I want to be serious this term."

"I can help you with your studies."

"Alex already offered. Thank you."

Stephen sighed with frustration. "Do you like Alex?"

She smiled shyly. "Is it that obvious?"

"Date me, Queen. My father is a billionaire. I'll take care of you!"

"My father is rich too. I don't need your money."

"Then why do you like Alex?"

She shrugged. "Don't try to measure up to him. Alex has something no boy in Saint High has."

She walked into the library.

Stephen's anger flared up again.

Was Alex better than him?

The class captain of Saint High's final class had always secured the position of Headboy but his case was different as it was given to someone else for the first time.

People speculated that his appointment was merely ceremonial, thanks to his influential father.

Despite his friendship with Alex, Stephen couldn't surpass him in anything.

His frustration boiled over, and he found himself screaming in defeat.

Alex had won, becoming the Headboy, known for his handsomeness and intellect, and chosen by Queen.

Stephen's bitterness reached a breaking point one evening after night class.

He deceitfully told Queen that Alex was waiting for her at the chapel.

From a vantage point upstairs, he watched her climb the stairs excitedly.

Later, he met her at the chapel's altar.

She turned to him expectantly. "Where's Alex?"

He smiled slyly, dropping a bag on the floor. "He's on his way. He even left his bag with me."

With a sly grin, he pulled out black gloves from the bag and put them on.

She watched him suspiciously. "Why are you wearing those gloves?"

"It's really cold outside," he shivered.

He walked up to her and touched her face. "You're so beautiful, Queen. What about Joseph? I thought you were dating him."

"He's not talking to me anymore. I rejected him."

Stephen chuckled. "You reject a lot of people. Be careful who you reject. Not everyone reacts well to rejection." He squatted over his bag and pulled out a pair of pliers and a cloth.

Queen trembled at the sight. "What are you doing with that?"

Stephen chuckled. "I wonder why Alex kept it in there," he said mischievously before forcing the thick fabric into her mouth and pushing her to the floor.

He yanked strands of her hair with the pliers.

Blood drenched Queen's head as she lost consciousness.

Retrieving a penknife, Stephen carved the Chinese character into her skin.

Then he dragged her semi-conscious body to the balcony and threw her off the building, leaping out of the chapel himself.


Francess stared at Alex during as he taught her lessons, not focusing on the equation he was teaching.

After class, while Alex left, Francess remained seated, her eyes glued to his retreating figure.

Stephen approached and sat beside her. "Do you like Alex?"

She chuckled. "No, I don't."

"He's good-looking and smells great. Every girl likes him at Saint High. Plus, he's the Headboy."

Francess nodded thoughtfully. "I don't think he likes me."

"I could give you a chance to date me," Stephen offered.

Francess laughed mockingly. "Give me a chance to date you? Did I ever say I wanted to date you?"

Stephen waved his Rolex watch. "Even Alex doesn't have this. Date me, Francess."

"You're just a ceremonial class captain. Spend your time thinking of ways to stop being Alex's shadow. I can't date Alex's shadow," she chuckled and walked out.

Alex's shadow?

His head boiled with rage.

Alex's shadow?

He decided to use the same tactic with Queen.

Grabbing Alex's phone, he dialed Francess's number.

She answered immediately, just as he had expected. "Hi, this is Alex's friend. He said you should meet him at the Lord Tony chapel right after night class. Make sure no one sees you."

"Why does he want to meet me?" she asked.

"I told him you liked him, and he wants to meet you."


Stephen watched as Alex gazed at Anita, who was walking by with her F4 group.

Stephen nudged him. "Do you still like Anita?"

Alex rolled his eyes. "No, I don't."

"Last year, I saw how she turned you down in front of Juliana."

He scoffed. "I didn't even ask her out. I just offered her my mother's treasured pendant, and she rejected it. That doesn't mean I wanted to ask her out." His tone betrayed his words.

"Why don't you start a situationship with Juliana? Anita might get jealous and fall for you." Stephen suggested.

"A situationship? What does that mean?"

"Show her interest when Anita's around, but don't ask her out."

"Wow, I think that's a good idea."Alex's face lit in excitement.


Stephen found Alex and Claudia in the school toilet, making love.

He took a picture through the door's hole and sent it to Juliana.

Juliana met Stephen behind the class, angry. "Why did you send me that ridiculous photo?"

"What about you? Didn't you date the boy who liked your friend behind her back?"

"Anita doesn't like Alex. I asked her several times, and she said no!"

"But you still hid your relationship from her."

"No! Alex never officially asked me out. I was still unsure."

"Date me, Juliana."

"I can't date you."


"I like Alex. I hate Claudia, but I still like Alex."

"Alex takes advantage of girls."

"I know. He's frustrated because Anita doesn't like him. It's the first time a girl hasn't liked Alex, despite his charm."

"Meet me at the Lord Tony chapel after night class. I have something to tell you about Alex."

Bit by bit, Stephen pulled strategies on how to eliminate everyone who chose Alex over him.