Combat class for the first time.

I woke up the other day in my dorm, yesterday Leo invited me to sleep at the mansion but I had a physical training class early in the morning.

Of course, given the time I left, the doors of the university dormitory had already closed, but for me, who had my high-level spatial ability and even Nyx and my capabilities, it was still viable to invade without attracting so much attention and trouble.

I stretched my body with simple movements, letting my muscles relax and I put on the specialized exercise clothes for this class, it was simple clothes and a little tight, but it didn't bother me.

Coming out of my room I found Arno.

"Arno we have the same training class today, right?"


He nodded, it's at the same time and occurs as an interactive process, but since he's from combat college and an advanced year there are still some different processes.

"Shall we get something from the coffee maker and go eat together?"

I asked throwing him a simple invitation.

He seemed to think for a moment as if he hesitated remembering something and I added.

"I am more than capable of protecting myself against annoying or spiteful students"

I spoke softly as I headed towards the door, he hearing this stopped for a moment and replied in a low voice as he followed me from behind.


We were heading towards the field for today's physical/combat training class.

I ate a different dish that they had in the canteen called tapioca, filled with chicken, cheese and spinach leaves. While Arno was eating a sandwich made with rib meat and tomatoes.

We finished eating as we approached the place, arriving at the training field it was a gigantic place, there was a running track made of dirt on one side and on the other what looked like a gigantic stage built with resistant materials with a shock absorbing effect.

"Well, let's go" I turned my head slightly to Arno and he responded with a wave back.

The students were divided into two groups, the first was the combat student group and the second was the support group.

I rejoined my respective group and stayed in a more isolated place relaxed while in the combat team besides Arno I also saw Luana standing looking a little shy which made me smile slightly for some reason I feel that this girl will just be shy outwardly …especially since he appears to be timidly leaning on a club…could that be her weapon?

The image of a rabbit running with a big reminded me of a rabbit I saw in another life that used a big hammer, it's a bit of an inconsistent look.

And as I was thinking about this and looking around I heard footsteps and two teachers entered, one with the combat symbol and the other with the support symbol.

And it was the support teacher who stood in front of everyone and stomped the floor hard, but his stomping was not normal, a loud and strong sound wave came out when he stepped on the floor that forced everyone to stay quiet...what seemed like a sound-based ability.

And with the attention directed at him, the teacher smiled and began to speak.

"A pleasure to all, today I am representing the military support college class. Before starting the first training, I want to remind support students, in particular, while highlighting the role of support students for combat students. As everyone knows, the general support role is a multiple role, the individual must learn to become extremely versatile to help mech/ship engineers, doctors and even combatants, whether in fights on the ground or with mechs. Even if they don't have the same depth or ability as a specific student, they should still have the versatility to minimally replace the team member if the need arises. In addition to other functions."

He finished speaking and observed the reaction of the students, especially the support team, and in fact the support course is a course that demands a lot from individuals and sometimes students who are unable to stay in combat transfer to support and If they are indeed on this course, they will have to bear the responsibilities.

After the teacher seemed satisfied, he clapped his hands again, emitting another wave of sound and said what the training would be.

"To begin with, let's start with races, run all around this track and you can only stop when I say so"

With her speech, she pointed to the large race track that was more gigantic than the one in the normal world.

And all the students from both groups started running and some surprises will appear in this race that appeared to be a normal running field but there was something different found on the ground below.