Gravity race.

We started running at a reasonably high speed, even though we spent around 20 minutes at speeds that beat runners in the normal world, many weren't even sweating, after all the beings here were people with higher physical levels and even more so for orcs in which the Orc lineage increased the effect of the physique, for example, a sub orc with a B physique and an orc with a physique of the same level, the orc's physique is still superior even if they have the same grade, not to mention the species of animal involved.

And as we ran and I let my mental power act as a "divine sense" from the Wuxia world to observe my surroundings, I felt the running become more difficult and I frowned.

With each pass the feeling of walking seemed heavier and I couldn't help but frown. I also noticed that some of the individuals seemed to notice the difference, I focused my mental power around me and released some of the energy of my supernatural power from space.

And then I smiled, discovering what it was while I glanced at the teachers…something expected to challenge beings with much superior physiques and supernatural powers.

And as if I was expecting a possible number of individuals to feel it, I heard the voice of the combat teacher, with a strong and powerful tone appear.

"To all students! I bet some people started to notice, but our running track isn't as simple as certain training areas at the Valery gym. A specific factor of this location is that it has a gravity modifier below the ground, which allows us to increase the gravity and difficulty of the training, see" The teacher spoke with a wild smile and an extremely heavy and destructive gravity came over the body from everyone to the point where I stopped running for a moment, as well as several individuals in the place.

Of course the teacher's voice followed.

"Whoever said you can stop running, follow or you will be punished! One tip is that transforming is not allowed, however using other energies such as mental power or supernatural power is allowed."

I started to walk a little and when I heard her voice I thought about something specific to the different abilities and powers that I have.

I used some of my spatial power by connecting to constellations from my past life as the Great Sage of the Eastern stars.

And soon the notification screen similar but different to the Hunter world's skills screen appeared in front of me.

[The Libra constellation, lends its power to her]

[The Libra constellation is happy for you to access its power first in your new and final life.]

[Given her request, the gravity around her began to be slightly manipulated. Using your spatial energy given compatibility as the price to pay for the skill.]

The gravity around me was changed, the color silvery blue with an invisible energy that emitted a force different from the direct force of gravity, but which was not easy for others to perceive.

When using the power of the constellation the energy price is lower than using it directly and handling is lighter and easier.

I felt a lightness come around me and I returned to the race as if nothing had happened... well, there is always something useful about having so many lives, in addition to the experience and happiness involved, the special powers and abilities are great.

After returning to my walk I looked around and with my mental power it took a little more work to move given the gravity around me.

I was able to feel different individuals using their abilities, some used the water ability to reduce the ability, others used lightning abilities to reduce it, and there were also other abilities being used, I even felt a rare gravity ability being used by one of the individuals. which impressed me a lot.

Not all supernatural powers were very effective in alleviating the burden of gravity, whether due to the individual's ability to use it, grade or the nature of the power itself.

But it was indeed an interesting exercise, I also clearly felt that despite at a lighter rate gravity was still increasing making me shift some energy from my space power. I also saw Arno use the power of the wind to increase his speed and reduce physical wear and tear, and Luana had a white energy that seemed to lighten the load or in a certain way regenerate wear and tear...does it look like a healing power? But it doesn't have the usual healing energy...

Regardless, the running training lasted another 40 minutes until gravity was turned off.

And most of the individuals of those who had not practically fainted or fainted themselves. They were basically exhausted, few were the ones who seemed to have any more energy or were still skilled in some way. Even I, who had an S grade in physics and an SS grade in supernatural spatial power, reasonably exhausted the energy of both.

And so I sat there with sweat dripping from my body onto the floor, as I removed a bottle of cold lemon water from my space and began to drink it to cool off, while my power of life/nature began to recover any tiredness from my body. .

I also saw some robots deliver bottles to other players. One also came towards me, but I thanked him and said it wasn't necessary. And the voice of the support class trainer came.

"You will have 15 minutes to rest and refresh yourself, after that a special guest will come to our class and will help with the next stage of the class, the combat training stage."

After he said this, the students took a deep breath and drank from their bottles as they breathed.

I also saw Luana approach me looking a little shy, her stick also seems to have been stored in some kind of spatial behavior.

"Um….sir Alex…you look very resilient…impressive!"

"My physical power is A, and I have a power that helps me a lot with this, but even so, you seem to have even more energy than me!!"

Their eyes sparkled as they spoke and I just smiled slightly.

"You were also great and quite capable." I just smiled slightly and didn't respond to her compliment while I praised her in the same line.

She was clearly happy with the compliment and followed up with a next question.

"Do you have any idea who the guest is?"

"Maybe it's someone from someone in a specific army."

 Hearing her question, I answered from my line of thought, given that it was a combat class, it's likely to be someone from an army... I just hope it's not Leo from the 4th army...


And when the time was up, the two teachers came back and the teacher from the support team clapped his hands with his sound wave of his power disseminating throughout the environment and this time it seemed stronger... this teacher sees it as some kind of function of being a silencer and as a sound transmitter? Even his voice seems bigger than the other teacher's or the ones I've seen so far.

"Well, rest is over, soldiers! Now I officially present not only two more special visitors."

"I introduce first, one of the commanders of the second army of the federation, Lieutenant Terry!"

And with his speech, an extremely tall individual with muscles like a mountain, with big, bushy hair, looking very strong and dangerous entered.

He conveyed a slightly irritated and serious tone.

And when he got on stage.

I heard the other teacher's voice continue.

"And an unexpected visitor being one of the members of the 4th army, the same army that is the main subsidiary of our academy….Lieutenant Daniel!!"

And when I heard the name Daniel I sighed with relief, happy that it wasn't Leo... I didn't want that much intrusion... as for whether he was the one who sent Daniel, I didn't care much.

Daniel came in with his black hair and yellow eyes that looked like electricity could come out of them and manifest itself directly.

With an excited and slightly mischievous smile on his face that still seemed to have a touch of teasing when he looked at the second lieutenant which clearly seemed to irritate him, as an irritated and strong breath came out of his nose.

I observed silently... well, the conflict between the 2nd army and the 4th seems very strong... the fact that the lieutenant from the 2nd army came here was also strange... after all, the 2nd army was one of those that had the least influence within this academy, for them to send someone in an important position as a lieutenant is indeed strange.

And next to the teachers, the two lieutenants stood, emitting a strong and military aura.

And at that moment my eyes met Daniel's and he seemed to wink with a playful smile.

I totally ignored it and pretended I didn't see it, while the teacher's voice sounded in this situation.

"Everyone stand, form and greet the lieutenants!"

When she spoke, everyone, strong or not, stood up and saluted in a fixed and military manner.

The teachers were satisfied, and the two lieutenants did not express anything.

And the professor followed after confirming permission with the lieutenants.

"Well, let's start, combat exercise is fundamental, whether fighting against pirates, criminals, other military groups, other governments, zerg or mutant/space monsters, the notion of using your body and your power is important. As there are orcs and sub-orcs here, the focus of this training will be without transformation, with the maximum acceptance of partial transformation. The teacher will start doing the draw."

But it was when he finished speaking and before the teacher followed, Daniel spoke.

"One moment, teacher. As we are going to handle this part of the training, I have something to propose to Lieutenant Terry"

He spoke, seeming to want to have fun while looking at the lieutenant of the 2nd army who was wary looking at Daniel as demonstrated by his speech.

"What do you propose?"

When I saw it I couldn't help but roll my eyes, the 4th army is quite complicated and likes to cause problems... and it seems that I heard one of the students next to me comment as if confirming my statement.

"I heard the 4th army is good at causing trouble…"

"Yes...I've heard that General Leonardo's battalion, with Lieutenant Daniel, the general and some others seem to be even better at this…"

Listening to the conversation, I could only wonder about these reputations created by gossip and the internet. While waiting with curiosity what Daniel planned to do.