Rain Ledger

Gender: Girl

Age: 18

Birthday: April 13th

Family: Brother Hunter Ledger

School: None

Grade: None

Powers: Listed Below

Knows about powers: Yes

Fights & With Who: Renesmae

Eye color: Blue and red

Hair color: Black

Relationship: Dating Kai Hudson

Life: Alive

Born Location: UK

Powers & Other info below:


Demonic Possession - As a demon, Asmodeus requires a vessel to walk the Earth.

Telekinesis - With a hand gesture, Asmodeus was able to pull Drexel to him. He was also able to throw Castiel and a weakened Lucifer with a flick of his hand.

Biokinesis - With a wave of his hand, Asmodeus caused several demons to clutch their throats in pain with the audible sound of bones breaking. He also strangled the Winchesters and Donatello Redfield. In another instance, Asmodeus caused Sam and Castiel a great deal of pain by gesturing at them before he was interrupted by Gabriel.

Invulnerability - As a Prince of Hell, Asmodeus cannot be harmed by most common demonic weaknesses. When Dean shot him, he was completely unharmed, displaying no wounds from the shot.

Mind Control - By touching two fingers to Donatello Redfield's head, Asmodeus was able to implant a command in his mind without Donatello ever remembering their encounter.

Torture - He tortured Gabriel so badly that the archangel went insane.

Energy Blasts - When fighting Gabriel, he was able to throw a blast of blue energy at him.