Gender: Girl
Birthday: February 16th
Family:1 Sister named Oliva Huxley
School: Went To Wade High School
Grade: None
Powers: Kawaii Demon Girl | Thammuz demon powers | In demonology Thammuz is a demon of low category, considered the inventor of the Inquisition, fires, guns, artillery, and the one that stimulates men to torture, other people.
Knows about powers: Yes
Fights & With Who: Hunter Leger
Eye color: Red (but can change)
Hair color: Black & Brown
Relationship: Dante Oisin thought most of the 1st book
Life: Alive (was killed and was brought back with no memory)
Born Location: Neverlands
What Powers Can Do: One cut can cause bleeding and bone damage permanently. Can't be fixed with bandages or anything. Once her prey is down she will cut a cross on their cheek to resemble what Hunter did to her. In her eyes she wants everyone to suffer as she did when she was 4.
Powers & Other info below:
Weather manipulation - An oni displayed the ability to create damaging thunderstorms to herald his arrival in a town. He was also able to generate some turbulence for a plane to cause a skydiver to hit his head and suffer a fatal fall.
Clairvoyance - An oni is capable of observing everything around them for a great distance in their mind by focusing on it. The range of this ability is increased when they open their third eye.
Thermokinesis - An oni was able to cause a spark in accumulated dryer lint that started a deadly fire.
Shapeshifting - An oni can take on a more human appearance by shortening its hair and horns and changing its fingernails and teeth to be more human. An oni can also reverse this transformation to take on their full oni appearance at will.
Blood Link - An oni maintains a blood link with its offspring that allows it to influence them.
Power Granting - An oni can grant its offspring who haven't fully transformed yet a degree of its invulnerability for several hours.