Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birth date: April 20th
Family: Azazel Hudson
School: Has Graduated From Demon Side High School
Grade: None
Powers: Below
Knows about powers: Yes
Fights and with Who: 1 person unknown
Eye color: Light purple
Hair color: Brown
Relationship: Rain Ledger
Life: Alive
Born Location: Tampa Bay, Florida
Powers & Other info below:
Telepathy - An oni is capable of reading the minds of its targets for information on them.
Demonic Possession - As a demon, Asmodeus requires a vessel to walk the Earth.
Smiting - With just a clench of his hand, Asmodeus was able to smite five demons at once in a similar manner to angels and Sam when drinking demon blood. Presumably, Asmodeus got this power from Gabriel's grace.
Super Agility - An oni displayed the ability to jump onto a dumpster, then a utility pole, and climb hand over hand up the pole to a nearby roof effortlessly.