Azazel Hudson

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birth date: April 20th

Family: Brother Kai Hudson

School: Has Graduated From Demon Side High School

Grade: None

Powers: Below

Knows about powers: Yes

Fights and with Who: 69

Eye color: Gold

Hair color: White

Relationship: No one

Life: Alive

Born Location: Tampa Bay, Florida

Powers & Other info below:


Light shadow magic - The user is able to perform a form of magic that allows them to utilize the light-shadow element (light with shadow properties, shadow with light properties or both simultaneously), either magically manipulating it or using it to cast spells.

Invisibility - If an oni wishes, they can disappear from human perception. However, this requires concentration and focus.

Weather manipulation - An oni displayed the ability to create damaging thunderstorms to herald his arrival in a town. He was also able to generate some turbulence for a plane to cause a skydiver to hit his head and suffer a fatal fall.

Telepathy - An oni is capable of reading the minds of its targets for information on them.

Clairvoyance - An oni is capable of observing everything around them for a great distance in their mind by focusing on it. The range of this ability is increased when they open their third eye.

Super strength - Oni are immensely strong, able to fling grown men around with ease. One crushed the throat of a woman completely by accident while holding her by the neck.

Talon-like claws - They have claws that can rip open a human's throat, instantly killing them. These claws are also capable of ripping people apart with ease.

Telekinesis - An oni was able to cause a series of accidents by subtly manipulating objects in the vicinity of its victims with its mind. Such effects included causing a roof shingle to slip out from under a man, an air hose to whip around to draw another to a roof's edge and then yank him off, a caulk gun to roll under another man's foot to cause him to slip and fall, a tree branch to suddenly spring upright causing a man on a ladder to suffer a fatal fall, causing a tire to blow out and a cup of coffee to spill. An oni was even able to affect objects 13,000 feet in the air, causing a skydiver's parachute cords to tangle, the line holding another's to snap and his entire harness to tear off of him.

Electrokinesis - An oni was able to purposefully disable electronics, including the computer system on three skydivers' parachutes to cause the failsafe to the reserve parachutes to fail. The oni was also able to change a stoplight from red to green while ensuring that the opposing light also remained green and ensuring no airbags deployed in the cars involved in the accident he caused.

Electromagnetic Interference - An oni's presence in an area scrambled all electronics nearby.

Thermokinesis - An oni was able to cause a spark in accumulated dryer lint that started a deadly fire.

Biokinesis - An oni was able to cause a man to have a heart attack.

Disease Manipulation - An oni was able to manipulate relatively harmless strains of disease into more deadly and virulent strains and spread them with ease. After the oni's death, the diseases it had caused lost strength and the people who were infected with them and still alive recovered.

Sedation - An oni was able to deliberately make a man in a house he passed fall asleep.

Spell Casting - An oni can cast a variety of spells. Among these is the demon gate ritual to transform a normal human into an oni and the ritual to complete their children's conversion into full oni.

Terrakinesis - An oni was able to collapse a pedestrian bridge by increasing and spreading the cracks existing in the framework through tremors generated by his kanabo. He was later able to collapse an entire stadium by targeting its weak spots with tremors. He also opened crevices and fissures in the ground.

Conversion - Using the demon gate ritual, an oni can transform a regular human into an oni to be its mate. Once an oni gains enough power from the chaos it causes, they can claim a town for themselves and in doing so, along with causing smaller disasters to happen without their direct supervision, begin the conversion of their half-human children into full-oni, resulting in them suffering massive headaches and personality changes more in line with their oni halves than with a human. A ritual involving the breaking of a human bone after the killing of dozens of people causes the oni children to break with their humanity and start to truly become oni. The oni then uses a ritual of blood involving the slaughter of hundreds to complete the transformation from hybrids to full oni.

Shapeshifting - An oni is able to take on a more human appearance by shortening its hair and horns and changing its fingernails and teeth to be more human. An oni can also reverse this transformation to take on their full oni appearance at will.

Pyrokinesis - An oni was able to cause the flame on Dean's Zippo lighter to go out.

Mental Manipulation - An oni was able to make a man with anger management issues go into a homicidal rage. To distract the Winchesters from the pedestrian bridge overpass collapse, an oni was able to use a tendril of his power to aggravate Sam's hallucinations of Lucifer. As the oni's power increased, merely being in his presence caused Sam's hallucinations to flare up and in his area of influence, a man to drive away from a gas pump while forgetting to put the pump away, causing an explosion.

Reality Warping - As an oni's power grows from absorbing the chaos it creates, its influence will spread through a town and cause the same kinds of accidents it could cause up close but without it needing to be present for them. However, this effect only worked for the smaller scale stuff and the bigger stuff, such as a stadium collapse, required the oni's personal attention and effort. These effects end if the oni leaves or is killed.

Super Agility - An oni displayed the ability to jump onto a dumpster, then a utility pole, and climb hand over hand up the pole to a nearby roof effortlessly.

Blood Link - An oni maintains a blood link with its offspring that allows it to influence them.

Invulnerability - An oni is invulnerable to any sort of normal harm including bullets and being hit by vehicles. Its only weakness is its third eye while it doesn't have its kanabo.

Power Granting - An oni can grant its offspring who haven't fully transformed yet a degree of its invulnerability for several hours.

Third Eye - Opening its third eye, the oni can increase its area of influence, causing disasters on a much larger scale.

Chaos Absorption - An oni is able to replenish and strengthen its powers by absorbing energy from the chaos it generates. The more chaos generated, the more energy it

Demonic Possession - As a demon, Asmodeus requires a vessel to walk the Earth.

Telekinesis - With a hand gesture, Asmodeus was able to pull Drexel to him. He was also able to throw Castiel and a weakened Lucifer with a flick of his hand.

Biokinesis - With a wave of his hand, Asmodeus caused several demons to clutch their throats in pain with the audible sound of bones breaking. He also strangled the Winchesters and Donatello Redfield. In another instance, Asmodeus caused Sam and Castiel a great deal of pain by gesturing at them before he was interrupted by Gabriel.

Invulnerability - As a Prince of Hell, Asmodeus cannot be harmed by most common demonic weaknesses. When Dean shot him, he was completely unharmed, displaying no wounds from the shot.

Immortality - As a Prince of Hell, Asmodeus is many millennia old and has stated that he has served Lucifer for "eons". He will never die or age unless killed.

Immunity - Asmodeus has shown to be immune to the Bunker's warding, claiming that it "wasn't designed for the likes of him." Whether this is due to his status as a Prince of Hell or because he is a demon infused with Archangel Grace is never elaborated.

Shapeshifting - Asmodeus can take on the form of others. He is able to change form seamlessly with a brief distortion of his form happening when he makes the change like the Alpha Shapeshifter. According to Lucifer, he did not receive this power from him and got it from somewhere else. This was confirmed to be the case as Asmodeus regularly stole the grace of Gabriel to help boost his powers.

Teleportation - Asmodeus was able to teleport away when threatened by Jack. He later teleported from across the room to behind Arthur Ketch in the blink of an eye.

Electromagnetic Interference - Asmodeus' presence caused the lights in the room to flicker.

Photokinesis - When Asmodeus arrived at Needham Asylum, his presence emitted a strong white light in the doorway behind him.

Smiting - With just a clench of his hand, Asmodeus was able to smite five demons at once in a similar manner to angels and Sam when drinking demon blood. Presumably, Asmodeus got this power from Gabriel's grace.

Molecular Combustion - With a wave of his hand, Asmodeus caused a man to explode into dust.

Voice Mimicry - Asmodeus was able to mimic Castiel's voice to trick the Winchesters on a phone call.

Clairsentience - Asmodeus was able to sense Lucifer's return. He also believed he could detect Jack's presence, however, since Jack was cloaked, he could not. Asmodeus attempted to use this power to locate Gabriel with whom he shared a "connection," but was unable to at first. Asmodeus eventually sensed that Gabriel was within the Men of Letters bunker.

Mind Control - By touching two fingers to Donatello Redfield's head, Asmodeus was able to implant a command in his mind without Donatello ever remembering their encounter.

Super Strength - As a Prince of Hell, Asmodeus possesses a level of strength beyond even the vast majority of demons. With just a few punches, Asmodeus beat Arthur Ketch badly. He was easily able to lift Arthur above his head and slam him down with such force that Arthur's impact shattered a table.

Torture - He tortured Gabriel so badly that the archangel went insane.

Energy Blasts - When fighting Gabriel, he was able to throw a blast of blue energy at him.