Narrator (that sounds a lot like the narrator of DBZ) : Previously, the twins had left their home planets afterwards they got to the assassin's guild where they were captured, then met the guild master who was a total fox, and they then got accepted into the guild, however they still have one more test to pass before the other assassins would accept them let's see how they'll do.
11:59pm after regrouping into a abandon lot, Gray is seen sleeping without a care in the world. The clock strikes 12:00am. BOOM!
Assassin 1: tsk. They booby trapped the area!
Assassin 2: everyone watch your st- (got hit with a black ball) what the?
Grey: tic tic boom
An electric net popped out of the black ball covering part of the area.
Slide over to gray sleeping in his bed comfortly
Assassin in blue spandex: pssh, all those recruits don't even know how to infiltrate a home. Now time for some pay back You Little Br- (getting blasted by a water spell)
Gray: God damn you're so nosy.
Fana: pep are you ok?!? This is all your fault! (Glaring at col)
Col (trembling): me?
Fana: who da fuck else you dum- (Getting an electrified kick to the face)
Gray: I don't have time for your guys dumb games. I have to get back to grey before something happens.
Col: you hurt them. (Flashback for col childhood of being verbally by his siblings) sure they were hard on me (Col growing in size and muscle) but they are my family and I love them.
Gray (smiling): Now this looks fun.
Slide over to grey on the roof top finishing his traps. (soft water splash) grey taps on the left side of his helmet
Slime guy (silhouette): Interesting. And here I thought this would have been a piece of cake
Grey: Drop the act I already know what you are.
Slime (morphs into a translucent teal color with a slimmer figure and a bladed arm): well let the fun begin.
As they dash towards each other an explosion happens underneath them causing the building to collapse
Cut back 1 minutes to Gray and Col.
Gray: where was this the last time we- (suddenly gets punched in the face)
Col: gehehehe you little Rugrat. I outght teach you a lesson you'll never forget.
Gray: sheesh that hurt (smiling with a torn mouth and recovering with a potion he drinks) now shall we start round 2.
Col (exploding in rage): come here you little SHIT!
Gray smiling lifts his robe throwing two runes with dark red insignias unleashing an explosion that causes the whole building to collapse
Back to grey and slime guy
Grey & slime: what the/da hell was that?!?
As the building is collapsing the grey is trying to find a way to land safely by jumping on the falling stones/debris. Grey is also pushing them towards the slime with every jump, meanwhile the slime guy is approaching him by having his slimy body maneuver between the debis like a snake
Grey inner monologue "shit at this rate he's going to catch me." Noticing that they're reaching the floor he grabs a rock and throws it towards the slime which the slime easily doges making tink sound.
Slime: come on boy I thought that this fight would be more... INTERESTING!
The slime is not a meter far as they are face to face the slime morphs into a blanket like form wrapping himself around Grey dissolving his armor.
Grey: shit you son of a bitch I'm... going... To... KICK YOUR ASS!
Grey cracks his right thumb releasing a burst of electricity throughout his suit causing the slime to briefly let go. At that moment both grey and the slime both fell onto the ground.
Slime (morphs into a translucent humanoid form): shit you nearly got me there oh well too bad for you, I guess I'll get that other piece of shit.
Slime raises his hand morphing it into a bag. While Grey crawling on his back
Grey: shit I'll admit things didn't go exactly as planned but this is the end.
Slime: Accepting defeat so gracefully, how unbecoming of an ass- (Hitting a glass wall) huh? What's this?
Grey: well I already knew that you were a slime so I figured that since we can't kill each other I'll just contain you all.
Slime: wait but the traps earlier were-
Grey: all were still in use. (glimpses of some of the traps that have captured some novices in a net, some are buried, but both fana and pep are magnetically confined to the floor)
Slime: phahahaha you really are an interesting kid well I lost this time but I'll come back for a rematch.
Sliding back to Gray and Col, both burst out of the rubble.
Col: I'm going to kill that crazy son of a bitch
Gray: gehahahah, I really thought I was going to die that time.
Gray: hey there you are!
Col: There you are, you piece of shit. (A close up vertical split frame of both col and grey charging towards one another)
Col throws a right jab Gray dodges getting in his range a throwing a burning uppercut
Col: that tickles (scratching his chin).
Gray back up just as col charges at him only to miss and run into the rubble. Gray then pulls out an orb and pours some mana into the orb turning it purple.
Gray: I'm sorry for ending this so quickly but I have to check on my bro, hopefully we can have more fun next time.
Col: there won't be a next time for you!!!
Grey then thows the orb at Col as it approaches, Col punches the orb, and in a flash the orb cracks releasing the purple mana out forming in chains. Col tries to fight the chains but it is futile as he is being pinned down and the more col struggles the more tighter the purple mana restrains get.
We then cut to grey and gray meeting up together. Gray: oh hey you're ok.
Grey: yeah, now let's get our of here.
Grey grabs Gray trying to regroup.
Gray does get pulled easily: yeah, no.
Grey: now's not the time
Gray: look bro I appreciate what you're trying to do but I don't need it, I'm just gonna stay here and fight whoever comes, and if you need someone to protect you I'll do it.
Grey annoyed: ok let's set things straight. First we gotta regroup. Second you're an idiot. Third I don't need anyone to protect me.
Gray: bro you need to relax or else you'll never be able to sense your surroundings.
Grey: I already use my surroundings unlike you, when we could've used this building for our own benefit you completely ruined it.
Gray annoyed: look we still are fine we can take anyone on just like this.
Grey Frustrated: NO WE CAN'T.
With with the twin blood pressure raising, they give up on one another. At the same time the twins next word were: fine do it your own way I'm leaving.
As the twins walk away from one another, we get scoop view of grey as he his walking away.
In a dark silloute a Mysterious sniper wilding girls state: so they separated... Goody.
And from one twin being targeted to the other. We see Gray looking at a massive tree that has not been there earlier he starts muttering to himself, as he finishes he chanting vanishes in a puff of crimson smoke. For us to only see a vine squirm into the ground from where gray once was.
Narrator: With the twins now apart, they are now being targeted by some mysterious figures will they be alright alone or will they have to come back together stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of dragon ball-
That's it you're fired.
Narrator: wait how can you fire me I'm the narrator...
New narrator (same voice actor as shroödinger): toodles you're outdated time for someone new to take the twins on these two munchkins.