mission: Hide and seek part 2

"sniff sniff sniffffffffff, pinches a bit of the dirt left and tastes it. I see so they split up, I won't make a difference for Tío." Tío points to himself with confidences as he hops on to a horse of his he travels in a direction towards....

Cutting to Gray, we see him looking a the tree in awe: who made you and why are you calling to me?

No one respondes but the the wind brushing the the tree leaves, and so Gray eyes widen going closer to the tree, reaching out and placing his hand on the tree, slowly closing the gap from only a single hand on the tree to his whole self embracing the tree, slowly becoming a part of the tree. Suddenly Grays eyes change in color as he rapidly blinks, realizing his situation he closes his eye to concentrate and with a malicious aura the area of the tree that has absorbed gray started to wither and rot until it was no more.

Graywith his hand covering his face trying to not stumble: what the hell was that?

Cut to a beautiful girl with long luxious free flowing pink hair with white streaks, carrying a case that seamed to hold a guitar.

The girl shyly: um excuse me sir I uh am looking for someone who uh has a Mask... Did you perhaps see him?

The person the girl ask was an old lengthy man who had a black coat and top hat.

The old man with a voice that sounds like Sam Eliot: listen up kitten the only people you'll find here are the dead (he wave his hand to show her the graveyard).

The girl: but, but I saw him head this way.

The old man pulls out a pipe and lights it: listen kitten, you're more than welcome to look, but I can't assure you no one else besides the two of us are here (staring directly down into the girls eyes as he finishes his statement).

The girl cowaring: uh right well I'll just go and check around... Then (giving the old man a faint smile that took all her will power).

The old man nods his head and fades into the fog surrounding the graveyard.

The girl carefully moving forward: uh sir excuse me, how did you do that?

As she fades into the fog we see the old man watching her from a distance: let's see how far that one will get (As we zoom out seeing that the old man has tied up a dozen of assassins, with the old man clicking his left cheek undoing his disguise revealing to be Grey).

Cut back to Gray

Gray panting: huff huff oh geez I'm so tired it'd be really bad if someone came to attack me out of nowhere.

An echo came as a response that sounds like a boy: I know you're lying

Gray jokingly: noo I'mmm nooot

The echoing boy: yeees yoou are

Grey: ok where are you do you not want to fight me, so why did you call me?

The echoing boy: sorry I just wanted to call someone who seemed nice

Grey: nice? You called me because I seemed nice? I think you got the wrong idea kid

The echoing boy annoyed: I'm not a kid I'm actually older than you!

Grey raising a brow: ohh you don't say well to me you sound like a wee little baby

The tree begins to rumble in anger the boy echos: I AM NOT A CHILD (appearing before Grey as a humanoid plant looking about 14 years old).

Grey smiling: so you finally came you... Hehehe he hahahahaa

The boy angry his face pouting: I called for some on nice but thats not you so Get OUTTTT (the boy transformed into a gigantic tree golem)!

The boy charges towards Gray, but Gray dodges, going above the the boy.

Gray laughing some more: your voice doesn't match you at all. Haha..huh... But seriously this is more of my style (smiling wickedly as thou his mouth was a crescent moon).

Gray throws a purple bottle that broke on the golem to reveal nothing.

The plant boy: huh? That tickled.

Grey: Really well how about this, (grey pulls out a scroll summoning a flood of water

the plant boy absorbing the water: mmmm refreshing. Thank you for the drink.

Gray: oh so you like that, then how about this (pulling out a wand) sazinec summoning a wall of fire burning everything around them.

The boy: you idiot you'll burn the whole tree and then everything around.

Cut back to the girl in the graveyard.

The girl: hello... Umm masked man are you here? (A 2 ft long worm with a helmet pops out of the ground) week not bugs this place shouldn't have bugs (the girl takes out her rifle from her case and unloads a clip on the worm (as she was unloading we get a slow mo death of the worm being shit over and over again, we get a flash back of the worm as his whole life flashes we see when he was born, when he left for worm college, when he met the love of his life, when he had his kids, and lastly just before he left his home)

The worm: honey everything will be fine we lived here for years away from all types of dangers we will thrive here we will built a great home for our family.

The worm wife: ok honey have a great day

As the worm was dying final thoughts we're, I'm sorry honey please live on.

As we cut back to the pink haired girl.

The pink haired girl panting: Huff huff huff bugs are the worst.... (Falling on her butt then fainting).

Grey shocked closes the gap between him and girl: wow, she narrowly dodged all my traps, but the moment she saw a worm she passed out?

The girl getting back up: gotcha I finally gotcha (grabbing grey arms).

Grey intrigued tils his head: ok now what (so this was all a plot to get me out).

The girl then throws up on grey clothes: I'm soo sorry. I just needed to tell you I'm here to... (She fainted again).

(Or maybe not) grey thought: well in any case I'll take her with me to my base for an interrogation (she threw up again as soon as she picked him up) wonderful.

We zoom out to see both Gray and Grey being watched by the GM.

Attendant #1: Ma'am it seems all the new recruits are capable assassins except for the one who's already been captured.

GM: Well it seems that way so far but let us see how long all of the kiddys will last they still have another 30hrs until the game is over.

Attendant #2: ma'am it's been a while since anyone made it to the third day will we let the big boys have a turn?

GM: mmm if they manage to survive until the last hour and only then will we let them have a go.

Simultaneously: Rodger! (Both holding out there hands in expectation).

GM: tssh Greedy bastards... (As she gives them both 5000 quantans)

Yet both of them still hold out there hands expecting more.

GM frustrated and annoyed: keep holding your hands out if you'd like to lose them (Both of them afraid slowly take back there hands). Thank god I was about to have to pay them more.

Narrator: With less than half of the time remaining the twins are close to winning against all odds, and yet they have still to face the the hardest trails, and who are these two new kids, one a pink haired girl who was looking for Grey and the other a plant kid who was calling for Gray. oh well, until next time chow.