"The brain can block out traumatic events at any time. Selective amnesia can cause someone to forget certain events and periods. It's important to be patient with the person, or are you asking for yourself?"
"No, not me. Thanks," Olive said as she rushed away from the nurse and back to the room where Rain and Lyke were.
"Okay, Olive is back now. Can you tell me what's going on?" Lyke said.
"How's your hand, Rain?" She asked, ignoring Lyke.
"He's almost done."
"Do you remember how Rain cut his hand?" Olive asked Lyke.
"No, because I wasn't there. He won't tell me what he did."
"What's the last thing you do remember?"
"Just tell me what is going on," Lyke said, slightly frustrated.
"What happened the day you last remember?" Olive continued.
"Olive! Please, can you stop? I'm telling you to stop," Lyke said
"Let's go out into the hallway first."
"First, can you answer my question?"
"Yes," Lyke said.
"What happened yesterday? Did you go to school? I didn't see you," Olive lied slightly.
"I did. We saw each other at lunch. Sana threw eggs at me, remember?"
"Oh yeah. Did you go to the club? Or did you go home early?" Olive asked again. This time, Lyke fell silent in thought for a moment.
"Uhm. I think I fell asleep after my last class. I didn't go home until late when the sun was already setting. I walked home with Lin and I went to bed."
"Okay. I understand. Nothing else happened?"
"Okay. Can we see a doctor, Lyke?" Olive said gently, keeping what the nurse said in mind this time.
"Why? You're asking all these questions and you still haven't told me why you're acting like this. You're frustrating me."
"Lyke, everything you just said was 3 days ago, not yesterday."
"No, it was yesterday." He said even more frustrated.
"Lyke, just calm down."
"Let's go home," Lyke said instead, "Stop messing with me. I don't find it funny. At all."
"His hand is done. Let's grab his medicine and go."
On the way home, nothing was said between the three. Rain kept glancing at Lyke but he only firmly hugged his knee and stared out the window.
Olive's thoughts were conflicted on what she should do. Did she have to tell Lyke what happened? Telling him would only send him into a spiral again. Since he lost his memory, he actually ate something. He got out of bed and he took care of himself. So did they have to tell him? Couldn't they just leave him to forget it? Then again, if his memories came back and they didn't tell him, what would Lyke think? He would feel all that sadness plus betrayal from his friends. And if he didn't ever remember and Ti caught him off guard, would they be able to forgive themselves? Would they see Lyke again? What if he trusted Nicky and something happened? Whatever way they looked at it, there would never be a clear answer.
Once they reached Lykes house, Lyke quickly and quietly got out of the car, Rain and Olive falling close behind.
"Are you both staying or something?" Lyke asked as he turned around.
"Lyke, can you listen to what I have to say?" Olive pleaded.
"Go ahead."
"Yesterday. Not the yesterday you remember, but our yesterday. Something happened. Something so stressful that your brain doesn't remember it. Something happened three days ago. When you walked home with Lin, you didn't just go to sleep. Do you understand?"
"Yes. I understand. But how am I supposed to believe you? I can't believe you. I didn't just lose my memories out of nowhere. If that were the case, my brain would have blocked out a whole lot more."
"Look at your hands Lyke," Rain said, "Do you remember that happening?"
Lyke looked down at the bruises and cuts while remembering that morning when he washed off all the dirt from his body. He was silent.
"Are you okay?" Rain asked.
"Maybe I just fell and hit my head," Lyke denied, not wanting to believe what they were saying.
"You didn't, Lyke. You just can't remember." Rain tried to comfort him.
"But why? Why don't I remember? You remember, don't you? So why don't I?"
"The brain is a complicated thing, Lyke. We can't decide what happens." Olive finally spoke again.
"But then what happened?"
"Do you think you'd be okay if we told you?" Olive asked.
"I wouldn't know. Do you think I would?"
"To be honest, no."
"Then I don't want to know." He said.
"Lyke, that will put you in danger," Rain detested.
"I just want to be okay, don't you understand? Just let me feel okay. I've been the happiest I've ever been, so just let me feel normal. I beg you."
Olive placed her hand on Rain's shoulder.
"Okay, we won't say anything, but you have to stay with Rain for now," Olive said.
"What?? Why should I do that?" Lyke said, shocked.
"It's too dangerous to stay here. I live in a gated community, it's safer there." Rain said.
"But all my stuff is here."
"I can help you move some stuff out. I can also get you whatever you need. For now, just grab a bag and we can come back later."
Lyke hesitated but then went inside.
"Is it really okay if we don't tell him?" Rain asked Olive once Lyke was out of sight.
"If he doesn't want to know, we shouldn't force him. You just need to keep a close eye on him. As far as Nicky goes, she won't try anything again, right? We just need to pay attention to her, make sure she stays away."
"Right. I forgot about her. I don't think she will try anything. Not right now. I won't let anyone hurt him again. I promised myself, I would never let him get hurt again."
"Wow, I never thought you'd live in a place like this," Lyke said as Olive pulled up to a large house.
"Why? Do I not look expensive enough?" Rain responded.
"No. You look poor."
"Just joking," Lyke said with a big smile.
"HAH, he just called you poor."
"Shut up Olive, you look like you're poor yourself."
"I am, buddy. You can't hurt me."
"Olive looks better than you do half the time, Rain," Lyke said.
"What do you mean? I always look good."
"Is workout clothes and sweat your definition of good?"
"Oh, roasted." Olive laughed.
"At least I do something with my time, Olive. You crochet."
"O! Don't hate on my crochet."
"Hey, too far. No hating on the crochet." Lyke defended Olive.
"Thank you, Lyke. See? Someone appreciates my crochet," Olive turned and stuck her tongue out at Rain.
"Okay get out of the car and go inside. Move it!"
The inside was almost cavernous. It was apparent Rain had money just from looking at the exterior, but the inside was a different story. A big stair case lined the wall leading up to large, open space on the second floor.
"Alright guys, I have to head home. Don't party too hard. Lyke, call me if he's mean and I will come over and kick his ass for you."
"Bye-bye!" Lyke said as he waved to Olive. Once she was gone, Lyke looked to Rain again.
"You won't be mean to be, will you?" He asked.
"Why would I be mean to you?"
"I don't know. I know you wouldn't. I'm just being stupid. How do your hands feel?"
"Better. I think the pain meds are working."
"That's good. Are you tired? Those things usually knock you out cold."
"Yeah, I am. Let me show you to your room first, then I'll go to bed."
As they walked up the steps, Lyke looked at all the pictures on the wall.
"Are they your family?"
"Yeah. That's my little brother and that's my mom. They visit sometimes but not too often. Your room is the one my brother usually uses when he comes over. Is that a problem?"
"Nope, I'm not picky. I would sleep on cardboard if I had to."
"Well, there is no cardboard for you to sleep on sadly."
"Go to bed," Lyke said, pushing Rain away.
"Okay, okay. Your room is right there," He pointed, "Good night!"
"Good night!
When he walked in, he found that the room was big enough to pass as a full apartment.
"Holy shit," He said out loud to himself, "Theres a bathroom in here. An actual bathroom." The bed was softer and more comfortable than anything he had ever felt, so it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.
Lyke woke up the next morning to a knock on the door.
"Are you awake?" Rain said.
"Yeah. I'll be right out."
"No need, take a shower first then come downstairs." The sound of his footsteps could be heard as he walked away.
It was odd to Lyke, having someone knock on his door in the morning, asking if he was awake. It was something he never experienced growing up. As a kid, he was always alone in the morning when he got up. Nobody was waiting for him. He felt sick as he continued to think about it.
"It's okay. It's not the same," He told himself as he left the shower, but nausea hit him like a ton of bricks and before he knew it, he was throwing up.
"Lyke?" A voice came from outside the bathroom door.
"I'll be out in a minute. Just a minute." He pulled on his clothes and brushed his teeth while the sinking feeling remained in his stomach.
"Are you okay?" Rain was sitting on the bed when he opened the door.
"Me? Yeah. I just think it's going to take a while to get used to being here."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Are you ready to go? We're going to be late. Sorry I took a while."
"That's fine. You can stay here today if you want, you don't have to go back just yet." Rain said.
"That's what I should be saying to you. Did you forget about your hand? You also had a fever yesterday. Let me feel your head." Lyke walked over and checked Rain's temperature. "Good. No fever."
"How about you?" Rain also reached out but Lyke backed up quickly.
"Why would I have a fever? He asked. Rain just looked at him and didn't say anything.
"Stop staring at me Rain. We need to go quickly or we're going to be late." Lyke said,
"Wake up earlier in the future so you can eat breakfast before we go. I won't tolerate you not eating anything until lunchtime."
"Okay, alright. Now get up! Go!"
"How did everything go after I left?" Olive asked later that day at the lunch table. Sana, Lin, Rain, and Olive gathered around earlier than usual while Lyke was still in class.
"I took a shower and went to bed almost as soon as you were gone. I checked on him before I went to bed and he was asleep already, so nothing happened last night... but this morning he wouldn't talk to me much and I don't know why." Rain responded.
"Give him some time. He's probably uncomfortable. That's all," Sana said.
"I know. It just worries me."
"So he remembers nothing? Nothing at all?" Lin asked.
"No. Well, he remembers some things but everything that happened those two days, no he doesn't remember."
"So we should pretend we know nothing? What about that man and Nicky?"
"Keep an eye on Nicky and as for Ti... just wait and see if he makes a move. I'll keep an eye on Lyke. If you see him or smell the perfume then tell me right away. If Lyke is around, just move him somewhere safe."
"You're still not going to call the cops?" Lin pushed again.
"Lin stop it."
"No. Doesn't that just seem stupid to you? For all of this to happen and you still won't call the cops? He can't even remember it anymore. If you call the cops now you can at least get him on assault and Lyke wouldn't even know."
"But Ti would know. If you were Ti, and you were trying to get to Lyke and someone stopped you from getting what you wanted, wouldn't you be furious? And then they go as far as to call the cops on you. Do you think a bastard like him would be okay with that? Would he give up? Someone like him, someone nasty like him, wouldn't stop. He would try even harder to ruin what got in his way and get what he wants. Wouldn't it be selfish of me to make that decision to call the cops? Besides, Lyke said no. He clearly said no." Rain replied.
"Lin, it may seem easy, but nothing is easy about this."
"Okay. I'm sorry, I didn't think about it like that."
"For now, all we can do is wait. I just pray it stays peaceful... for a long time." Rain sighed.
"If you ever need me to come over in the middle of the night, just call me. Even if you have everything under control, just call me, or text me." Olive offered.
"God... I have no idea what to do anymore," Rain said as he slammed his head on the table.
"Oh! Jesus, don't do that Rain."
"I'm done for. Lyke won't talk to me and I can't even play basketball, what else am I good for?"
"Chill out. He's been with you for one night. And you'll be able to play basketball soon enough."
Rain picked up his head suddenly, "What do you think he likes to eat?"
"I don't know, you'll have to ask him," Sana replied.
"Ugh." Rain slammed his head back down.
"Rain, seriously stop it," Olive laughed.
"Why not just ask him? It can't be that hard," Sana continued.
"He's too stubborn. I can't deal with children."
"Hey. We're only two years younger than you," said Sana
"You've put up with us for years," Lin pointed out.
"Sana has a brain and you don't. It balances out. You deal with ourselves."
"Then what does Lyke have?"
"A brain. Except it's a complicated one. And I'm not smart enough to figure him out. It's giving me a headache."
"Am I the only one without a brain???" Lin asked.
"No, your sister doesn't have one either," Rain said while lifting his head.
"You little shit," Olive said, pushing his head back into the table.
"Ouch, you bitch."
"Okay. I have a plan." Sana announced.
"What is it," Rain whipped his head up again.
"Why don't you go out somewhere and spend the day with him? Slowly find out what he likes and you guys get closer. Win-win."
"Where would I take him though? I already took him to the aquarium..."
"Shut up Lin."
"Shut UP Lin"
"He isn't from around here. He said he came here for school... or something like that." Olive continued.
"Something like that?"
"Something like that. Anyways, just take him anywhere. He isn't picky, he'd enjoy anywhere you take him."
"Okay. I'll do that," Rain said triumphantly.
"There you go buddy, that's the spirit."
"Is there more things you guys haven't told me or..." Lin asked.
"You wouldn't understand Lin." Sana attempted to shut him down.
"Is that what that was about? When you were facetiming?"
"Does it matter? Eat your food."
"I don't want to eat anymore. I'm upset."
"Oh really?" Sana said with a devilish look on her face, "Open."
"Open your mouth."
"No. Didn't you poison that?"
"No. Open your mouth."
"No, I don't want it." Sana forced his mouth open, feeding him the food.
"What the hell is that??" He choked.
"Wasabi!" She replied with the sweetest smile.
"Aww, look at her face. She could never do any harm," Olive said as she pat Sana on the head, "Good job."
"Can I have water at least? I'll stay out of the girl's business next time, I swear, I swear on my life."
"Hey. I'm not a girl." Rain said.
"I'll stay out of all of your business," He pleaded.
"Here," A voice came from behind him.
"Oh, hey Lyke."
"Hey. What's all this about? Why are you guys here so early?"
"We just got out of class earlier is all. I waited to eat, do you want to get food with me?" Rain asked.
"I waited too!" Olive chimed.
"I'm not really hungry today. You guys didn't have to wait."
"You didn't eat breakfast. You have to eat something."
"I never eat breakfast," He sighed, "Come on, let's go. I'll get a banana or something."
"That's all?" Rain asked.
"You sure?"
"What's wrong Lyke?"
"Oh it's nothing," he said while stretching, "I'll tell you once we sit down again."
"Okay... why don't you at least eat some soup?"
"Uh... what soup is there?
"Tomato, broccoli, and cheese with chicken." Rain said.
"I can eat chicken. That's okay," Lyke replied.
"Is that really all you're going to eat?"
"Yes. It's fine. I'm not very hungry."
"Will you at least eat later?"
"Maybe. We will see," Lyke smiled.
"How's your mouth?" Lyke asked as he sat down after getting his food.
"Better," Lin shot a glare at Sana.
"What did you do to deserve a mouth full of Wasabi?"
"You didn't tell me you went to the aquarium with Rain, so I asked about it. Why did nobody tell me?"
"Do you want more wasabi?" Sana already had a spoon ready to go.
"No. Stop it."
"My bad, I didn't think it was that important."
"Of course it's important. He never even did that with his own girlfriends. It's suspicious activity."
"Sana, can you hand me a spoon?"
"Nooo stop it. I'll be quiet."
"For my soup," Lyke smiled.
"As if."
"Do you want me to eat it with a fork?"
"Eat it like a cat."
"Now I've heard you say some dumb things, but this takes the cake," Sana hit him.
"Rain, he just told me to eat my soup like a cat!" Lyke said astounded as the two came back to the table.
"A cat?" Rain sighed.
"Come on, I wasn't being serious..."
"You're totally still upset we didn't tell you."
"Nuh-uh," Lin pouted.
"Okay we'll let you in on the gossip next time," Sana patted his head.
"Get off me"
"But really, does anyone have a spoon?" Lyke asked again.
"No, sorry. Why didn't you grab one?"
"Didn't think about it. All be right back."
As he walked off, the feeling that he was being watched was apparent in the back of his mind. It was judgment. Judgement had been following him all day, but he had no idea what he had done. It was isolating. He wanted to go home to his own bed. But he couldn't. He suddenly wished they would have told him, instead allowing him to hide. He was only ever good at running away.
He only snapped back out of his thoughts when he almost ran into someone else.
"I'm sorry."
His apology was only met with a weird stare. The boy oddly walked away, looking back as if Lyke had something written on his forehead.
When he got back to the table, he could only play with his soup.
"What's wrong?" Rain asked first.
"People have been staring at me weirdly." He leaned forward, "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, Lyke. You didn't do anything wrong."
"Okay." He plainly responded.
"Aren't you going to eat?"
"I've lost my appetite. It's probably cold."
"I can heat it up for you."
"No, it's fine," Lyke smiled, "I'm going to class early, I have stuff I need to make up. Sana, are you going to cooking today? Since I have to wait for Rain anyways, I'll stop in today."
"I don't think that's a good idea," Sana blurted.
"Why not? I skipped last time..."
"Didn't you say you had work to make up? It's better to get that done before doing club activities."
"I'd have to see how much it is and when it's due, but I don't think it will be that big of a deal. I'll see you all later."
As expected, the amount of work wasn't much, at least nothing for him to worry about.
A text message appeared on his phone as he walked to the club room.
"Meet me in the gym when you are done with classes. I can leave early today since I can't do anything. The co-captain is taking over."
"Okay. I'm walking towards the club room. I'll be over."
"Don't go over there. Just come straight here."
"I just wanted to stop in. It won't take long."
"Lyke, I'm serious."
"Alright. I'm coming."
As he walked past the cooking club while on his way to the gym, he couldn't help but look in. Of course, the first thing he could see was Nicky, sitting at her desk, but as he looked at her, he couldn't help but feel something off. It was a normal scene, but it felt so... wrong. There was something in his heart and his mind that was telling him to run away. Unable to put his finger on it, he looked away and continued toward the gym.
"Lyke," Rain jogged over before he even stepped foot in the gym, "Did you come straight here?"
"Yes, I did," Lyke replied, annoyed but also too tired to care. "But," he continued, "as I was walking past the cooking club..." Lyke trailed off.
"Nothing. It's probably nothing."
"Did something happen?"
"No, I just felt uneasy."
"Are you sure? You have to tell me if anything happens."
"Let's go home, I'm tired," Lyke said, ignoring Rain.
When they got back home, Lyke seemed to fall asleep almost as soon as he hit his bed. Rain looked at him lying there, wondering if he was really sleeping or just lying awake with his thoughts. Lyke was the kind of person to never say what he was thinking, but Rain knew that couldn't happen anymore. With his memory, it was too dangerous for him. Lykes mere mention of "feeling uneasy" as he walked past the club was enough to drown Rain in worry. On the other hand, Lyke barely batted an eye. To Rain, Lyke didn't seem worried about his missing memories at all. He went about his day as normal, even insisting he go to the cooking club after he was told not to. In Rains' mind, Lyke didn't care about his safety. He didn't care about himself at all, and Rain couldn't get that out of his head as he lay down.
Lyke woke up the next morning, remembering for the second time that he now lived with Rain. He still couldn't shake the feeling off of himself as he reminded himself that he was safe.
Of course he was safe if he was with Rain.
Rain was already awake and sitting at the kitchen table when he walked down the stairs.
"You finally up?" He asked.
"What do you mean? It's the weekend, why would I wake up early." Lyke replied.
"What do you want to eat? I'll make you breakfast," Rain said, ignoring Lyke.
"Oh... I don't usually eat breakfast, so you don't have to make anything."
"I told you yesterday that I wouldn't tolerate you not eating until lunchtime. Do you like eggs?"
"Eggs? Yeah. Eggs are okay."
"Eggs it is. Because you aren't used to eating breakfast, you don't have to eat much. I won't force you to, just try and eat a little. Okay?" Lyke just stared at him blankly.
"Lyke?" Rain's voice snapped him out of it.
"Are you okay? The eggs are done. I just scrambled them, I hope that's okay. Just eat what you can." Rain reassured him but Lyke just stayed silent.
"Are you okay, Lyke?"
"Yeah, just..." He trailed off.
"It's nothing. Thank you for making me food," Lyke looked up from his plate and smiled at Rain. It was obvious his smile was an attempt to pull Rain's attention from the fact that something was wrong. He was curious and worried, but if Lyke wanted to talk, then he would. If he didn't, then Rain had to let it go.
"When you're done, get ready to go out." Rain said suddenly.
"Huh? Where?"
"You said you weren't from the area, so I want to take you around so you can see the city."
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Why would I tell you to get ready if I wasn't sure? I'm going to take a shower, take your time eating. If you want to do anything else, just help yourself.'
"Is there any place that looks interesting?"
The two found themselves aimlessly walking down the city street, not knowing where to go first. There were plenty of things that Lyke had never seen before but he didn't even know where to start.
"Uh... how about," something caught his eye, "What the hell is that?" Lyke pointed and laughed.
"It looks like a cat...?"
"That is not a cat."
"Well it's right next to a cat cafe," Rain pointed.
"A cat cafe? I've always wanted to go to one of those."
"Do you want to go in?"
"Are there actually cats?
"Let's go in and see."
The cats in the cafe absorbed Lykes attention like sponges. Rain had never seen him that focused on one thing and he would have never guessed cats would be something he was obsessed with.
"Do want a coffee?" Rain asked.
"I can't drink coffee, it makes me sick."
"Are you allergic to it?"
"No, but it is a funny story," Lyke smiled, "One day there was an event where we made too much coffee, so we had to drink it. I drank so much that day I got sick. It was awful. That was my senior year."
Rain smiled listening to Lykes story, which he told with a smile on his face the entire time.
"Why would you drink so much coffee, you idiot."
"We really made a lot of coffee. Someone had to drink it all."
"Well, would you like anything else other than coffee? There's cake too."
"I'm good."
"Are you sure?" Rain asked again.
"Yeah, I'm just going to play with the cats. This one's name is Potpie."
"He's so fat."
"Hey! Don't make fun of him..."
"He doesn't know. Just look into his eyes, there is nothing there at all."
"How about this one," Lyke picked up an orange cat, "This one's name is... Desiel."
"Desiel? Like... a car engine?"
"Shh..." Lyke raised his finger.
As they both listened, they could hear the cats purr loud and clear.
"Huh... he does sound like an engine."
The cat suddenly started fighting its way out of his arms until it broke free. Lyke looked up at Rain slowly.
"Well isn't he a ball of sunshine?"
"I guess he doesn't like you"
"Well I don't like him either then. Asshole."
"Hey, don't be mean to him now. You just told me not to be mean to Potpie."
"You body shamed him," Lyke pouted.
"Alright, alright. Let's go, enough cats."
"I will be back, cats. I will be back."
For the rest of the day, they walked in and out of various shops, looking at random things and talking about whatever came up in their heads. Before they knew it, the sky turned orange, the lights of the city flickering on one by one. The day was ending, but everything still seemed so alive. Even if the sun was setting, nothing killed the energy that was in the streets.
"Should we head home now?"
"Yeah, it's going to get dark soon."
"Are you even awake?" Rain asked.
"No, I'm sleeping standing up and staring right at you. What do you mean 'Are you even awake'?"
"Oh! Okay! I guess you aren't a morning person."
"What gave it away?"
"Your overwhelmingly positive attitude."
"Okay, I'll try and be more negative then. What are you wearing? You look like a garbage bag."
"Okay hold on, any more negative and you will sleep in the streets."
"Good, maybe you won't wake me up then."
"I had to, I have an early practice and you need a ride to the school."
"You could have told me beforehand, and you can't even play, why are you even going."
"I'm still the captain."
"Jesus why can't you take a break or something."
"That's my bad."
"I know. That's why I'm telling you."
"Sandwich" Rain grabbed Lykes hand and put a sandwich in it.
"Where did that come from?"
"What box."
"What are you doing."
"We go."
"You're exhausting me."
"That was the plan."
"Can we go now? I'm going to be late."
"I would like to go back to bed please sir."
"Come one," Rain finally grabbed Lyke's shoulders and pushed him out the door.
"This sandwich is cold by the way."
Monday morning came quickly as always.
(Later that morning)
"What should I do for an hour and a half?"
"Do you want to play with me?"
"You can't play and you know that."
"I can teach you how to shoot?"
"I already know how to. I can beat everyone on your team if I wanted to."
"Oh ho, are you that confident?"
"Yeah, even you. I can definitely beat you."
"Once I get these stitches out, you're done for."
"Alright, whatever you say."
"Are you seriously that confident or are you bluffing?"
"What do you think? How can I beat the star basketball player? That would be absurd."
"Ah, I see. I still want to play you though. You already beat half the team."
"I did?"
"Do you not remember that?"
"Maybe. When was it."
"At the beginning of the semester. Your literal first day."
"Oh! I remember that... sort of. The tall one... why isn't the tall one here?"
"He transferred. He got a scholarship for another college."
"But he was at the cooking club the other day."
"Was he?"
"Yeah. I remember him standing at the door and smiling at me."
"Maybe he hasn't left yet. Don't worry about it too much. It's nothing worth dwelling on," Rain said as he threw a basketball at him, "Show me just how good you are if you're going to beat the whole team."
"I said I was joking."
"I know you can play. I'll guard you, just try and score on me. I won't use my hand."
"You better not use your hand because I will not be going back to the doctor with you. That means no hand to hold if they give you more shots."
"Alright! Alright. Hands are off-limits."
"Okay then... go!"
It was obvious as they played that Lyke was a good. Although it was hard to get around Rain at times, Lyke could easily score. They played for an hour straight, Rain stopping sometimes to talk to the team, who kept staring.
"Why are they staring so much?" Lyke asked as they finally stopped.
"Because you aren't on the team and you kept scoring on me, why else?"
"You weren't using your hands, of course, I was scoring. It would be pathetic if I weren't."
"Even if I were, you could still score. You're good. Give yourself more credit. Did you play in high school?"
"A little. I had to quit."
"I didn't have the time. Besides, I didn't enjoy it anymore."
"How about you join us?" Rain said, "Since we lost a player, we need a new one."
"No," Lyke said quickly.
"Can you think about it?"
"I thought about it, and the answer is no. I have a class in 20. I'll see you at lunch?" Lyke waited for an answer.
"Mm, see you at lunch."
"Lyke? He doesn't really seem like the sports type." Olive said.
"I'm telling you, he's actually really good." Rain whined as nobody would believe him.
"Are you still going on about it?" Lyke asked as he walked up to the table.
"I'm not lying, I swear."
"Guys, he wasn't even using his hands to guard me. He's a liar."
"Lying is a sin, you know."
"Shut up Lin, so is being stupid." Rain retorted.
"Okay, so you're going to hell and so am I. Who's joining?"
"Can I join?" Lyke said.
"Why would you go to hell?"
"Oh, I just think it would be fun."
"Enough, nobody is going to hell," Sana said.
"Out of all of us, you would probably be the first."
"Go fuck yourself, Lin."
"Exhibit A"
"AYE, stop it." Olive finally snapped, "Lyke, why don't you join the Basketball team?"
"Don't want to."
"But why not? You seemed like you were having fun..." Rain asked again.
"You can have fun and not want to do something. Listen," Lyke looked at Rain, "I don't want to join the team. You will be able to find another player, I promise you. And as Olive said, I'm not the sports type."
"But you played..."
"I did play in High School, but I quit for a reason."
"Just leave it Rain, you can find someone else," Olive shot a look at him.
"Alright, alright. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, I'm not upset," Lyke smiled at them all, "just don't like basketball anymore. Let's get food."
The days started to pass by quickly.
Before anyone knew it, a week and a half had passed and midterms were slowly approaching. In the chaos of school work, Lyke didn't have any time to think of anything besides whether he would pass his courses or not, so he didn't go to the cooking club, a fact that relieved his friends.
It was peaceful.
Perhaps too peaceful.
Whenever they weren't at home, Rain was overcome with anxiety. Of course he knew that he could not stop Lyke from going about his day as he usually did, but the thought of that made him uneasy. But the anxiety proved to be unprecedented because still, day after day, nothing happened. Nicky stayed away, and that bastard didn't show his face either. Jay never came to the early basketball practices Lyke now went to, and still, Lyke remembered nothing.
Was it the calm before the storm?
During the days that passed by, Rain eagerly waited for his hand to heal until the day finally came for his stitches to be removed.
"Do I need to hold your hand again?" Lyke asked.
"No, I'm not scared. They're just taking them out."
"He's gotten braver," Olive looked at Lyke, "but he'll probably need to hold your hand anyway."
"Why are you even here?" Rain asked.
"Come one, why can't I come and support a friend."
"Are you really supporting me?"
"I am"
"I think it's nice she came." Lyke stuck out his tongue.
"See Lyke sees the value in my being here. "
"You aren't ever on my side, are you Lyke?"
"I am. From a distance."
"From a what are you even saying?"
"I would wait another week before using that hand heavily again so you don't risk tearing it open again. It looks pretty good so just be patient. I'll have the nurse come in and explain some things then you are all good to go." The doctor said after taking out Rain's stitches, leaving him dejected.
"You didn't really think you would be able to play right away, right?"
"No, but I hoped I would. It doesn't hurt to be optimistic."
Two nurses came in after the doctor left. The older of the two started explaining how Rain should clean his hand while the younger, who looked to be around Lykes age, just stared at Lyke for a moment. When she saw the puzzled look on his face, she quickly started cleaning up the doctors' tools, glancing at him periodically. As the older nurse walked away, Lyke watched as she followed behind.
"Lyke, are you okay?" Rain asked. Hearing him say that, the younger nurse stopped dead in her tracks and turned quickly as if she'd seen a ghost.
She looked around, seemingly confused about the boy standing right in front of her.
"Ma'am?" Olive started, "Is something wrong?"
Again she said nothing at all, just stared.
"Let's just go..." Rain got up and moved towards Lyke, which caused the girl's eyes to dart towards him and back to Lyke.
"Where have you been?" She finally said.
"Excuse me?" Rain responded.
"Where were you, Lyke."
"Do I know you?"
The girl's eyes widened in shock. Rain grabbed Lyke and led him to the door firmly, wanting to get him out of the room as quickly as possible. The girl obviously knew him, but Lyke didn't know her, and Rain was scared she'd say something to Lyke, something that would send him down a spiral again. For that reason, he wanted Lyke out of there as fast as he could. But at last, that didn't happen. Of course, everything was going too smoothly.
"I thought you were dead."
As Rain moved Lyke, the girl muttered those words softly, as if she had been through a great deal of suffering and the relief she was feeling at the moment left her with no more energy to raise her voice.
"What are you talking about," Olive finally asked her.
"Nothing. Perhaps I have the wrong person."
Lyke looked at her. He stared at her face, searching it.
"Why would I be dead." He asked, deadpan.
Olive hurriedly grabbed Lyke and pulled him out into the hall with Rain, but not before he could hear the girl's final whisper, "Ti. I thought he killed you."
Lyke was startled, but Olive and Rain didn't seem to hear the girl at all.
"Come on, let's go."
But Lyke's eyes were fixed on her face like glue as they walked away. It flooded his senses. His brain was foggy but that sentence was clear. Rain and Olive talked to him but he couldn't hear it.
"Can you be quiet? I'm thinking."
Rain and Olive were startled by Lyke's sudden break of silence. They just looked at each other for a moment.
"Did.. did she say something to you?" Olive asked.
"Mmh," He nodded, "But I don't know- I don't know what she meant. It's alright. It's fine," Lyke tried to smile again. Suddenly a loud crack of thunder sounded.
"You should drive now before the rain starts," he said. Rain and Olive just looked at each other again.
The rain poured down hard against the roof. It was pitch black inside when they got back. It matched the atmosphere.
"You have an early practice tomorrow?"
"Yeah, it's Friday tomorrow."
"Right. Mondays and Fridays I have to force myself out of bed. Couldn't you have scheduled them better?" Lyke complained.
Rain just laughed, "That's just how it worked out with everyone's schedules. Maybe next semester will be better."
"Maybe... I should go to bed then. Good night," Lyke said.
"Good night..." Rain paused. "Lyke?"
"Are you really not going to tell us what she said?"
"I told you I didn't know what she said."
"Are you sure you don't? Or are you telling yourself you don't?"
"I really don't! I'm going to bed now," Lyke smiled again but the look on his face was one of sadness, not happiness at all.
Of course he knew what she said.
Why wouldn't he?
If that name is mentioned, of course, he knows all about it.
It always brought back those memories. The good, the bad, the downright evil.
As he fell asleep, they all invaded his mind. For the first time in months, he relived the most painful memories of his sad 18 years of life. He wanted to yell. He wanted to scream. And most of all, he just wanted to die. The screams in his head grew louder and louder and louder until...
"Lyke! Wake up."
Lyke woke up, his face drenched in sweat, his body hot.
"What? Why are you in here?" Lyke asked.
"I heard you talking, so I came in. Did you have a nightmare?"
"No, not at all. What was I saying?"
"You stopped when I came in, so I don't know. What were you dreaming about?"
"I don't remember. Maybe I was talking to Potpie."
"Potpie? Does that cat live in your head?" Rain laughed.
"I like him. He's a silly guy."
"Are you sure that's all it was? Just a dream?"
"Of course. You should go to bed. It's really late." The time on the clock was almost one in the morning. "Why are you still up anyway?"
"I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about something."
"Maybe you were thinking about Potpie too," Lyke smiled.
"Be serious here, Lyke. Are you sure you are okay?"
"Positive. Now go to bed. We both need to get up early because of your stupid schedule. Go! I'm dreaming about cats now."
As the lights turned off once again, Lyke silently lay there, his body tired but unable to muster the courage to close his eyes again. He knew if he did, it would start all over again. So he lay there.
No smile could hide this pain.
Rain was sure that Lyke had had a nightmare. Even though he didn't hear what he said or see his face, he was sure of it. He had a bad feeling in his stomach that spread throughout his entire body. The look in Lyke's eyes was enough to know that this time was different from anything Rain had seen before. He had seen Lyke distraught and panicked by things in his past, but now it seemed that those things were closer. Like they were staring Lyke down in every waking moment. That's what his eyes told him as he smiled. The smile couldn't hide it.
The storm has finally arrived.