Chapter 11: Scheming Junior Sister

The morning sun pierced through the treetops, casting a faint golden glow over the peaks behind the Infinity Hall. The chirping of birds echoed through the mountains, accompanied by a gentle breeze carrying the freshness of the dawn. Verdant trees swayed gracefully in the morning light as if welcoming the arrival of a new day.

On the cyan-blue stone path leading to the mountaintop. Luo Yuqian had no idea that the guy with half of a weird uncle's soul inside was thinking about her behind her back. She glanced back at Feng Xuanyi, flashed a mischievous smile, and quickened her pace.

If it were Feng Xuanyi from his past life, he would probably have collapsed from exhaustion by now. But the current Feng Xuanyi is the reincarnation of the Demon Lord. Along the way, he silently circulated the Celestial Nine Scrolls to regulate his breathing. Although he still found it somewhat strenuous, he could still keep up with Luo Yuqian and didn't fall behind.

Luo Yuqian walked ahead, seeing him seemingly at ease, just like strolling. She snorted softly, pouted her mouth, and actually accelerated her pace again.

She was at the fifth level of the Qi Acculimateion Stage, even a middle-aged man would not be her match, let alone Feng Xuanyi, this ordinary boy?

Feng Xuanyi couldn't help but sigh. Why didn't she notice before that her Senior Sister was so "scheming"?

However, he could only quicken his pace to catch up. It was already difficult, and with this acceleration, his breath became hurried.

Luo Yuqian ahead heard his panting, smiled triumphantly, and quickened her pace even more.

The path they were taking led to the mountaintop of the rear peak, where the Moon Viewing Platform stood. However, as they continued, Luo Yuqian's pace quickened while Feng Xuanyi struggled to keep up, panting heavily like a bull. Meanwhile, Luo Yuqian and Xiao Bai had leisurely walked ahead, seemingly enjoying the sight of Feng Xuanyi struggling.

Feng Xuanyi knew that climbing the mountain from such a distance was to strengthen the physical fitness of the novice disciples. It was also to allow disciples to sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and adapt to the circulation of spiritual energy within their bodies during the process of climbing the mountain. However, it certainly did not mean to push oneself to the limit like this. Running like this, not to mention sensing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it would be considered good if one didn't exhaust oneself to death.

Thinking to this point, with his mouth dry and his throat burning like fire, Wind Xuan Yi's heart hardened. He called out, "Senior Sister, wait for me, I can't keep up with you!"

"Senior Sister, you move with the grace and light of a swallow, clearly a well-cultivated fairy. As for me, with these slender arms and legs, Senior Sister, please take care of me."

He realized that Luo Yuqian's plan to scare him in the morning had obviously failed, hence making her quite unhappy. Now she was intentionally playing tricks on him!

"Giggle... slender arms and legs..."

Luo Yuqian saw Feng Xuanyi speaking while comically pinching her own arms, bending over with laughter. It took her a while to finally straighten her face and say, "Hmm, you're right. It's my fault for not considering it properly. I'll slow down, and you catch up." With a smile, she turned around and slowed her pace, continuing up the mountain with Wind Xuanyi.

Feng Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to lock horns with Luo Yuqian. After all, she had cultivation.

He quickly smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister! Please walk slower, and I'll try my best to keep up in the future."

Luo Yuqian made an effort to put on the air of a senior sister and nodded, saying, "Um! Work hard."

Feng Xuanyi sighed. Ugh, it's so embarrassing, having to coax a little kid at my age. Fortunately, after this, she didn't play any more tricks. 

After climbing for an hour, the two finally reached the Moon Viewing Platform.

This was a vast and open platform, surrounded by lush forests, with endless mountains embracing it. In the simple pavilion on the platform, the tall and sturdy senior brother Zhou Xuchen has long been waiting there. His cultivation has reached a bottleneck, so Luo Qingfeng asked him to specifically teach the junior brothers and sisters in the hope of gaining insights through teaching.

"Senior Brother Zhou!" the two exclaimed in unison.

Zhou Xuchen nodded and smiled, "You're quite fast. I thought you'd be later."

Seeing the two arrive, Zhou Xuchen began to teach them a set of sword techniques by words and deeds. The sword technique was not complicated; Luo Yuqian had learned it before, and Feng Xuanyi had also learned it but had mostly forgotten.

After reviewing it, Feng Xuanyi said to Zhou Xuchen, "Senior Brother, I've learned it."

"Good, I'll lead you." Zhou Xuchen instructed, "Xiaofeng, pay attention to your breathing."

Feng Xuanyi and the others followed Zhou Xuchen in practicing the sword technique, moving their limbs.

Zhou Xuchen occasionally gave them pointers from the side, this was their morning exercise.

After the morning exercise, Zhou Xuchen transformed into a red light and flew away, waiting for them at the Infinite Hall. Feng Xuanyi and the others didn't know how to fly yet, so they had to jog back to the Infinite Hall, leaving Feng Xuanyi exhausted from lack of exercise.

Back in the hall, Luo Yuqian ran back to her own small building without looking back, presumably to freshen up and prepare for having breakfast. Feng Xuanyi also returned to his room, instructing Yue'er to prepare a bucket of hot water for him to wash away the sweat.

Just as he changed into fresh clothes, Yue'er came in to report, "Senior Brother Feng, Mistress has summoned you to have breakfast." She looked surprised as if she couldn't understand why Feng Xuanyi was being honored with this privilege when it wasn't a day for assessing their cultivation.

Feng Xuanyi hurriedly went to the dining hall to have breakfast with the Lu Qingfeng family. During breakfast, Luo Qingfeng asked Feng Xuanyi about his morning, and Luo Yuqian mischievously recounted Feng Xuanyi's mishaps, leaving him feeling extremely embarrassed, unable to even look at Luo Qingfeng.

He resolved inwardly to put aside grand plans for the time being and focus on not embarrassing himself further.

Lu Qingfeng, upon hearing his daughter's words, didn't overly rebuke Feng Xuanyi, knowing he had just arrived on the mountain. He instructed, "Xiao Feng, you must work harder from now on."

Feng Xuanyi nodded repeatedly.

He XinYi kindly asked in a soft voice, "Xiao Feng, are you comfortable living here? If you have any needs, feel free to tell Mistress."

This touched Feng Xuanyi deeply. In his previous life, he had joined the sect late, but his Mistress had always taken care of him. Regardless of past or present life, his Mistress was still so kind to him.

His eyes welled up with tears, and he almost cried, hastily saying, "I'm comfortable living here, thank you for your concern, Mistress."

"You silly child, eat quickly," He Xinyi said, feeling even more pity as she saw tears forming in his eyes.

Feng Xuanyi responded with an "Um," but inwardly, he wondered why he was struggling to control even his basic emotions. 

He didn't realize that, despite retaining memories from his previous life, his soul had merged with the current Feng Xuanyi of this life. This integration resulted in his personality and habits taking on characteristics of a child, causing his mood to fluctuate unpredictably.

After breakfast, Zhou Xuchen took Feng Xuanyi to a partial room.

Today's morning class of Feng Xuan Yi could be considered officially as beginning. Zhou Xuchen solemnly said, "Xiaofeng, as you are new to our sect, let me enlighten you on some common knowledge of cultivation. The fundamental secret technique of our sect, not passed down to outsiders, is the Celestial Nine Scrolls, which form the foundation of our sect too."

"Each scroll of the Celestial Nine Scrolls corresponds to a stage of cultivation," he continued. "We Dao cultivators are divided into nine stages: Qi Acculimateion, Foundation Establishment, Golden Elixir, Yuan Infant, Out-of-Body, Harmonization, Void-Returning, Mahayana, and Tribulation Crossing. Each stage is further divided into nine levels. Little Junior Brother, you've just started cultivating, so it's important not to be impatient. Take it step by step and proceed steadily."

"Senior Brother, I understand," Feng Xuanyi nodded repeatedly.

"And among so many cultivation sects, why are the Wen Tian Sect, Frostmoon Dao Palace, and the Temple of No Form so prominent? It's because we emphasize the foundation," Zhou Xuchen explained with a smile. He then gestured for Feng Xuanyi to sit at the table, teaching him the basics of meditation and how to draw Qi into the body. After briefly explaining the meridians and the principles of cultivation techniques, he finally imparted the cultivation methods of the first three scrolls of the Nine Scrolls of Heavenly Inquiry.

Although Feng Xuanyi was already familiar with these techniques, even more so than Zhou Xuchen in some cases, he listened attentively out of gratitude for his senior brother's kindness.

Zhou Xuchen was a passionate teacher, and seeing Feng Xuanyi so engrossed, he became even more enthusiastic, speaking eloquently. He talked about everything from the realms of cultivation to the internal affairs of the sect.

Perhaps it was Feng Xuanyi's occasional questions that greatly satisfied Zhou Xuchen's enthusiasm for discussion. Eventually, Zhou Xuchen even started talking about various gossip and rumors within the sect, as well as insider information.

Feng Xuanyi listened in astonishment as if seeing his senior brother in a new light for the first time.

So beneath that simple and honest exterior of yours, there lies a heart full of gossip...