A dubious evening

The morning rose with a soft luminosity, bathing the city in a welcoming atmosphere. The group of followers went down to the common room of the inn, where a succulent breakfast awaited them. Fresh fruit, hot breads and invigorating drinks were laid out on the table, providing much needed energy for the day ahead.

Sitting together, Alice, Arion, Lucie and the other followers shared moments of conviviality while enjoying the meal. The discussions focused on the discoveries of the day before, the divinities mentioned in the "Book of Origins", and the aspirations for the days to come.

After breakfast, the group embarked on a day of discovery through the city. The cobbled streets were animated by the activity of merchants setting up their colorful stalls. Sparkling jewels, shimmering fabrics, and mystical artifacts were on display, attracting the attention of passers-by.

Alice, fascinated by the jewels adorned with ancient symbols, found herself captivated by a shop run by an old merchant. She chooses a necklace that seemed to be imbued with a mystical energy, thinking it could bring divine protection during their quest.

Arion, for his part, became interested in a local bookstore, seeking works that might deepen their understanding of the divinities and mysteries of the kingdom. He found rare writings recounting the exploits of ancient heroes and treatises on sacred magic.

Lucie, the mystical cat, attracted the attention of children with her blue and black fur. They toyed with him, convinced that he was familiar with a divine entity. Lucie, in return, emitted soothing purrs, seeming to appreciate the affection that was carried to her.

The day continued with street performances, where talented artists told ancient tales through dance and theatre. Laughter echoed in the alleys, creating a festive atmosphere. The followers joined the crowd, absorbing the cultural richness of the city.

At sunset, the group found themselves in a central place of the city, where a spectacle of fireworks illuminated the starry sky. The bright colors danced above them, creating a canvas of light that seemed to be a cosmic celebration.

Returning to the inn after dark, the group shared their finds and experiences of the day over a shared meal. The city proved to be a place where mysteries and magic were intertwined with everyday life.

As Alice ate with these companions and her father at the inn, she heard whispers from outside. Intrigued, she slowly got up and headed for the entrance door, trying to understand the origin of these nocturnal noises. The whispers seemed to be mysterious whispers, bearers of secrets.

Driven by curiosity, Alice decided to explore the origins of these intriguing sounds by leaving the inn safely. Outside, the night was quiet, only lulled by the glow of the stars.

At a considerable distance, Alice saw a dark figure standing at the top of a house. Intrigued, she narrowed her eyes to better distinguish the form, trying to decipher this nocturnal mystery. The murmurs seemed to become more intense as she approached.

However, as she began to discern the figure more, Arion, her mentor, appeared behind her. "Alice, what are you doing outside?" , he asked.

Alice turned around, partially surprised by Arion's presence. She pointed to the dark figure, but when she turned again, she saw that the mysterious figure had disappeared.

"I... heard whispers and saw someone up there," she explained, looking for answers in the dark.

Arion narrowed his eyes, scanning the spot where the figure had been seen. It may be nothing more than a shadow in the night, Alice. The city is full of mysteries, and our quest for truth could confront us with many enigmatic phenomena. '

Despite her doubts, Alice nodded and decided to return with Arion to the inn. The silhouette seemed to have vanished into the darkness, leaving behind a veil of unsolved mystery.

They returned to the common room of the inn, where the night feast continued. The group shared laughter and stories, ignoring the riddles of the previous night. However, Alice could not help but wonder if this figure was somehow linked to their quest for truth or if it was only the fruit of the nocturnal imagination.