The lost desert

The next morning, the inn woke up with the bustle of noises coming from the lower floor. Loud voices and outbursts of anger were heard, foreshadowing an imminent confrontation. Alice, Arion, Lucie, and the other followers quickly descended to understand what was happening.

Downstairs, they discovered a group of individuals disagreeing with the hostel manager. The situation seemed to escalate rapidly, and tension was mounting. Alice, driven by her desire to resolve conflicts by words rather than violence, stepped forward to intervene.

"Please calm down. We can discuss this misunderstanding and find a peaceful solution," Alice said in a soothing voice.

However, one of the individuals seemed to be prone to confrontation rather than discussion. His words showed contempt, and he showed little interest in a peaceful resolution. Alice stood ready to use her oratory skills, but she felt Arion's hand resting on her arm.

Arion, feeling the growing hostility, took the initiative. In a quick and precise manner, he tackled the aggressive individual to the ground, neutralizing the imminent threat. The other members of the group retreated, surprised by the speed and effectiveness of the action.

"We will not tolerate violence here. If you cannot respect this place, leave," Arion said firmly.

The individual, held to the ground by Arion, may reconsider his position. The confrontation calmed down, and the other members of the group of aggressors became aware of the futility of their behaviour.

"You were lucky that we were here to resolve this situation peacefully. Don't come back here if you can't keep the peace," Arion added with authority.

The troubled band, bewildered by the turn of events, finally left the inn, accepting defeat in the face of Arion's quiet strength. The guests and the manager of the inn, grateful for the intervention of the group of followers, expressed their gratitude.

Alice, although always preferring words to violence, understood the need to sometimes resort to more direct measures to preserve peace. The group returned to their occupations, leaving behind a calm atmosphere at the inn.

Let it be hour after hour, the group of followers warmly thanked the manager of the inn for his hospitality and encouragement in the face of the morning incident. After leaving the city, they found themselves on dusty paths, ready to continue their quest for the mysterious relic called the "Key of Yamir".

Their destination was a lost domain, engulfed by a desert, mentioned in the "Book of Origins". This was where the goddess Arkia was last seen. However, the precise location of this area remained a mystery, an enigma that the group was determined to solve.

The landscape changed as they moved away from the city. Green hills gave way to arid plains, announcing the approach of the desert. The desert sun was burning intensely, but the group was guided by the conviction of finding the key that would open the doors of the lost domain.

However, what they did not know was that a shadow followed them from afar. Hidden in the folds of the dunes, she silently watched the group of followers. His intention remained unknown, but the shadow seemed somehow connected to the ongoing quest.

The group, immersed in the desert magnificence, looked for clues and landmarks that would guide them to the lost domain. The sun's rays drew mirages on the horizon, adding a supernatural dimension to the environment.

During their journey, Alice turned to Arion. "Father, do we really know where we are going? The Book of Origins mentions the domain, but without precise indications of its actual location."

Arion smiles with confidence. "Sometimes the quest itself is the path. We will discover clues as we go along. The truth lies in our determination and understanding of the mysteries that surround us."

However, the shadow continued to follow the group with a sinister persistence, remaining out of sight but never letting itself be distanced. His intentions were shrouded in mystery.

The group, unaware of this disturbing presence, continued their journey through the desert, determined to unlock the secrets of the "Book of Origins" and find the Key of Yamir. Each step brought them closer to the truth, but also to the shadow that watched them attentively.