Sand pressure

After a long walk through the arid desert, the group began to feel the exhaustion of intense heat and lack of resources. They decided to take a break, looking for a temporary shelter under a rock formation to protect themselves from the burning sun.

As they rested in the shade of the rocks, Alice examined the map of the desert they had taken. The dunes stretched as far as the eye could see, and the precise location of the lost domain remained a mystery.

Arion brought the group together to discuss a strategy. "We have to be careful with our resources. Water is our most precious asset here. Let's continue rationing our supplies and look for drinking water where possible."

Lucie, the mystical cat, seemed agitated, as if he felt something in the surroundings. Alice stroked him gently, looking for answers in the animal's piercing eyes.

'Lucie could be our best asset here. Animals often have a sixth sense for detecting water in the desert. Let's follow his instincts," suggested Alice.

Guided by Lucie, the group resumed its walk through the dunes. They moved carefully, avoiding overwork and carefully monitoring their water supplies. The harsh heat of the desert continued to weigh on them, but their determination remained intact.

After a while, Lucie led them to a hollow in the dunes. To their delight, they discovered a spring of groundwater, creating a small oasis in the middle of the desert. The group refreshed and replenished their water supplies, grateful for this unexpected find.

During this well-deserved break, Arion expressed his gratitude to Lucy. 'Animals have wisdom that goes beyond our understanding. We should continue to trust his instincts."

The group continued their march after being able to fill their gourds to plane. At the end of a certain walk continues the group seen a strange thing, a bump in the distance this closer and closer to them.

Tension rose rapidly within the group as the sand hump approached them. One person in the group, probably having encountered this danger in the past, identified the imminent threat.

"It's a Vorak! A giant sand worm. They move blindly using noise and vibration to detect their prey. We have to be careful,' warns the person, in his worried tone.

The Vorak, a massive and formidable creature, soon revealed itself on the surface of the sand. His scaly body and sharp fangs were an intimidating sight. The group, aware of the danger, began to think of a strategy to escape this voracious creature.

Arion spoke. "Let's remain calm. The Vorak hunts based on sound. If we remain silent and motionless, he could pass without noticing us. Let us slowly walk away quietly."

The group carefully followed Arion's instructions. Each adjusted its position, minimizing movements and sounds. The Vorak, moving in the dunes with disconcerting grace despite its size, passed near the group without noticing their presence.

However, the shadow behind them seemed to act independently. It made a sound, drawing the attention of the Vorak. The creature, now alerted, began to approach the group.

Alice, perceiving the imminent danger, quietly addressed Arion. "Father, we must act. This could jeopardize our discretion."

Arion shook his head, realizing the threat of this monster. 'Let's stay together and ready to act if necessary. If the Vorak gets too close, we may have to use magic to distract him."

The group, tense but determined, continued to move carefully. The Vorak, attracted by the vibrations of the sand, finally moved away.