Unwelcomed guests

When Jeremy received the text from Linda, he was busy with his menus, but hearing the distress in her voice, made him drop everything and rush to her rescue. On his drive back to his restaurant, he kept wondering about her and the reason she was in such a state. He finally reached his destination and without wasting time, he picked up where he left off, and although his mind was consumed by Linda's emotional state, he couldn't help but smile at that little moment of intimacy they had. Just recalling the soft moan that escaped her made it hard for him to control his desires, she was really driving him crazy but he knew he had to take it slow, but still, a part of him wanted to spend every second of each day with her, he just couldn't help but want her, need her and love her.

He was sitting at the corner table reviewing his menus while his brain replayed his short time with Linda and he found himself smiling at the wind, he was so lost in his thoughts that he couldn't hear the footsteps that were headed towards his table. It wasn't until it was noticeable, that his face frowned, and just like that, his moment of bliss ended. Maggie just sat confidently in front of him like his first lady, "What's a person got to do to get some service here?", 

Jeremy's face turned darker, evidently displeased with Maggie's sudden appearance, he was mostly disgusted by her obnoxious behavior, "Which part of never show your face around here don't you understand?", 

Maggie unbothered by the face of the man who was looking at her like she was trash casually gestured for one of the waitresses to come to her service, "You said I mustn't come to your apartment, but you never said anything about a girl getting something to eat in here-",

Irritated, Jeremy shook his head at one of the waitresses who was about to approach their table and she turned back, then abruptly looked at her smug face, "Really?? Please leav-"

Just then, John walked in as well, and his heart instantly got a sinking feeling, 'Great!, it's John, twice in one day?', he wondered what could be wrong. Being in the presence of two people he disliked the most drained whatever energy he had left, 'As if one unwelcomed guest was not enough, but that didn't stop him from faking a welcome smile to John who was scanning Maggie from top to bottom.

"Hi, Mr. King.", Jeremy stood up to welcome him out of respect,

Seeing the change in his behavior annoyed Maggie, she angrily banged her hand to the table, "Hey! I was here first- wait, Mr. King as in Linda King's relative. Great.", she scoffed.

Jeremy sighed heavily again, "Maggie please leave now. Honestly, take the hint, will you?"

While Jeremy found the whole encounter suffocating, for some reason, John found it amusing, "Well, well...Jeremy, who is this lively young lady right here?", John said as pulled another chair to join them,

"It's his real fiancé, thank you for asking.", she said confidently surprising both men.

John chuckled amusingly at the young lady who was acting like a brat in front of him, "Well, I am sorry Ms. I was under the impression that he was engaged to my niece..."

"Well, he proposed to me first...", she said obnoxiously making John laugh.

'She would come in handy later....but for now, she is not needed, she will ruin my plans. This is a dilemma', he thought as he looked at her with a grin on his face, instantly sending uncomfortable chills to Jeremy. 

John, smiled, "Well, it seems our Jeremy was not forthcoming about his relations-", he said turning to Jeremy but Maggie fired back loudly as far as the four corners of the restaurant could hear, "Don't blame him, I am the one who never gave him his response but I am back to say 'Yes', I will marry you.", This time, a burst of laughter could be heard approaching from the door,

"Aunty!", Jeremy said with a wide smile, "What a pleasant surprise,"

"Yes, a surprise indeed.", John said with a darkened face, "I have to leave, we will talk later Jer-"

"No, uncle, stay, I believe you have met her, but we haven't shared a drink. Besides, we will be family soon, we might as well start practicing now." He glared at Maggie, but she didn't move, she just pretended not to see the murderous look on his face,

Jin Ae waltzed in slowly, "Yes, John, no time like the present. My nephew wants this, and I will give it to him. But first, Jeremy, I heard this young lady saying yes, just how many wives do you plan on taking?", she said teasing her nephew, 

"Aunt, this is Maggie, and she was just leaving because we are about to talk about my wedding to Linda King, who happened to be the woman I am in love with..."

"In love with??!", puzzled, John and Maggie said at the same time, but Jin Ae was not fazed at all, she just smiled smugly at Maggie.

But Jeremy was in panic mode, he confessed his love for Linda without meaning to, in front of John, the last person who was supposed to find out because that meant his uncle would also come to know of it soon, 'What have I done?'.