A moment of clarity

With her emotions finally in balance and her head cleared, Linda pulled away from Jeremy's arms to sit up straight, and with a smile, she said, "Thank you for this, the hug, all of it, I needed it. Thank you, but I am okay now, and I would like to repay you.".

Still gracefully laid back on the couch, Jeremy smiled, "Well, Linda dearest, if you really want to repay me, please have supper with me and stay over, for tonight?", he asked suddenly catching Linda off-guard. However, as much as he wanted to spend the evening with her, he was more worried about her, after all, he'd never seen her that upset before and he refused to let her spend the evening alone. He knew that he had a lot to make up for, he could sense that Linda was not over the whole Maggie ordeal, but that would have to wait.

Still puzzled by Jeremy's sudden request, Linda cleared her throat snapping her from her moment of daze, "Jeremy, I am afraid I won't be good company, you can see for yourself, I am dealin-"

Jeremy enthusiastically sat up straight cutting her off, "That's exactly why you should not be alone, please Linda, let me be there. Let me prove to you-", he said pleadingly but was cut off by Linda.

She found his actions confusing and she refused to be anyone's replacement, especially after what she found out about her father. Normally she wouldn't bring it up, but after dealing with that huge bomb about her father, she figured why not just deal with everything at once and be done with it. She sighed heavily, "Jeremy what's going on right now? What is this? I mean for a person who is clearly still so much in love with his ex, you sure are working too hard to-"

Jeremy shook his head in confusion, and exclaimed, "Wait, what do you mean? Me? In love with my ex? Woah! What gave you that idea?". Her sudden line of questioning startled him, yes, he knew she was not okay, but he didn't expect that his feelings for Maggie would be the ones in question, after all, he made it clear that only she mattered. 

Linda felt mocked by his reaction, and in annoyance, she chuckled, "Are you serious right now? Jeremy, the way you looked at her... the way you were so angry at her, your eyes were visibly burning with passion and love for her? Geez, come on... I am not blind"

His eyes continued to widen with shock, it was evident that there was a big misunderstanding between the two of them, but he couldn't help but be amused by her choice of words, "Eyes burning with passion and love? Tell me, you are writing a novel, aren't you-"

Seeing his funny reaction diffused whatever anger was brewing within her, she began to wonder if she had been wrong, "I am serious Jeremy. Am I wrong? Are you not-".

Out of frustration and lack of words to describe how he felt about her, Jeremy cut her off with his lips on hers, the kiss was so passionate that Linda let out a silent moan, and Jeremy pulled back, and whispered to her face, "What does that tell you?"

She pulled further back increasing the distance between them and despite her face being red, she kept a serious tone, "No, I need you to say it, you can't just do that and expect me to read something from it." As much as it was hard to remain rational after that kiss, she needed to hear him say it loud, she was tired of making up answers, she needed to know what his feelings for Maggie were.

He sighed heavily, "Okay, angry and shocked? Yes, that I was, but I am sure my eyes were not burning with passion or love. The last time I saw Maggie was the night I proposed six months ago, and she said she would respond the next day, but instead, she disappeared with all her things. Never picked up my calls nor responded to my texts, until she reappeared last night, out of the blue."

Linda was still reluctant, and she feared that Jeremy would run back to her if she gave him a good enough reason. Upon seeing the doubt in her eyes, Jeremy reached for both her hands and stared deep into her eyes, "Linda...listen, Maggie means nothing to me. To answer your question though, I am not sure what this is between us, but all I know is that I want to keep seeing you beyond the whole contract thing we have tying us. I-I-umh...", he wanted so badly to confess, but he couldn't, instead he pulled her in for a hug.

Linda's heart was fluttering, this was all she needed to hear, she let out a deep breath, "I really can't join you for supper this evening though. My aunt is in town for the gala, and it's tradition to have all my meals with her while she's around."

Still in each other's arms, Jeremy said softly, "Okay, makes sense-"

Linda pulled away, and with affection in her eyes, she said softly, "I would like to introduce you to her tomorrow evening if you are up for it.."

He smiled, "Okay, that would be lovely.", 

She stood up, fixed her suit, "Okay, I really have to go back now. Please do me one more favor",

"Sure, what is it?", he asked in anticipation,

She chuckled as she led him to the door, "Please drop me back at the hotel, that's where I left my car."

"Oh, where is Jackson?", he asked,

"Playing my assistant,", Jeremy gave her a confused look and she simply laughed, "Long story, will explain in the car".

Sello never left the table, and although her niece had been gone for 2 hours, she never moved an inch from her seat, she was just too worried about her, besides, she knew that Linda would go back to her. She just needed space, after all, what child wouldn't be devasted after discovering such truth about someone she held dear? But she couldn't help but wonder where this news about her brother's past came from.

The moment she saw Linda walk through the door, she let out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness.", she ran to hug her and Linda hugged her back, "I am sorry to have worried you."

"Nonsense, you don't need to apologize"

"Thank you aunt", They walked back to the table, and Sello gestured for the waitress to bring their meal. They sat for a bit longer until Linda had to go back to the office, she had to make up for the lost time, which also meant she would have to work extra hours, but she was glad to have talked things out with her aunt. At least now she was ready for whatever hidden information Jackie would find, 'it won't be long now...'.