Freddy learns the truth...

Both Lilly and Joseph's worlds shattered in an instant. What were they going to do? Freddy is known for his inability to keep secrets, his mother will surely know by the end of the day, how were they going to shut him up.

"What did you guys just say?!", Freddy exclaimed in shock, he could not believe his ears. The very same people who protected and loved Linda since she was a baby, loved her like her parents turned out to be the very reason she was without parents. 

"Freddy, honey, please-", Lilly softly pointed at the seat in front of them, and by the look in her eyes, Joseph knew what she was about to do and they had no choice this time. 

He sighed, "Please Freddy, let us explain", he said as he squeezed Lilly's hand assuring her that they would do it together.

Freddy skeptically sat down, and Lilly sighed, "Okay, so back then, Global Tech was run by Linda's father and Rosie, your aunt, but your uncle was...", Freddy sat quietly as he listened to his grandparents explain themselves and his face slowly darkened with horror, and when they were done, he held nothing but disgust for them, "How could you guys do that?!".

They didn't say anything, but one thing was certain, if Freddy - the softest, most innocent boy in the family, the very person who was known to hold no animosity against anyone, the very same boy who sees the best in everyone - if he could show such discontent and disgust for them, what would Linda do?

Lilly's hands were shaking, they may have just lost a grandchild and they would soon lose another one, "We are sorry Fred-", 

"Oh no! Don't apologize to me. You have to tell Linda! Before she figures it out herself..."

Lilly's eyes widened with shock, "What do you mean figure it out?". Freddy instantly realized that he said something he was not supposed to have said. No one was supposed to know that she was looking into her parent's death. The crush was covered in such a way that even the police had no choice but to rule it out as an accident, and Linda was only a child then, so surely she wouldn't have suspected anything, or could she?

Lilly looked at Freddy with fear in her eyes, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN FREDDY?!", 

Freddy sighed, "You know what I mean granny. She is your granddaughter, you raised her....surely you know her better than anyone. So if you do know her, what do you think Linda would do? Figure it out.."

That's when it hit Lilly, she's been too careless, they thought Linda would have forgotten about everything because she was so young, but could it be that she heard them when they were yelling at John, but she was only 4, she couldn't possibly have suspected anything. Her face darkened when she realized that shortly after that argument, Linda began asking her what causes planes to crush, but she just dismissed it as her being naturally curious, after all, her parent's crush was all over the news, even long after the accident, it even made it to 'Mayday Mayday!', a reality show about plane crushes.

"It all started that day...", Lilly sighed upon her realization. This whole time she's been blind. "She never let it go, she never forgot Joseph, and she will not let it go. That's the Linda I know."

"What are we going to do?", Joseph asked anxiously,

"Are you guys serious right now?? It's not rocket science. You have to come clean! She needs to know your role in all of this ...and oh my God, you have now made me an accomplice. Linda is scary when she's guys have to tell her...or I will..", Freddy said as he got up,

"Oh yah, my mother asked me to drop these herbs for you. She said it will help you relax and it's good for your health condition. But I don't think it will work on a guilty conscience...", he sighed one more time, "You know I used to be envious that Linda got the King's surname, even though it was her mother's and naturally, she was supposed to take her father's. I was even mad at my mom for insisting we take our father's but after today, I am glad she made that decision. The surname is cursed. It either creates greed and hate or pain and suffering. It's not worth it. You better come clean to Linda, you owe her that." 

His words cut them deep, Freddy was right and it was even scary because they'd never seen this side of him, it was gut-wrenching.

Lilly sighed, "He's right. We have to tell her. Assuming she's been investigating the crush since she took it over, it is only a matter of time before everything is exposed." 

Joseph nodded, "I hate to admit it, but you are right....but can we do it after the gala? It's only a matter of days away."

"Yes...we will tell her immediately after. But for now, I need to go lie down, I am tired", Joseph led her to the master bedroom to rest, as much as he was worried about Linda, Lilly worried him even more. He dreaded that day, he was not looking forward to seeing what this was going to do to his lovely wife.

In the meantime, Tony was curiously reading John's enthusiastic message,

"The fish took the bait. You should have seen how she jumped to protect him. Your boy is amazing, he had me even convinced that he loved her. The way he looked at her...I can't really blame my niece for it. It was too realistic."

"Interesting, too realistic he said...", somehow the message was not as pleasing as he had hoped it would be. He was becoming nervous, he couldn't help but feel unsettled, he turned to the young lady in front of him with a particularly distinct grin, "Your name was Maggie you said...tell me, how is my nephew like when he's in love?"

Maggie smiled warmly as she sipped her tea, "Oh, very protective, overprotective if you ask me..."

Tony drew his eyes back to his phone, "Hmm, protective you said...this could be a problem...because I get the sense that she's the same"...he said thinking about Linda, 'Sorry John my old friend, but it seems our goals have just misaligned...'.,

"Maggie seems you just earned yourself a partner in crime. I will help you win back my nephew.", His grin grew even wider.